If your configuration includes ATG Search, continue with this section to install the ATG Search software. If it does not, continue with Installing ATG Commerce Reference Store instead.

To install ATG Search:

  1. Run the ATGSearch9_3-<OperatingSystem>.exe|bin file to start the setup program.

  2. On Windows, click Next.

  3. Accept the terms of the license agreement.

  4. Choose Search Administration + Search Engine for your search install.

  5. Select the installation folder for the ATG Search software (the default is the <ATG9dir> directory). In the location you specify, the installer creates a Search9.3 directory that contains the ATG Search software.

  6. On Windows, select where you would like to create product icons.

  7. Review the installation summary. On UNIX, press Enter to continue. On Windows, click Install.

    The ATG installer copies the ATG Search distribution down to the location you specified.

  8. Choose a Deploy Share folder (/usr/local/ATG/ATG9.3/Search9.3 or C:\ATG\ATG9.3\Search9.3, for example).

  9. On UNIX, press Enter to exit the installer. On Windows, click Done to exit the installer.

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