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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Sun SAM-Remote Software Overview

System Requirements

Software Limitations

Client and Server Interactions

Sun SAM-Remote Server Overview

Sun SAM-Remote Client Overview

Interaction Between the Sun SAM-Remote Server and the Sun SAM-Remote Client

Library Catalogs


Data Integrity Validation in Sun SAM-Remote Software

Configuring the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Step 1: Log In to the Potential Server and Client Hosts

Step 2: Verify Client and Server Software

Step 3: Edit the mcf Files on Each Client

Step 4: Create a Sun SAM-Remote Client Configuration File

Step 5: Edit the Server's mcf File

Step 6: Create the Server's Configuration File

Step 7: Enable Archiving

Recycling With the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote Environment (Method 1)

Configuration Files for the Server

Configuration Files for Clients

How to Configure Recycling (Method 1)

Examples for How to Configure Recycling (Method 1)

How to Recycle no-data VSNs

How to Recycle partially full VSNs

Recycling in a Sun SAM-Remote Environment (Method 2)

How To Configure Recycling (Method 2)

Configuring the Sun SAM-Remote Software

This section explains how to perform an initial configuration of the Sun SAM-Remote server and client software.

In the following sample configurations, the SAM-QFS file systems on portland and sacramento are clients of the Sun SAM-Remote server on chicago.

Figure 18-3 Example Sun SAM-Remote Configuration

image:Example Sun SAM-Remote Configuration

The following procedures explain how to configure the Sun SAM-Remote software on a Sun SAM-Remote server and on one or more Sun SAM-Remote clients. The procedures use configuration shown in Figure 18-3.

Step 1: Log In to the Potential Server and Client Hosts

  1. Log in to the Sun SAM-Remote server as the superuser.
  2. Log in to the Sun SAM-Remote clients as the superuser.

Step 2: Verify Client and Server Software

Follow these steps on each system to be configured as part of a Sun SAM-Remote environment.

  1. Issue the pkginfo -l command and examine the output.
    #  pkginfo -l SUNWsamfsr
       PKGINST:  SUNWsamfsr
          PKGINST:  SUNWsamfsr
          NAME:  Sun SAM and Sun SAM-QFS software Solaris 11 (root)
      CATEGORY:  system
          ARCH:  i386
       VERSION:  5.3.0,REV=5.11.2011.10.27
       BASEDIR:  /
        VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
          DESC:  Storage and Archive Manager File System
        PSTAMP:  build34-mn20111027150903
      INSTDATE:  Oct 28 2011 02:57
       HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
        STATUS:  completely installed
         FILES:      641 installed pathnames
                       7 shared pathnames
                      23 linked files
                      79 directories
                     208 executables
                       1 setuid/setgid executables
                   96696 blocks used (approx)
    chicago# pkginfo -l SUNWsamfsu
       PKGINST:  SUNWsamfsu
          NAME:  Sun SAM and Sun SAM-QFS software Solaris 11 (usr)
      CATEGORY:  system
          ARCH:  i386
       VERSION:  5.3.0,REV=5.11.2011.10.27
       BASEDIR:  /
        VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
          DESC:  Storage and Archive Manager File System
        PSTAMP:  build34-mn20111027150917
      INSTDATE:  Oct 28 2011 02:58
       HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
        STATUS:  completely installed
         FILES:       57 installed pathnames
                       9 shared pathnames
                      20 directories
                      19 executables
                   12584 blocks used (approx)

    The output shows that the server (chicago) is running software version 5.3. Any systems included in an environment with this server must also run version 5.3.

  2. Issue the showrev -p command and examine the output.
    chicago# showrev -p | grep SUNWsamfs

    The output shows that the server has no SAM-QFS patches installed. Any systems included in an environment with this server must also run version and patch level.

    If you need to perform any software upgrades, see Chapter 10, Upgrading Sun QFS and SAM-QFS, in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Installation Guide.

Step 3: Edit the mcf Files on Each Client

The mcf file defines a file system. This procedure adds the definition of the host as a Sun SAM-Remote client.

  1. From the Sun SAM-Remote server, stop the SAM-QFS functions.
  2. Issue the samcmd command to idle each removable media. For more information about the samcmd command, see samcmd(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.
    # samcmd idle eq1
    # samcmd idle eq2.
    # samcmd idle eqn

    eq specifies the equipment ordinal of the removable media drive as defined in the mcf file.

    As an alternative, you can also use the samu operator utility to idle the drives. For information, see Chapter 13, Using the samu Operator Utility, in Sun QFS File System 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide.

    Note - All drives must be idle before you issue the next command, samd stop, so that the archiver, stager, and other processes can complete current tasks, and cartridges can be unloaded and put into their storage slots.

  3. Issue the samd command with its stop option to stop the sam-amld daemon and its child processes.
    # /opt/SUNWsamfs/sbin/samd stop
  4. On each client, open the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.
  5. Define each system as a client of the Sun SAN-Remote server.

    The example code shows the client portland's mcf file after it is edited to make portland a client of the Sun SAM-Remote server chicago.

  6. Open the mcf file of another client.

    In the example, the client sacramento's mcf file is edited.

  7. Copy the last set of lines from the first client's mcf file to next client's mcf file.

    In the example, copy the last set of lines from portland's mcf file to sacramento's mcf file.

  8. Save and close the mcf files.

Example 18-1 mcf Files on the Clients

# mcf file on portland
# Define a Sun QFS file system
# Equipment                                      Eq  Eq Family Dev Additional
# Identifier                                     Ord Ty Set    St  Parameters
# ==========                                     === == ====== == ==========
samfs1                                           10  ms samfs1 on
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE5F00048F2Dd0s6 11  md samfs1 on 
/dev/dsk/c7t60003BA13F71500048EDCE23000B24C2d0s6 12  md samfs1 on 

# Define Sun SAM-Remote Client portland to Sun SAM-Remote server chicago
/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200 200 sc chicagoss on /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/tcat
/dev/samrd/rd0            201 rd chicagoss on
/dev/samrd/rd1            202 rd chicagoss on

The mcf entry on the client consists of a single-line entry for the Sun SAM-Remote client and a pseudo-device entry, indicated by the rd equipment type, for each device you want to configure. A pseudo-device defines a network connection to an actual device on the Sun SAM-Remote server. Each entry uses the fields listed in the following table.

Equipment Identifier
The full path name of the client configuration file. You create the client configuration file in Step 4.
Eq Ord
The number that identifies this client system. Use this number to specify the eq parameter.
Eq Ty
A two-letter mnemonic that identifies the type of the client system.
Family set
The family set name of the daemon to be used on this server. A Sun SAM-Remote server can have one server daemon per client.

Note - The family set name on the Sun SAM-remote client must match the family set name on the Sun SAM-remote server.

Dev St
Device state: on or off
Additional parameters
An optional field. In this example, it is the path to the catalog file.

Step 4: Create a Sun SAM-Remote Client Configuration File

A Sun SAM-Remote client's configuration file contains one entry: the name of the Sun SAM-Remote server.

  1. On each client, create the file to be used as the Sun SAM-Remote client configuration file in the location that you specified in the mcf file.

    For example:

    portland# vi /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200
  2. Type the name of the Sun SAM-Remote server.

    The following example shows the client configuration file for the client portland, specifying that its Sun SAM-Remote server is the chicago system.

    The following example shows a client configuration file.

    portland# cat /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200

Step 5: Edit the Server's mcf File

  1. On the Sun SAM-Remote server, edit the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf file.
  2. Add the entries that define the SAM-QFS file systems and this system as the Sun SAM-Remote server.

    You must have at least one SAM-QFS file system. The following example shows the mcf file on chicago.

    The following example shows mcf files on the server

    # mcf file on Sun SAM-Remote server chicago:
    # Define a SAM-QFS file system
    # Equipment                                      Eq  Eq Family Dev Additional
    # Identifier                                     Ord Ty Set    St  Parameters
    # ==========                                     === == ====== == ==========
    samfs1                                           10 ms samfs1 on
    /dev/dsk/c6t600A0B80004850A600000F8048EF90ADd0s6 11 md samfs1 on 
    /dev/dsk/c6t600A0B800048505600000E9D48EF91EEd0s6 12 md samfs1 on 
    # Define a tape library that client portland can use:
    /dev/samst/c4t500104F0009C2F6Fu0 100 sn rb100 on /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/catalog/
    /dev/rmt/0cbn                    101 li rb100 on
    /dev/rmt/1cbn                    102 li rb100 on
    # Define Sun SAM-Remote server chicago
    /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200         50 ss chicagoss on

    Note - The family set name on the Sam-Remote server must match the family set name on the Sam-Remote client.

Step 6: Create the Server's Configuration File

The Sun SAM-Remote server configuration file defines the disk buffer characteristics and media to be used for each client. Ten clients can be configured per server daemon. To support more clients, configure another Sun SAM-Remote server daemon.

  1. On the server, create the Sun SAM-Remote server configuration file.
  2. Add definitions of each client, using the following format:
    [ parameter1 ]
        eq media-type regex 
         [eq media-type regex ] 
         [. . .] 

    The following table describes the fields that are available for the clients.

    Definition and Requirements
    Identifies the system to be served by this invocation of the Sun SAM-Remote daemon. Use the network name, its IP address, or a fully qualified domain name.

    The first character in client-name must be the first character in the line.

    parameter (optional)
    Defines an attribute of the client, using a keyword = value pair. For example, you can use the parameter to specify the network block size to be used by this client's socket in kilobytes. The format for this parameter: net_blk_size=size where size is an integer from 4 ≤ size ≤ 64. The default is 4, which specifies 4096 bytes.

    The line containing the parameter must start with space or tab characters.

    media and endmedia
    Keywords that contain the media definitions. The definitions within these two keywords define the media archive volumes that a client can use.

    Note - These keywords are required and must be indented with space or tab characters.

    eq media-type (regex)
    Defines a media archive volume that this client can use. Enclose the regex data with parentheses. Because network-attached libraries have mixed media, specify each media type on a separate line.

    Note - Use the space or tab characters to indent the media definitions.

    • eq: Equipment Number as shown in the mcf file.

    • media-type: Two-character specific media type, such as li. For information about valid media types, see mcf(4) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual but do not use the generic media type.

    • (regex): The volume serial names (VSN) of the cartridges to which the files are archived, expressed as an extended regular expression. For information about extended regular expressions, see the egrep(1) man page. For information about regular expressions, see the regcomp(3C) man page.

    For example, the following is a valid media type definition:

          100 li (VSN1)
          100 li (VSN2)

    Note - Do not allow the same physical media cartridges to be used by more than one client. Also, if the Sun SAM-Remote server has its own file system outside of the Sun SAM-Remote environment, a cartridge should not be used by both the client and the server.

    The following example shows the server configuration file, /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200 for the Sun SAM-Remote server chicago. This file defines clients portland and sacramento.

    # Sun SAM-Remote server config file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200
          100 li (100031|100032|100034|100035|100037|100038) 
          100 li (200001|200002|200003|200004|200005|200006)
          100 li (300141|300142|300143|300145|300146|300147) 
          100 li (400001|400002|400003|400005|400006|400007) 

Step 7: Enable Archiving

  1. Verify the archiver.cmd file on each client. Depending on your configuration, you might need to perform the following tasks:
    1. Make sure that the VSNs that are defined in the server configuration file are assigned to the correct archive sets.
    2. Remove the following directives if they apply to archive sets to be archived in the library connected to the Sun SAM-Remote server:
      • -tapenonstop

      • -offline_copy direct

  2. Start the SAM-QFS processes on the server and on the clients. Issue the following command on the clients and the server:
    server# samd start
  3. Check the status of the Sun SAM-Remote connections.
    1. Issue the samu command on the server and the clients.

      For more information, see samu(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual or Chapter 13, Using the samu Operator Utility, in Sun QFS File System 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide.

    2. On each client, view the the samu utility's s device status display.

      The following example shows the status s display on the Sun SAM-Remote client portland. The device type sc identifies the Sun SAM-Remote client. The message after that line indicates that a connection with the server chicago has been established.

      Device status samcmd      5.3.0 20:44:09 Jul 30 2009
      samcmd on portland
      ty     eq state   device_name                        fs status
      sc    200 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200          200  ---------r
              Remote server connected
      rd    201 on      /dev/samrd/rd0                     200  ----------
      rd    202 on      /dev/samrd/rd1                     200  ----------
      hy    203 on      historian                          203  ----------
    3. On the server, view the samu utility's s device status display.

      The following example shows the samu status s display on the Sun SAM-Remote server chicago. The device type ss identifies the Sun SAM-Remote server.

      Device status samcmd      5.3.0 20:40:05 Jul 30 2009
      samcmd on chicago
      ty     eq state   device_name                        fs status
      sk      1 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/SL500_SAM         1  m--------r
      li      2 on      /dev/rmt/0cbn                        1  ---------p
      li      3 on      /dev/rmt/1cbn                        1  ---------p
      ss     50 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/rmt200           50  -------o-r
      hy     51 on      historian                           51  ----------
    4. On the server, view the the samu utility's R SAM-Remote display.

      The following example shows the samu Sun SAM-Remote R display from the Sun SAM-Remote server chicago.

      Remote server eq: 50    addr: 00003858  samu      5.3.0 20:41:38 Jul 30 2009
      Client IPv4: jimmy                                   port - 5000
                client index - 0  port - 0 flags - 0004
      Client IPv4: portland                                port - 5000
                client index - 1  port - 32848 flags - 0005  connected

      If the Sun SAM-Remote configuration includes several clients, press the CONTROL-f key sequence to scroll through each client. Each client is identified by name and by its client index field, an integer 0 - 9, which indicates its order in the possible 10 clients defined for this server daemon. The network block size, maximum file size, and minimum file size are listed in bytes. Flags indicate the state of the connection.

      No connection.
      A connection has been established.
  4. On the server, use the samu utility's v automated library catalog display to ensure that the Sun SAM-Remote catalog is available on the clients. From samu command prompt, issue the following command:
    :v eq

    For eq, specify the equipment ordinal of the Sun SAM-Remote client daemon as defined in the mcf file.

    The example shows the volumes that portland can access.

    Robot VSN catalog by slot : eq 200 samu 5.3.0 Wed May 02 15:24:13
    count 32
    slot access time count use flags ty vsn
    1 2003/01/02 10:40 0 0% -il-o-b-R-U- at 000032
    2 2003/01/02 11:41 0 0% -il-o-b-R--- at 000034
    3 2003/01/02 12:42 170 91% -il-o-b----- at 000035
    4 2003/01/02 13:43 20 7% -il-o-b----- at 000037
    5 2003/01/02 14:44 0 0% -il-o-b----- at 000038
    6 2003/01/02 13:41 0 0% -il-o-b----- at 000031
  5. From each client, issue the archiver command and its -A option to verify that archiving is taking place from the client to the server.

    This command writes a listing from the archiver, including the VSNs from the server. For information about this command, see archiver(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.