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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

How to Create a Parameters File for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

Configuring a StorageTek ACSLS-Attached Automated Library Parameters File

Configuring an ADIC/Grau Automated Library Parameters File

Configuring an IBM 3494 Automated Library Parameters File

Configuring a Sony Network-Attached Automated Library Parameters File

About Shared Drives

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

You must create a parameters file for each network-attached library to be included in your environment.

How to Create a Parameters File for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

  1. Change to the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

    Although the parameters file can be written to any directory, the most common location is /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs.

    Note - When you created your mcf file, you included the full path name to the parameters files. Ensure that the mcf file points to the correct location for the parameters files that you create.

  2. Create a new file with a name that corresponds to the library that you are configuring.

    For example, for a Sony network-attached library, you might name the file sonyparams.

  3. Type a list of parameter entries in the file.

    See the sections in this chapter for details about the parameter entries that should be included for specific library types.

Configuring a StorageTek ACSLS-Attached Automated Library Parameters File

In many respects, the way in which SAM-QFS systems interoperate with StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated libraries is very similar to the way in which they interoperate with direct-attached automated libraries. However, the installation and configuration procedure of a StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated library requires additional steps.

The StorageTek ACSLS software package controls the automated library. Daemon software controls the StorageTek automated library through the ACSAPI interface.

Note - The SAM-QFS Manager supports the automatic discovery and configuration of ACSLS network-attached libraries. You do not need to configure the parameters file before configuring the library in SAM-QFS Manager. For more information, see the SAM-QFS Manager online help.

Before you begin, ensure that the following are true and that the StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated library is prepared for inclusion in a SAM-QFS environment:

For instructions describing how to create an empty parameters file, see How to Create a Parameters File for Network-Attached Automated Libraries.

Type a list of parameter entries in the StorageTek parameters file.

The following table shows the keywords to use.

access = user-id
(Optional) Specifies the user identification value that is used by the StorageTek software for access control. If this parameter is not supplied, the access control string is a null string, indicating that there is no user-id.
hostname = hostname
Specifies the host name of the server that runs the StorageTek ACSLS interface.
portnum = portnum
Specifies the port number that is used for communication between ACSLS and the SAM-QFS software. For information about the portnum argument, see stk(7) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.
ssihost = hostname
Specifies the name of the SAM-QFS server on the LAN that connects to the ACSLS host. Specify this parameter only if you are including a multihomed SAM-QFS server in your environment. The default is the name of the local host.
ssi_inet_port = ssi-inet-port
Specifies the fixed port number for incoming responses and specifies the port that the SSI uses for incoming ACSLS responses in a firewall environment. Specify either 0 or a value from 1024 to 65535. A non-zero value forces SSI to use this port for incoming ACSLS responses.
csi_hostport = csi-port
Specifies the port on the ACSLS server to which the StorageTek SSI daemon sends its ACSLS requests. Specify either 0 or a value from 1024 to 65535, inclusive. If set to 0, or left unset, the system queries the port mapper on the ACSLS server.
capid = ( acs = acsnum, lsm = lsmnum, cap = capnum )
Specifies the cartridge access point (CAP), in terms of the StorageTek library, to be used when the export -f command is specified. The capid description starts with an open parenthesis followed by three name-value pairs followed by a closing parenthesis. Use a comma, a colon, or a space to separate the name-value pairs. For acsnum, specify the asynchronous communications server (ACS) number for this CAP as configured in the StorageTek library. For lsmnum, specify the length subnet mask (LSM) number for this CAP as configured in the StorageTek library. For capnum, specify the CAP number for this CAP as configured in the StorageTek library.
capacity = ( index = value, [index = value]... )
Specifies the capacities of the supported cartridges. Use a comma to separate the name-value pairs, and enclose the string in parentheses.

For index, specify the index of the supplied media_type file, which is located in the following ACSLS directory: /export/home/ACSSS/data/internal/mixed_media/media_types.dat

For value, specify the capacity of the cartridge type in units of 1024 bytes. In general, supplying a capacity entry is necessary only for an index of new cartridge types or to override the supported capacity.

device-path-name = (acs = value, lsm = value, panel = value, drive = value ) [shared]
Specifies the path to the device on the client. Specify one device-path-name = entry for each drive that is attached to this client. This parameter describes the drive within the StorageTek automated library. This description starts with an open parenthesis followed by four keyword = value pairs and a closing parenthesis. Use a comma, a colon, or a space to separate the keyword = value pairs.

The shared keyword is optional and it specifies that the drive can be shared between two or more SAM processes from two or more hosts.

For more information about implementing shared drives, see About Shared Drivesand the stk(7) man page.

For the value specifications, use the following information that is supplied by the ACSLS query drive command:

  • acs – ACS number of the drive as configured in the StorageTek library

  • lsm – LSM number of the drive as configured in the StorageTek library

  • panel – PANEL number of the drive as configured in the StorageTek library

  • drive – DRIVE number of the drive as configured in the StorageTek library

The following example shows a parameters file for a StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated library:

#  This is file: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/stk50
hostname = baggins
portnum = 50014
access = some_user  # No white space allowed in user_id
ssi_inet_port = 0
csi_hostport = 0
capid = (acs=0, lsm=1, cap=0)
/dev/rmt/0cbn = (acs=0, lsm=1, panel=0, drive=1) shared
/dev/rmt/1cbn = (acs=0, lsm=1, panel=0, drive=2)

Note - Configuration Example for a Shared File System on an Oracle Solaris OS Platform in Sun QFS File System 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide shows an example StorageTek ACSLS-attached automated library parameters file. The example mcf file points to file stk50 in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

Configuring an ADIC/Grau Automated Library Parameters File

The ADIC/Grau automated library operates within SAM-QFS environments through the grauaci interface. This interface uses the DAS/ACI 3.12 interface that is supplied by ADIC/Grau. For more information about the DAS/ACI interface, see your ADIC/Grau documentation.

Note - ADIC/Grau network attached libraries are not supported by the SAM-QFS software on an x64 hardware platform.

Before you begin, ensure that the following are true and that the ADIC/Grau automated library is prepared for inclusion in a SAM-QFS environment:

For instructions describing how to create an empty parameters file, see How to Create a Parameters File for Network-Attached Automated Libraries.

Type a list of parameter entries in the ADIC/Grau parameters file.

The parameters are specified as name-value pairs, such as keyword=value. The various parameters identify the ADIC/Grau automated libraries, the drives associated with the libraries, and the server name. All parameter entries are case-sensitive, so enter them exactly as specified in the DAS configuration file and in the mcf file.

The following table shows the parameters that must appear in the ADIC/Grau parameters file.

client = client-id
The name of the client as defined in the DAS configuration file. This parameter is required.
server = server-id
The host name of the server that runs the DAS server code. This parameter is required.
acidrive drive-id = path
The name of the drive as configured in the DAS configuration file. path specifies the path to the drive as entered in the Equipment Identifier field of the mcf file. Include one acidrive line for every drive assigned to the client.

Comments can appear anywhere on any line, and they must begin with a hash character (#). The system ignores characters to the right of the hash.

If the ADIC/Grau library contains various media types, a media changer exists for each media type. Each media changer has a unique client name in the DAS configuration, a unique library catalog, and a unique parameters file.

The following sample ADIC/Grau parameters file defines one ADIC/Grau automated library that supports DLT tape and one ADIC/Grau automated library that supports a Hewlett-Packard optical drive.

# This is file: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/grau50
client = DASclient
server = DAS-server
# the name "drive1" is from the DAS configuration file
acidrive drive1 = /dev/rmt/0cbn
# the name "drive2" is from the DAS configuration file
acidrive drive2 = /dev/rmt/1cbn

Note - Configuration Example for a Shared File System on an Oracle Solaris OS Platform in Sun QFS File System 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide shows an example ADIC/Grau network-attached automated library parameters file. The example mcf file points to the grau50 file in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

The /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/.grau directory contains diagnostic information that can be useful for troubleshooting.

The system creates files in this directory that are named graulog- eq, where eq is the Equipment Ordinal as defined in the mcf file. For more information, see grauaci(7) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual and mcf(4) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

Configuring an IBM 3494 Automated Library Parameters File

The IBM 3494 automated tape library operates in SAM-QFS environments with the assistance of the IBM lmcpd daemon package. You can obtain the IBM lmcpd daemon package from IBM.

Note - IBM 3494 network attached libraries are not supported by the SAM-QFS software on an x64 hardware platform.

Before you begin, ensure that the following are true and the IBM 3494 automated library is prepared for inclusion in a SAM-QFS environment:

For instructions describing how to create an empty parameters file, see How to Create a Parameters File for Network-Attached Automated Libraries.

Type a list of parameter entries (keyword = value and pathname = value) in the IBM 3494 parameters file.

All arguments are case sensitive. The following table shows how to specify the parameters.

name = name
The name assigned by you as system administrator, and specified in the /etc/ibmatl.conf file. This name is also the symbolic name of the library. This parameter must be supplied. There is no default value.
category = hexnumber
A hexadecimal number between 0x0001 and 0xfeff. By default, the SAM-QFS software sets this value to 4 for media under its control. If you have divided your physical library into multiple logical libraries, ensure that the value of hexnumber is different in each logical library. This parameter specifies which tapes are assigned to which library. When you import media into the library, they are added to the catalog, and their category = value is changed to the value specified by this category = hexnumber parameter.
access = permission
Valid values are shared or private.
  • Specify private if you are using the library as one physical library. This is the default value.

  • Specify shared if you are dividing the library into multiple logical libraries.

device-pathname = device-number
For device-pathname, specify the path of a drive. You must have a device-pathname entry for every drive in the library that is attached to this machine. Each device-pathname entry must match the Equipment Identifier value of the corresponding entry in the mcf file. For device-number, the device number is described in the IBM documentation. You can obtain this number by running the IBM mtlib utility.

Comments can appear anywhere on any line and must begin with a hash character (#). The system ignores characters to the right of the hash sign.

The following sample /etc/ibmatl.conf file uses information obtained from the mtlib utility supplied by IBM.

# This is file: /etc/ibmatl.conf
# Set this file up according the documentation supplied by IBM.
3493a  test1

After the lmcpd daemon is running, use the IBM mtlib utility to obtain the device numbers. The following example shows output from mtlib.

# mtlib -l 3493a -D
0, 00145340 003590B1A00
1, 00145350 003590B1A01

The following sample parameters file is for an IBM 3494 library.

# This is file: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/ibm50
name = 3493a    # From /etc/ibmatl.conf
/dev/rmt/1bn = 00145340     # From mtlib output
/dev/rmt/2bn = 00145350     # From mtlib output
category = 5

Note - Configuration Example for a Shared File System on an Oracle Solaris OS Platform in Sun QFS File System 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide shows an example IBM 3494 network-attached automated library parameters file. The example mcf file points to file ibm50 in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

Configuring a Sony Network-Attached Automated Library Parameters File

The Sony network-attached automated library operates within the SAM-QFS environment through the DZC-8000S Application Interface Library package. This software package provides the application programming interface (API) to the PetaSite Controller (PSC). For more information about the DZC-8000S interface, see the Sony PetaSite Application Interface Library DZC-8000S, which is available from Sony.

Note - Sony network-attached libraries are not supported by the SAM-QFS software on an x64 hardware platform.

Before you begin, ensure that the following are true and that the Sony network-attached automated library is prepared for inclusion in a SAM-QFS environment:

Type a list of parameter entries in the Sony parameters file.

For instructions describing how to create an empty parameters file, see How to Create a Parameters File for Network-Attached Automated Libraries.

The various parameter values identify the Sony automated libraries, the drives associated with the libraries, and the host name. All parameter and value entries are case-sensitive, so type them exactly as they are specified in the configuration file and in the mcf file.

Note - The information in this section applies only to Sony automated libraries that are network attached through a Sony DZC-8000S interface. Sony direct-attached B9 and B35 automated libraries or Sony direct-attached 8400 PetaSite automated libraries do not require a parameters file.

The following table shows the parameters that must appear in the Sony parameters file. All parameters are required.

userid = user-id
A number from 0 to 65535, inclusive. If you specify a number other than 0, it must be the PSC ID. The user-id parameter identifies the user during initialization of the PetaSite automated library functions.
server = server-id
The host name of the server that runs the PSC server.
sonydrive drive-id = path
For drive-id, the drive bin number as configured in the PSC configuration file. Include one sonydrive line for every drive defined in the mcf file. For path, specify the path to the drive as entered in the Equipment Identifier field of the mcf file.

Comments can appear anywhere on any line, but they must begin with a hash character (#). The system ignores characters to the right of the hash sign.

The following example shows a parameters file for a Sony network-attached automated library.

# This is file: /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/sonyfile
# The userid identifies the user during initialization of
# the PetaSite library functions
userid = 65533
# europa is the hostname for the server running
# the DZC-8000S server code.
server = europa
# The bin numbers 1001 and 1002 are from the PSC
# configuration file.
sonydrive 1001 = /dev/rmt/1cbn
sonydrive 1002 = /dev/rmt/2cbn

Note - Configuration Example for a Shared File System on an Oracle Solaris OS Platform in Sun QFS File System 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide shows an example Sony network-attached automated library parameters file. The example mcf file points to file sonyfile in the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs directory.

About Shared Drives

Typically, the SAM-QFS processes have exclusive control over a library's drives as declared in the host system's mcf file. In many cases, however, drives are defined in individual mcf files that are used by independent copies of SAM-QFS processes. If a process is not using a drive, the drive remains idle.

The shared-drives capability enables two or more mcf files to define the same drive, which makes the drive available to multiple SAM-QFS processes. However, these multiple processes cannot share media. Each SAM-QFS process must still maintain its own set of VSNs.

The shared-drives feature can be useful, for example, when a library is attached to more than one host system in a SAM-QFS environment. The SAM-QFS processes coordinate the use of a drive and keep the drives in a library busy.

You can configure some network-attached libraries to share one or all of the media drives between multiple SAM-QFS processes on multiple host systems. All of the StorageTek ACSLS-attached libraries support shared drives in SAM-QFS environments.

To implement one or more shared drives, specify the shared keyword in the parameters file for each drive that is to be shared. The placement of the shared keyword is specific to each manufacturer's library, so see the vendor-specific sections for more information.

Note - By default, a cartridge in a shared drive can be idle for 60 seconds before being unloaded. To change this timing, change the shared_unload value in the defaults.conf file to the new value, in seconds.