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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Sun SAM-Remote Software Overview

System Requirements

Software Limitations

Client and Server Interactions

Sun SAM-Remote Server Overview

Sun SAM-Remote Client Overview

Interaction Between the Sun SAM-Remote Server and the Sun SAM-Remote Client

Library Catalogs


Data Integrity Validation in Sun SAM-Remote Software

Configuring the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Step 1: Log In to the Potential Server and Client Hosts

Step 2: Verify Client and Server Software

Step 3: Edit the mcf Files on Each Client

Step 4: Create a Sun SAM-Remote Client Configuration File

Step 5: Edit the Server's mcf File

Step 6: Create the Server's Configuration File

Step 7: Enable Archiving

Recycling With the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote Environment (Method 1)

Configuration Files for the Server

Configuration Files for Clients

How to Configure Recycling (Method 1)

Examples for How to Configure Recycling (Method 1)

How to Recycle no-data VSNs

How to Recycle partially full VSNs

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote Environment (Method 2)

How To Configure Recycling (Method 2)

Recycling With the Sun SAM-Remote Software

This section contains information about recycling with Sun SAM-Remote. You should recycle in a Sun SAM-Remote environment only under the very specific circumstances described here.

Because the recycling process involves freeing space on cartridges for more data, the recycler could destroy important data on archive cartridges if the recycling process is not configured properly.

Note - These restrictions are not enforced by the SAM-QFS software.

To avoid data loss, be sure to adhere to the following restrictions:

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote environment is allowed to occur only if the following conditions are present:

The following sections describe two methods for enabling recycling using a Sun SAM-Remote client and server.

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote Environment (Method 1)

The procedures in this section describe one method for enabling recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote environment. The procedures assume a setup in which the server is named sky and the client is named zeke.

Note - To use the recycler in a Sun SAM-Remote environment, you must follow this procedure completely and you must test your configuration to verify that recycling is taking place correctly.

Configuration Files for the Server

The server must have Sun SAM-Remote configuration information in its mcf file and in its server configuration file. The following examples show these files.

Example 18-2 mcf File on Server jimmy

# This is the mcf file for the server (jimmy).
# The server parameters file (rmt2000) points
# back to the correct automated library's equipment number
# (1000) for the SL8500 tape library.

# Equipment                                      Eq  Eq Family Dev Additional
# Identifier                                     Ord Ty Set    St  Parameters
# ==========                                     === == ====== == ==========
samfs1                                            100 ma samfs1 on
/dev/dsk/c6t600A0B80004850A600000F8048EF90ADd0s0  101 mm samfs1 on 
/dev/dsk/c6t600A0B800048505600000E9D48EF91EEd0s6  102 mr samfs1 on 
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE5F00048F2Dd0s6  103 mr samfs1 on 
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE23000B24C2d0s6  104 mr samfs1 on
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE50000ADAECd0s6  104 mr samfs1 on

samfs2                                            200 ms samfs2 on
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE720001B17Fd0s6  201 md samfs2 on 
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE7200014BEAd0s6  202 md samfs2 on 

# SL8500
/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/T10K        1000    sk      T10K    on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/T10K_cat
/dev/rmt/4cbn                  1001    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/5cbn                  1002    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/0cbn                  1003    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/1cbn                  1004    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/6cbn                  1005    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/7cbn                  1006    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/2cbn                  1007    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/11cbn                 1008    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/10cbn                 1009    ti      T10K    on
/dev/rmt/12cbn                 1010    ti      T10K    on

# Define Sun SAM-Remote server jimmy
/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt2000 2000 ss jimmy on

Example 18-3 Server Configuration File on Server jimmy

# Server configuration file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt2000 on jimmy.
# The eq of the automated library MUST match the eq of the
# automated library that you want to use in the mcf file.
     1000 ti 00002[0-9]

Configuration Files for Clients

The client must have Sun SAM-Remote configuration information in its mcf file and in its client configuration file. The following examples show these files.

Example 18-4 mcf File on Client tera

# mcf file for client (tera)

# Equipment                                      Eq  Eq Family Dev Additional
# Identifier                                     Ord Ty Set    St  Parameters
# ==========                                     === == ====== == ==========
samfs1                                           100 ms samfs1 on
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE5F00048F2Dd0s6 101 md samfs1 on 
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE23000B24C2d0s6 102 md samfs1 on 
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE50000ADAECd0s6 103 md samfs1 on 

# Define a L500 with 2 drives
/dev/samst/c4t500104F0009C2F6Fu0 300 rb L500 on 
/dev/rmt/0cbn                    301 li L500 on
/dev/rmt/1cbn                    302 li L500 on 

# Define tera as a Sun SAM-Remote client using jimmy as the server
/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt2000       2000 ss jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd0                   2001 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd1                   2002 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd2                   2003 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd3                   2004 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd4                   2005 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd5                   2006 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd6                   2007 rd jimmy on
/dev/samrd/rd7                   2008 rd jimmy on

Example 18-5 Client Configuration File on Client tera

# cat /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt2000
# File /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt2000 on Sun SAM-Remote client tera: jimmy

How to Configure Recycling (Method 1)

The procedure for configuring the recycling process includes a test for archiving and recycling. Because of the testing period, this procedure can take a day or two to complete, depending on how frequently files are archived and recycled.

Note - Do not use the chmed command on the server to set the recycling flag ( +c) for a client VSN. That action overrides the no_recycle list in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd file on the server.

Before starting the procedure, read About Recycling. Using the recycler in a Sun SAM-Remote environment requires a complete understanding of the steps in the recycling process. If you have not already familiarized yourself with the recycling process, do so now.

  1. Make sure that the Sun SAM-Remote client and server are configured properly and that archiving is occurring.

    For more information, see Configuring the Sun SAM-Remote Software, which contains detailed information about configuring the Sun SAM-Remote client and server. That procedure includes steps for ensuring that archiving is taking place.

  2. Edit the archiver.cmd file on the client system and add recycling directives.

    In this example, the recycling is performed by archive set, not by library. The directives specifying that recycling be done by archive set must appear in the archiver.cmd file.

    The following example shows the archiver.cmd file on client zeke. This file has been edited to communicate with the recycler.

    # This is file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
    # on Sun SAM-Remote client zeke.
    archivemeta = off
    archmax = li 12G
    fs = samfs1
    logfile = /var/adm/samfs1.archiver.log
    no_archive tmp
    all .
        1 -norelease 10m
        2 -norelease 10m
    allsets -sort path -offline_copy stageahead -reserve set
    allsets -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 2 -dataquantity 100G
    allsets -ignore
    allsets.1 -startage 8h -startsize 10G -drives 2
    allsets.2 -startage 24h -startsize 20G -drives 2 -archmax 24G
    all.1 li  ^10.*
    all.2 li  ^20.*

    The directives shown in the example do the following:

    • The -recycle_hwm directive sets the library's high-water mark for the archive set. When the utilization of the VSNs exceeds this percentage, recycling of the archive set begins.

    • The -recycle_ignore directive is inserted only temporarily. This directive prevents recycling from occurring until you have configured and tested your environment. You can remove this directive in a later step.

    • The -recycle_mingain directive is set high to ensure efficiency by limiting the amount of work needed to regain space.

    • The -recycle_vsncount2 directive specifies that the recycler drain two VSN at a time. Do not let recycling overwhelm the system.

  3. Edit the recycler.cmd file on the client and specify a log file to receive recycling log output.

    The following example shows the recycler.cmd file on client zeke, which has been edited to specify a recycler log file.

    # This is the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd file
    # on client zeke.
    logfile = /var/adm/recycler.log
  4. Verify that the archiver.cmd file on the server is written to specify recycling by archive set.

    When using Sun SAM-Remote, you must specify that recycling be performed on an archive set basis, not by library. The directives specifying that recycling be done by archive set must appear in the archiver.cmd file.

    The following example shows the archiver.cmd file on server sky. This file specifies archiving by archive set.

    # This is the archiver.cmd for the server (sky).
    # Number of drives: 10
    # Number of Mounted Filesystems: 1
    # Number of Tests per Filesystem: 1
    # Number of Archive Copies per Test: 2
    #trace = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/archiver all
    logfile = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/log/archiver
    interval = 1m
    no_archive .
    archmax = at 5G
    drives = adic1 6
    fs = samfs1
    1 4h
    testset testdir0
    1 1m
    2 1m
    allsam1 .
    1 1m
    2 1m
    allsam1.1 -drives 4 -drivemin 50m
    allsam1.1 -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 1
    allsam1.1 -recycle_ignore
    allsam1.2 -drives 4 -drivemin 50m
    allsam1.2 -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 1
    allsam1.2 -recycle_ignore
    testset.1 -drives 4 -drivemin 50m
    testset.1 -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 1
    testset.1 -recycle_ignore
    testset.2 -drives 4 -drivemin 50m
    testset.2 -recycle_hwm 60 -recycle_mingain 90 -recycle_vsncount 1
    testset.2 -recycle_ignore
    samfs1.1 at 000000
    allsam1.1 at 00000[1-5] # vsns 1 through 5.
    allsam1.2 at 00000[6-9] # vsns 6 through 9.
    testset.1 at 00001[0,4] # vsns 10 and 14.
    testset.2 at 00001[5,9] # vsns 15 and 19.
  5. Edit the recycler.cmd file on the server to specify recycler log file to receive output from the recycler and no-recyle directive for the Sun SAM-Remote client's VSNs.

    The Sun SAM-Remote client is configured to write its copy 2 archive copies to cartridges in the Sun SAM-Remote server's library. The no_recycle directive is necessary to prevent the VSNs being used by the Sun SAM-Remote client for archiving from being recycled by the Sun SAM-Remote server.

    The following example shows the recycler.cmd file on server sky, which has been edited to specify a recycler log file.

    # This is the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler.cmd file
    # on Sun SAM-Remote server sky.
    logfile = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/recycler/recycler.log
    adic1 -ignore
    no_recycle at 00002[0-9] # Prevents VSNs assigned to zeke from
    # being recycled.
  6. Use the sam-recycler command to test the recycler on the Sun SAM-Remote client.

    Run the recycler on the Sun SAM-Remote client system to see whether the recycler properly acknowledges the devices and VSNs specified in the configuration files.

    For example, you can use the following command to perform the initial test of the recycler:

    zeke# sam-recycler -dvx

    This testing is important because if the recycler detects that the system on which it is running has no archive images on a particular VSN listed in any of that system's catalogs (including the historian catalog), the script can call for the cartridge to be labeled. The Sun SAM-Remote client and the SAM-QFS servers communicate between them to inform each side of the presence of archive copies. All such information is provided locally from local SAM-QFS file systems.


    Caution - Labeling a cartridge destroys all data on the cartridge.

    The recycler runs and logs its activity to the recycler log file. The recycler log file is defined in the recycler.cmd file. For more information about the sam-recycler command, see sam-recycler(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

  7. Examine the recycler log file to find the message.
    Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

    See Example 18-6.

  8. Issue the sam-recycler command from the Sun SAM-Remote server to verify that the recycler is not recycling any VSNs reserved for the Sun SAM-Remote client.

    For example:

    sky# sam-recycler -dvx

    The preceding command runs the recycler and writes its activity to the recycler log file. For more information about the sam-recycler command, see sam-recycler(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual. Also, see Example 18-7.

  9. Analyze the server and client recycler.log files to choose VSNs that are candidates for recycling.

    Near the end of the recycler.log file is a Status column.

    • In the client log files, VSNs with the following types of status entries are candidates for recycling:

      • no-data VSN. To recycle a no-data VSN, see How to Recycle no-data VSNs.

      • partially full. To recycle a partially full VSN, see To Recycle partially full VSNs.

    • In the server log file, the best candidates for recycling are those with a 0 value in the Count, Bytes, and Use columns.

Examples for How to Configure Recycling (Method 1)

Example 18-6 Sample Log File

The following example shows a sample log file.

# recycler.log from client zeke.
========== Recycler begins at Mon Jun 4 09:49:41 2001 ===========
Initial 7 catalogs:
0 Family: stk_l20 Path: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/L20_cat
Vendor: STK Product: L20
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 lt 33.0G 33.0G 000173
1 lt 32.8G 44.1M CEL170
2 lt 33.0G 33.0G CEL139
4 lt 32.8G 16.8G CFC504
5 lt 33.0G 33.0G CFC503
6 lt 32.9G 0 CSM689
7 lt 32.9G 19.6G CSM690
8 lt 33.0G 33.0G CSM691
9 lt 33.0G 33.0G CSM692
10 lt 10.0G 10.0G CLN018
11 lt 33.0G 33.0G 000766
Total Capacity: 339.2G bytes, Total Space Available: 244.3G bytes
Volume utilization 27%, high 95% VSN_min 50%
Recycling is ignored on this robot.

1 Family: skyrs Path: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/sky_cat
Vendor: (NULL) Product: (NULL)
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 48.5G 23.3G 000020
1 at 23.8G 23.8G 000021
2 at 48.5G 48.5G 000022
3 at 48.5G 48.5G 000023
4 at 48.5G 48.5G 000024
5 at 48.5G 2.6G 000025
6 at 48.5G 361.4k 000026
7 at 48.5G 48.5G 000027
8 at 48.5G 48.5G 000028
9 at 48.5G 0 000029
Total Capacity: 460.8G bytes, Total Space Available: 292.5G bytes
Volume utilization 36%, high 95% VSN_min 50%
Recycling is ignored on this robot.

2 Family: hy Path: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/historian
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Historian
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
(no VSNs in this media changer)
Total Capacity: 0 bytes, Total Space Available: 0 bytes
Volume utilization 0%, high 95% VSN_min 50%
Recycling is ignored on this robot.

3 Family: defaultset.1 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 lt 33.0G 33.0G 000766
1 lt 33.0G 33.0G 000173
2 lt 32.9G 0 CSM689
3 lt 32.9G 19.6G CSM690
4 lt 33.0G 33.0G CSM691
5 lt 33.0G 33.0G CSM692
Total Capacity: 197.6G bytes, Total Space Available: 151.5G bytes
Volume utilization 23%, high 60% VSN_min 90%
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

4 Family: defaultset.2 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 lt 32.9G 0 CSM689
1 at 48.5G 23.3G 000020
2 at 23.8G 23.8G 000021
3 at 48.5G 2.6G 000025
4 at 48.5G 361.4k 000026
5 at 48.5G 48.5G 000027
6 at 48.5G 48.5G 000028
7 at 48.5G 0 000029
Total Capacity: 348.0G bytes, Total Space Available: 146.8G bytes
Volume utilization 57%, high 60% VSN_min 90%
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

5 Family: archiveset.1 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 lt 32.8G 44.1M CEL170
1 lt 32.8G 16.8G CFC504
2 lt 33.0G 33.0G CFC503
Total Capacity: 98.6G bytes, Total Space Available: 49.8G bytes
Volume utilization 49%, high 60% VSN_min 90%
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

6 Family: archiveset.2 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 48.5G 23.3G 000020
1 at 23.8G 23.8G 000021
2 at 48.5G 48.5G 000022
3 at 48.5G 48.5G 000023
4 at 48.5G 48.5G 000024
Total Capacity: 218.0G bytes, Total Space Available: 192.8G bytes
Volume utilization 11%, high 60% VSN_min 90%
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

21 VSNs:

---Archives--- -----Percent----- defaultset.1
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
in multiple sets 0 0 0 100 0 stk_l20:lt:CSM689
partially full 111 2.8G 8 31 61 stk_l20:lt:CSM690
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:000173
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:CSM691
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:CSM692
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:000766

---Archives--- -----Percent----- defaultset.2
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 skyrs:at:000029
no-data VSN 0 0 0 99 1 skyrs:at:000026
partially full 111 2.8G 6 88 6 skyrs:at:000025
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000028
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000027

---Archives--- -----Percent----- archiveset.1
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
no-data VSN 0 0 0 99 1 stk_l20:lt:CEL170
partially full 677 2.3G 8 40 52 stk_l20:lt:CFC504
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:CFC503

---Archives--- -----Percent----- archiveset.2
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
in multiple sets 0 0 0 51 49 skyrs:at:000020
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000022
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000023
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000024
in multiple sets 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000021

---Archives--- -----Percent----- stk_l20
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:CLN018
partially full 13 80.3k 0 0 100 stk_l20:lt:CEL139
Recycler finished.
========== Recycler ends at Mon Jun 4 09:49:53 2001 ===========

Example 18-7 Sample Recycler Log File

The following example shows a sample recycler log file.

# recycler.log file from server sky.
========== Recycler begins at Mon Jun 4 09:50:44 2001 ===========
Initial 6 catalogs:
0 Family: adic1 Path: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/adic1
Vendor: ADIC Product: Scalar 1000
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 1.3G 1.2G 000001
1 at 1.3G 1.3G 000002
2 at 1.3G 1.3G 000004
3 at 48.5G 0 000010
4 at 48.5G 0 000011
5 at 48.5G 43.5G 000018
6 at 48.5G 0 000019
7 at 48.5G 23.3G 000020
8 at 23.8G 23.8G 000021
9 at 48.5G 48.5G 000022
10 at 48.5G 48.5G 000023
11 at 48.5G 48.5G 000024
12 at 48.5G 2.6G 000025
13 at 48.5G 361.4k 000026
14 at 48.5G 48.5G 000027
15 at 48.5G 48.5G 000028
16 at 48.5G 0 000029
17 at 1.3G 1.3G 000005
18 at 48.5G 48.5G 000016
19 at 23.8G 23.8G CLN001
20 at 23.8G 23.8G CLN002
21 at 23.8G 23.8G CLN004
22 at 23.8G 23.8G CLN003
23 at 48.5G 421.6M 000015
24 at 1.3G 1.3G 000000
25 at 48.5G 0 000013
26 at 1.3G 1.3G 000003
27 at 48.5G 43.6G 000007
28 at 48.5G 41.8G 000008
29 at 48.5G 46.9G 000006
30 at 48.5G 48.3G 000009
31 at 48.5G 0 000014
32 at 48.5G 0 000012
33 at 48.5G 40.1G 000017
Total Capacity: 1.2T bytes, Total Space Available: 708.7G bytes
Volume utilization 43%, high 95% VSN_min 50%
Recycling is ignored on this robot.

1 Family: hy Path: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/historian
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Historian
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
(no VSNs in this media changer)
Total Capacity: 0 bytes, Total Space Available: 0 bytes
Volume utilization 0%, high 95% VSN_min 50%
Recycling is ignored on this robot.

2 Family: testset.1 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 48.5G 0 000010
1 at 48.5G 0 000014
Total Capacity: 97.1G bytes, Total Space Available: 0 bytes
Volume utilization 100%, high 60% VSN_min 90%: *** Needs recycling ***
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

3 Family: testset.2 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 48.5G 0 000019
1 at 48.5G 421.6M 000015
Total Capacity: 97.1G bytes, Total Space Available: 421.6M bytes
Volume utilization 99%, high 60% VSN_min 90%: *** Needs recycling ***
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

4 Family: allsam1.1 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 1.3G 1.2G 000001
1 at 1.3G 1.3G 000002
2 at 1.3G 1.3G 000004
3 at 1.3G 1.3G 000005
4 at 1.3G 1.3G 000003
Total Capacity: 6.5G bytes, Total Space Available: 6.3G bytes
Volume utilization 3%, high 60% VSN_min 90%
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

5 Family: allsam1.2 Path: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd
Vendor: Sun SAM-FS Product: Archive set
SLOT ty capacity space vsn
0 at 48.5G 43.6G 000007
1 at 48.5G 41.8G 000008
2 at 48.5G 46.9G 000006
3 at 48.5G 48.3G 000009
Total Capacity: 194.2G bytes, Total Space Available: 180.6G bytes
Volume utilization 6%, high 60% VSN_min 90%
Recycling is ignored on this archive set.

Need to select candidate for media changer testset.1 to free up 39.8G bytes.
Quantity of data to move limited to (no limit) bytes and 1 VSNs.
Checking 000010. Need to free 39.8G, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 1.
VSN is in correct media changer... good.
VSN is not already recycling... good.
VSN has no request files... good.
VSN has no 'archive -n' files...good.
VSN was not specified as "no_recycle" in recycler.cmd file... good.
VSN does not exceed VSN count limit... good.
VSN does not exceed data quantity limit... good.
VSN meets minimum gain requirement.
Recycling is ignored on this media changer - VSN not marked for recycling.

Checking 000014. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN is in correct media changer... good.
VSN is not already recycling... good.
VSN has no request files... good.
VSN has no 'archive -n' files...good.
VSN was not specified as "no_recycle" in recycler.cmd file... good.
VSN exceeds VSN count limit - skipped.
Checking 000019. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000015. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000001. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000003. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000004. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000005. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000002. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000008. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000007. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000006. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000009. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000011. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000029. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000013. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000012. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000026. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000025. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000020. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000017. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000018. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN003. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000021. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000022. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000027. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000028. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000023. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000024. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000016. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking CLN001. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN002. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN004. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000000. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
No candidate was found in this media changer.

Need to select candidate for media changer testset.2 to free up 38.8G bytes.
Quantity of data to move limited to (no limit) bytes and 1 VSNs.
Checking 000010. Need to free 38.8G, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 1.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000014. Need to free 38.8G, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 1.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000019. Need to free 38.8G, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 1.
VSN is in correct media changer... good.
VSN is not already recycling... good.
VSN has no request files... good.
VSN has no 'archive -n' files...good.
VSN was not specified as "no_recycle" in recycler.cmd file... good.
VSN does not exceed VSN count limit... good.
VSN does not exceed data quantity limit... good.
VSN meets minimum gain requirement.
Recycling is ignored on this media changer - VSN not marked for recycling.

Checking 000015. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN is in correct media changer... good.
VSN is not already recycling... good.
VSN has no request files... good.
VSN has no 'archive -n' files...good.
VSN was not specified as "no_recycle" in recycler.cmd file... good.
VSN exceeds VSN count limit - skipped.

Checking 000001. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000003. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000004. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000005. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000002. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000008. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000007. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000006. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000009. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000011. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000029. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000013. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000012. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000026. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000025. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000020. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000017. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000018. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN003. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000021. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000022. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000027. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000028. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000023. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.

Checking 000024. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000016. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN001. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN002. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking CLN004. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
Checking 000000. Need to free 0E, quantity limit: (no limit), VSN count: 0.
VSN not in correct media changer.
No candidate was found in this media changer.
34 VSNs:

---Archives--- -----Percent----- testset.1
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000010
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000014

---Archives--- -----Percent----- testset.2
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000019
partially full 677 2.3G 5 93 2 adic1:at:000015

---Archives--- -----Percent----- allsam1.1
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
partially full 97 173.8M 1 9 90 adic1:at:000001
no-data VSN 0 0 0 2 98 adic1:at:000003
no-data VSN 0 0 0 2 98 adic1:at:000004
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000005
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000002

---Archives--- -----Percent----- allsam1.2
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
no-data VSN 0 0 0 13 87 adic1:at:000008
partially full 98 1.6G 3 7 90 adic1:at:000007
no-data VSN 0 0 0 3 97 adic1:at:000006
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000009

---Archives--- -----Percent----- adic1
-----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000011
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000029
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000013
no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000012
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 99 1 adic1:at:000026
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 94 6 adic1:at:000025
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 51 49 adic1:at:000020
no-data VSN 0 0 0 17 83 adic1:at:000017
no-data VSN 0 0 0 10 90 adic1:at:000018
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:CLN003

no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000021
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000022
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000027
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000028
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000023
no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000024
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:000016
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:CLN001
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:CLN002
empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:CLN004
partially full 12 88.3k 0 0 100 adic1:at:000000

Recycler finished.
========== Recycler ends at Mon Jun 4 09:51:05 2001 ===========

How to Recycle no-data VSNs

The no-data VSNs are the easiest VSNs to recycle. For these VSNs, the Count, Bytes, and Use field values are all 0 (zero).

  1. Examine the recycler.log file from the client for any no-data VSNs.

    In this example, VSNs 000029 and 000026 from the client zeke can be considered for recycling because they are no-data VSNs, as shown in the code below.

    # From the client zeke recycler.log file:
    ---Archives--- -----Percent----- defaultset.2
    -----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 skyrs:at:000029
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 99 1 skyrs:at:000026
    partially full 111 2.8G 6 88 6 skyrs:at:000025
    empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000028
    empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000027
  2. If no-data VSNs are found, examine the recycler.log file from the server and determine whether they are represented identically in the server's recycler log file.

    Verify that there is no active data from the server archived on those VSNs.

    The code below shows the data for the no_recycle VSNs in the server's recycler.log file. For VSNs 000029 and 000026, the data in the server's recycler.log file is identical to that in the client's recycler.log file.

    # From the Server log file:
    ---Archives--- -----Percent----- adic1
    -----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000011
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000029
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000013
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000012
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 99 1 adic1:at:000026
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 94 6 adic1:at:000025
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 51 49 adic1:at:000020
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 17 83 adic1:at:000017
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 10 90 adic1:at:000018
    empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 adic1:at:CLN003
  3. If no active data from the server is archived on the selected VSNs, use the tplabel or odlabel command to relabel the VSNs.


    Caution - This destroys all data on the VSN and reclaims space.

    For example, for tape VSN 000029, use the following command:

    sky# tplabel -vsn 000029 -old 000029 at.000029

    When this VSN 000029 is relabeled, you regain 100 percent of the space on that VSN.

    If the media is a magneto-optical disc, use the odlabel command. For more information, see odlabel(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

How to Recycle partially full VSNs

The VSNs for which a partially full status is reported can also be recycled.

  1. Examine the recycler.log file from the client for any partially full VSNs.

    In the example, you can consider VSN 000025 from the client, zeke, for recycling because its status is partially full, as shown below.

    # From the client zeke recycler.log file:
    ---Archives--- -----Percent----- defaultset.2
    -----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 skyrs:at:000029
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 99 1 skyrs:at:000026
    partially full 111 2.8G 6 88 6 skyrs:at:000025
    empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000028
    empty VSN 0 0 0 0 100 skyrs:at:000027

    VSN 000025 shows that 6 percent of its space is in use. These active archive images must be rearchived before this VSN can be recycled. The following steps in this process show how to ensure that these active archive images are rearchived to another VSN.

  2. Examine the recycler.log file from the server side to ensure that no active data from the server is archived on that VSN.

    The server's recycler.log file indicates that VSN 000025 is 6 percent free, which is the same percentage that was reported in the client's recycler.log file. The server is not aware of the client's archive images, so it reports that all of the remaining 94 percent is consumed by obsolete archive images.

    # From the Server log file:
    ---Archives--- -----Percent----- adic1
    -----Status----- Count Bytes Use Obsolete Free Library:Type:VSN
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000011
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000029
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000013
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 100 0 adic1:at:000012
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 99 1 adic1:at:000026
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 94 6 adic1:at:000025
    no_recycle VSN 0 0 0 51 49 adic1:at:000020
    no-data VSN 0 0 0 17 83 adic1:at:000017
  3. On the server, rearchive the active files on the VSN.
    sky# chmed +c at.000025

    For more information about the chmed command, see chmed(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

  4. On the client, run the recycler again.
    zeke# sam-recycler -dvx

    This command marks each active file to be rearchived to another VSN.

  5. Start the archiver.

    You can either let the archiver run normally or type :arrun from the samu(1M) utility on the client. For more information about the :arrun command, see samu(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

  6. When archiving is complete, issue the sam-recycler command to run the recycler on the client again.
    zeke# sam-recycler -dvx

    This ensures that all active files have been rearchived.

  7. If the Count, Bytes, and Use field values are all 0 (zero), use the tplabel or odlabel command to relabel the VSN from the server.

    For example, for tape VSN 000025, use the following command:

    sky# tplabel -vsn 000025 -old 000025 at.000025

    This command relabels the VSN and destroys all data on it. After this VSN is relabeled, you regain 88 percent of the space on this VSN.

    If the media had been a magneto-optical disc, you would have used the odlabel command. For more information about the odlabel command, see odlabel(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote Environment (Method 2)

This section presents another way you can recycle volumes using Sun SAM-remote software.


Caution - Use the recycler in a Sun SAM-Remote environment only after following the steps in this procedure completely and only after testing your configuration to verify that recycling is taking place correctly.

How To Configure Recycling (Method 2)

  1. On the Sun SAM-Remote client, issue the sam-recycler command to determine which volumes are the best candidates for recycling. For example:
    client# sam-recycler -dvx
  2. Analyze the recycler log file for recycling candidates.

    Toward the end of the recycler.log file is a Status column. VSNs with the following types of status entries in the client log file are candidates for recycling:

    • no-data VSN. To recycle a no-data VSN, see To Recycle no-data VSNs.

    • partially full. To recycle a partially full VSN, see To Recycle partially full VSNs.

      In the server log file, the best candidates for recycling are those with a 0 value in the Count, Bytes, and Use columns.

  3. On the Sun SAM-Remote server, issue the chmed command to set the recycle flag on the selected VSNs.

    For example:

    server# chmed +c at.00025
  4. Wait until the VSNs being recycled are drained completely of archive images.

    The archiver on the client side does this.

  5. On the Sun SAM-Remote server, issue the tplabel or odlabel command, depending on the archive media, to relabel the volumes.
  6. On the Sun SAM-Remote server, clear any flags such as R or c that prevent the volumes from being used for archiving on the Sun SAM-Remote client.