To remove the EAR files from WebSphere:

To make adjustments to the EAR files:

  1. Create a directory that will hold the images and HTML content, for example, /usr/local/ATG/WASImagesAndHTML.

  2. Copy the images from the <ATG9dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/Storefront/docroot/images directory to the directory you created in step 1, for example:

    cp -r
    /images /usr/local/ATG/WASImagesAndHTML

  3. Copy the HTML content from <ATG9dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/Storefront/docroot/html to the directory you created in step 1, for example:

    cp -r

  4. Create these two directories:


  5. In both of the WEB-INF directories you just created, create a file called web.xml with the following details:

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <web-app xmlns=


  6. In both of the WEB-INF directories, create a file called ibm-web-ext.xmi with the following details. Replace ImagesAndHTMLLocation with the path of the directory you copied the images and HTML content to, for example, /usr/local/ATG/WASImagesAndHTML.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    < xmi:
        version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="""webappext.xmi"
    xmi:id="WebAppExtension_1191227028958" fileServingEnabled="true">

        <webApp href="WEB-INF/web.xml#WebApp_ATG_DYN_EAR"/>
        <jspAttributes xmi:id="JSPAttribute_1191227028958"
          name="reloadEnabled" value="true"/>
        <jspAttributes xmi:id="JSPAttribute_1191227028959" 
          name="reloadInterval" value="10"/>
        <fileServingAttributes xmi:id="FileServingattribute_3"
          name="extendedDocumentRoot" value="ImagesAndHTMLLocation"/>


  7. Locate the <ATG9dir>/CIM/tmp/ATGPublishing.ear/META-INF/application.xml and <ATG9dir>/CIM/tmp/ATGProduction.ear/META-INF/application.xml files.

  8. Add the following module to the bottom of both application.xml files, above the closing </application> tag:


To redeploy the EAR files:

  1. Return to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.

  2. Redeploy ATGPublishing.ear:

    • If necessary, expand Applications, then click Enterprise Applications to see the Enterprise Applications page.

    • Click Install.

    • Click Remote File System and enter the full path to the ATGPublishing.ear file, for example, /usr/local/ATG/ATG9.3/CIM/tmp/ATGPublishing.ear.

    • Select Show me all installation options and parameters, then click Next.

    • Click Generate Default Bindings and click Next.

    • In Step 1: Select Installation Options, enter ATGPublishing.ear file for the Application Name.

    • Do not click Next. Instead, click Step 2: Map Modules to Servers.

    • Select all of the modules in the list, then select the ATGPublishing server from the Clusters and Server list and click Apply. All of the modules should have ATGPublishing listed as their server.

    • Do not click Next. Instead, click Step 8: Map virtual hosts for Web modules.

    • Select ATGPublishing_host for all of the modules.

    • Do not click Next. Instead, click Step 11: Summary.

    • Click Finish.

    • Click Save to save your changes to the master configuration.

  3. Redeploy ATGProduction.ear:

    • On the Enterprise Applications page, click Install.

    • Click Remote File System and enter the full path to the ATGProduction.ear file, for example, /usr/local/ATG/ATG9.3/CIM/tmp/ATGProduction.ear.

    • Select Show me all installation options and parameters, then click Next.

    • Click Generate Default Bindings and click Next.

    • In Step 1: Select Installation Options, enter ATGProduction.ear file for the Application Name.

    • Do not click Next. Instead, click Step 2: Map Modules to Servers.

    • Select all of the modules in the list, then select the ATGProduction server from the Clusters and Server list and click Apply. All of the modules should have ATGProduction listed as their server.

    • Do not click Next. Instead, click Step 8: Map virtual hosts for Web modules.

    • Select ATGProduction_host for all of the modules.

    • Do not click Next. Instead, click Step 11: Summary.

    • Click Finish.

    • Click Save to save your changes to the master configuration.

  4. Continue with the section WebSphere-specific Configuration Tasks.

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