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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

Task Map: Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

Adding Tape Devices for Archiving

Files that Contain Configuration Information

How to Add Tape Devices for Archiving (Command Line)

How to Add Tape Drive Interface Target IDs and LUNs for Archiving (Command Line)

How to Add Tape Devices for Archiving (SAM-QFS Manager)

Adding Libraries or Magneto-Optical Drives for Archiving

How to Configure Device Support in SCSI or FC Environments Using SAM-QFS Manager

How to Configure Device Support for a Direct-Attached Library

Recovering After a Direct-Attached Library Fails to Initialize

Verifying and Implementing Configurations

How to Verify That All Devices Are Configured and Implement the Changes

Handling Errors in the st.conf File

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Adding Tape Devices for Archiving

The procedures in Task Map: Configuring Storage Devices for Archivinginclude an example that is based on the inventory list shown in the following table.

Table 2-1 Inventory List — Devices to Be Configured

Device Name, Manufacturer, and Model
Target ID
Node WWN
SCSI-attached tape drives
Not applicable
Not applicable
FC-attached tape drives
StorageTek 9840
Not applicable
StorageTek 9840
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
SCSI-attached automated libraries
StorageTek 9730
Not applicable
FC-attached automated libraries
StorageTek L700
Not applicable

Note - The device names are shown as they appear in the discovery output.

Files that Contain Configuration Information

The following files contains configuration information:

The SAM package includes the /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/st.conf_changes file, which contains configuration information for tape drives that are not supported in the Oracle Solaris kernel by default.

How to Add Tape Devices for Archiving (Command Line)

You can also add tape devices from SAM-QFS Manager. For information, see How to Add Tape Devices for Archiving (SAM-QFS Manager).

  1. Create a backup copy of the /kernel/drv/st.conf file.

    For example:

    # cp /kernel/drv/st.conf /kernel/drv/st.conf.orig
  2. In the /kernel/drv/st.conf file, remove the pound character (#) from the tape-config-list entry.
  3. Modify the /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/st.conf_changes file.

    For each tape drive on your inventory list, do the following:

    1. Find the device definition entry.

      For example, searching for the Quantum DLT 7000 tape drive that is in the example inventory finds the following entry:

      "QUANTUM DLT7000", "DLT 7000 tape drive", "dlt7-tape",
    2. Copy the entry from the st.conf_changes file to the st.conf file and place it after the tape-config-list line.

      The following example shows the resulting st.conf file.

      "QUANTUM DLT7000", "DLT 7000 tape drive", "dlt7-tape",

      Note that the final string in the entry, which is enclosed in quotation marks, is the tape configuration value. In this example, the final string is "dlt7-tape".

    3. In the /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/st.conf_changes file, find the line that begins with this tape configuration value.

      In this example, the value is:

      dlt7-tape =    1,0x36,0,0xd679,4,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,3;
    4. Copy the tape configuration value to the st.conf file and place it after the device definition line.

      The following example shows the lines now contained in the st.conf file.

      "QUANTUM DLT7000", "DLT 7000 tape drive", "dlt7-tape";
      dlt7-tape =    1,0x36,0,0xd679,4,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,3;
    5. Repeat these steps for each type of tape drive you add.

    Note - In the st.conf_changes file, a tape configuration value is repeated for each device definition that uses the same tape configuration. In the st.conf file, include only one entry for each tape configuration value. For example, the Sony SDT-5000 and the Sony SDT-5200 tape drives both use "DAT" as the final string. A single entry for the DAT tape configuration value is sufficient.

  4. Replace the comma character (,) that appears at the end of the last device definition line with a semicolon character (;).

    The following example shows an st.conf file that has definitions for the Quantum DLT 7000, the StorageTek 9840, and the IBM ULT3580 tape drives. The semicolon is after "CLASS_3580"

    "QUANTUM DLT7000", "DLT 7000 tape drive", "dlt7-tape",
    "STK     9840", "STK 9840 Fast Access", "CLASS_9840",
    "IBM     ULT3580-TD1",  "IBM 3580 Ultrium",     "CLASS_3580";
    dlt7-tape =    1,0x36,0,0xd679,4,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,3;
    CLASS_9840 = 1,0x36,0,0x1d679,1,0x00,0;
    CLASS_3580 = 1,0x24,0,0x418679,2,0x00,0x01,0;
  5. Save your changes and close the /opt/SUNWsamfs/examples/st.conf_changes file.

    Do not close the st.conf file because you continue to edit the file in the How to Add Tape Drive Interface Target IDs and LUNs for Archiving (Command Line) procedure.

How to Add Tape Drive Interface Target IDs and LUNs for Archiving (Command Line)

This procedure shows how to verify and, if necessary, add target ID and LUN entries to the st.conf file for each tape drive on your hardware inventory list that is attached through a SCSI or FC interface.

Note - Do not use this procedure to add interface information for magneto-optical drives. See Adding Libraries or Magneto-Optical Drives for Archiving.

  1. Open the /kernel/drv/st.conf file.
  2. Configure the SCSI Kernel interface to attach tape drives.
    1. Search for entries that have the following format to locate the list of SCSI target IDs and LUNs:
      name="st" class="scsi" target=target lun=lun;

      target is the target ID for each SCSI drive found and lun is the corresponding LUN for each SCSI drive found.

    2. Find the entries that correspond to each SCSI target ID and LUN on your hardware inventory list. See Example 2-1.

      Note that some entries might extend over two lines.

      • If an entry is preceded by a hash character (#), remove the character. A hash character marks a line as a comment.

      • If an entry is missing, create an entry for the SCSI target and LUN line you need. Follow the format shown in Step 2a and use the information in your hardware inventory list.

  3. If you are not using the StorageTek SAN Foundation Software I/O stack, create a line for each FC-attached device after the SCSI target ID and LUN list. See Example 2-2.

    Use the following format:

    name="st" parent="fp" lun=lun fc-port-wwn="world-wide-name"

    lun specifies the LUN for the drive. world-wide-name specifies the World Wide Name (WWN) for the drive.

  4. Save your changes, and close the st.conf file.

Example 2-1 Entries Corresponding to Tape Drives

The following example shows that two entries correspond to the two Quantum DLT 7000 drives that are attached to LUN 0 and have target IDs 1 and 2, shown in Table 2-1.

name="st" class="scsi" target=1 lun=0;
name="st" class="scsi" target=2 lun=0;

Example 2-2 Adding Lines that Support Tape Drives

The following example shows the lines that support the StorageTek 9840 and IBM ULT3580 tape drives that are included in Table 2-1.

name="st" parent="fp" lun=0 fc-port-wwn="500104f00043abfc"
name="st" parent="fp" lun=0 fc-port-wwn="500104f00045eeaf"
name="st" parent="fp" lun=0 fc-port-wwn="500104f000416304"
name="st" parent="fp" lun=0 fc-port-wwn="500104f000416303"

How to Add Tape Devices for Archiving (SAM-QFS Manager)

  1. In the left pane, click Archive Media.
  2. In the Tape Library Summary window, click Add.
  3. Follow the steps in the wizard to add the devices.