In this section, you configure publishing and production ATG server instances. If your configuration does not include ATG Search, skip the steps marked (Search Only) below.

To configure your ATG server instances:

  1. In the CIM MAIN MENU menu, select [2] Server Instance Configuration.

  2. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, select [A] ATG Commerce Store Publishing - 0 Instances Configured.

  3. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [A] ATG Commerce Store Publishing General Configuration – REQUIRED.

  4. Enter the following information (defaults are provided in brackets):

  5. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [I] Instance Management – REQUIRED.

  6. In the INSTANCE MANAGEMENT menu, select [A] Add Server Instance.

  7. In the Select Type of Server Instance To Create menu, select [1] ATG Commerce Store Publishing with Lock Server : Minimum 1 Required.

  8. In the NAME FOR NEW SERVER INSTANCE menu, enter ATGPublishing for the Server Name Instance.

  9. (JBoss Only) Perform these steps for JBoss environments only:

  10. Enter the following ports. The defaults CIM provides for each application server are listed in the table below. Defaults that must be changed are marked with an asterisk and a recommended port value is provided in parentheses. You can leave the other defaults as is unless they cause port conflicts on your machine.

    Port Type

    JBoss Default

    WebLogic Default

    WebSphere Default

    HTTP Port


    7001* (7003)

    9080* (9081)

    HTTPS Port



    9443* (9444)

    RMI Port


    8860* (8861)

    8860* (8861)

    DRP Port


    8850* (8851)

    8850* (8851)

    File Deployment Port


    8810* (8811)

    8810* (8811)

    File Synchronization Deploy Server Port




    Lock Server Port




    Note: By default the Sun T1000 and T2000 systems run a server that uses port 9010. ATG’s lock management components also use this port. If you are using lock management on one of these systems, you must either disable the Sun server or use a different lock server port while configuring your server instance. See the Sun T1000 and T2000 Requirements in the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions.

  11. In the INSTANCE MANAGEMENT menu, select [D] Done.

  12. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [O] Configure Another Server Instance Type.

  13. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, select [C] ATG Commerce Store Production - 0 Instances Configured.

  14. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [A] ATG Commerce Store Production General Configuration – REQUIRED.

  15. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [I] Instance Management – REQUIRED.

  16. In the INSTANCE MANAGEMENT menu, select [A] Add Server Instance.

  17. In the Select Type of Server Instance To Create menu, select [1] ATG Commerce Store Production with Server Lock Manager.

  18. In the NAME FOR NEW SERVER INSTANCE menu, enter ATGProduction for the Server Instance Name.

  19. (JBoss Only) In the JBOSS PORT BINDING menu, select [U] Use Default Port Binding.

  20. Enter the following ports. The defaults CIM provides for each application server are listed in the table below. Defaults that must be changed are marked with an asterisk and a recommended port value is provided in parentheses. You can leave the other defaults as is unless they cause port conflicts on your machine.

    Port Type

    JBoss Default

    WebLogic Default

    WebSphere Default

    HTTP Port


    7001* (7004)

    9080* (9082)

    HTTPS Port


    7002* (7005)

    9443* (9445)

    RMI Port




    DRP Port




    File Deployment Port




    Lock Server Port




  21. In the INSTANCE MANAGEMENT menu, select [D] Done.

  22. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [O] Configure Another Server Instance Type.

  23. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, select [D] Done.

  24. Continue with the section Assemble and Deploy Your ATG Applications.

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