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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

Vendor-Specific Library Operational Procedures

How to Start Removable Media Operations

How to Stop Removable Media Operations

How to Turn On an Automated Library

How to Turn Off an Automated Library

How to Load a Cartridge Manually

How to Unload a Cartridge Manually

Labeling and Unlabeling Cartridges

How to Label or Relabel a Tape

How to Label or Relabel an Optical Disc

How to Audit a Volume

How to Audit a Direct Attached Automated Library

Using a Cleaning Cartridge

How to Use a Cleaning Cartridge With a Barcode

How to Use a Cleaning Cartridge Without a Barcode

How to Reset the Number of Cleaning Cycles

How to Limit the Number of Cleaning Cycles

How to Clean a Tape Drive Automatically

How to Clean a Tape Drive Manually

How to Clear Media Errors

How to Remove a Stuck Cartridge From a Drive

Catalog Operations, Importing Cartridges, and Exporting Cartridges

Tracking Exported Media - The Historian

About Importing and Exporting From an Automated Library

How to Import a Cartridge From a Library With a Mailbox

How to Export a Cartridge From a Library With a Mailbox

How to Import a Cartridge From a Library Without a Mailbox

How to Export a Cartridge From a Library Without a Mailbox

How to Enable Load Notification

Using Drives With Encryption Capability

Manually Loaded Drive Operations

How to Load a Cartridge Into a Manually Loaded Device

How to Unload a Cartridge

How To View a Library Catalog

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Catalog Operations, Importing Cartridges, and Exporting Cartridges

The physical addition (import) of cartridges to and removal (export) of cartridges from an automated library enables you to perform several functions, including the following:

When you import and export cartridges, you also update the library catalog.

The library catalog is the central repository of all information that the SAM-QFS environment needs for finding cartridges in an automated library. The library catalog file is a binary UNIX file system (UFS)-resident file. The information in this file includes the following:

The SAM-QFS environment treats catalogs based on how the automated library is attached to the server, as follows:

Note - SAM-QFS does not support mixed media in direct-attached libraries. If the library is partitioned, each partition must contain only one media type.

Each automated library handles cartridge import and export based to system characteristics and the vendor-supplied software. For example, on the ACL 4/52 library, you must issue a move command to move cartridges into the import or export unit before you export cartridges from the automated library.

Network-attached automated libraries import and export cartridges using their own utilities. So, the samimport and samexport commands only update the library catalog entries that are used by the SAM-QFS systems. For information about importing and exporting cartridges on a network-attached library, see Chapter 8, Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries.

Tracking Exported Media - The Historian

The SAM-QFS historian tracks the cartridges that are exported from an automated library or a manually mounted device. The historian acts like a virtual library, but it has no defined hardware devices. It is similar to an automated library in the following ways:

About Importing and Exporting From an Automated Library

A mailbox is an area in an automated library for adding and removing cartridges from the automated library. The samimport command moves a cartridge from the mailbox to a storage slot. The samexport command moves the cartridge from a storage slot to the mailbox. For most libraries, when a cartridge is present in the mailbox at SAM-QFS software startup, the software imports the cartridge automatically.

How to Import a Cartridge From a Library With a Mailbox

  1. Open the mailbox.

    Use the manufacturer's suggested operation, which is usually a button near the mailbox. Sometimes the mailbox is a one-slot mailbox referred to as a mail slot in the vendor's documentation.

  2. Manually place the cartridge in the mailbox.
  3. Close the mailbox.
  4. Import the cartridge.
    # samimport eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the library as defined in the mcf file.

    The system moves the cartridge from the mailbox to a storage slot and updates the library catalog for the cartridge.

    You can also perform this task by using the samu command or SAM-QFS Manager.

How to Export a Cartridge From a Library With a Mailbox

How to Import a Cartridge From a Library Without a Mailbox

  1. Unload the cartridge.
    # samcmd unload eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the library as defined in the mcf file. Wait until the system completes its current task, sets the status to off, and transfers the current active catalog to the historian.

  2. Unlock and open the door to the automated library.
  3. Load cartridges into the available slots.
  4. Close and lock the door to the automated library.

    The automated library reinitializes and scans the cartridges in the library. The SAM-QFS software updates the library catalog by adding the VSNs of the imported cartridges to the catalog. The automated library state is set to on.

How to Export a Cartridge From a Library Without a Mailbox

  1. Use the following command:
    # samcmd unload eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the library being addressed as defined in the mcf file. Wait until the system completes its current task, sets the status to off, and transfers the current active catalog to the historian.

  2. Unlock and open the door to the automated library.
  3. Remove the cartridges from their respective slots.
  4. Close and lock the door to the automated library.

    The automated library reinitializes and scans the cartridges in the automated library. The system updates the library catalog with the VSNs of the cartridges that are currently in library slots. The VSNs of the removed cartridges are removed from the library catalog and are now recorded only in the historian file. The automated library state is set to on.

How to Enable Load Notification

The SAM-QFS software requests cartridges to be loaded regularly to satisfy archiving and staging needs. If the request is for a cartridge that resides inside a library, the request is handled automatically. If the request is for a cartridge that resides outside the library, operator action is required. If enabled, the script sends email when a cartridge must be obtained from outside the library.

  1. Become superuser.
  2. Copy the load notification script from its installed location to its operable location.

    For example:

    # cp /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/ /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/scripts/
  3. Examine the defaults.conf file.

    Ensure that the following default directives are in the file and have not been changed.

  4. Modify the script to send notices to the operator.

    By default, the script sends email to root, but it can be edited to send email to another person, to dial a pager, or to provide some other means of notification.