This section describes how to install and configure the ATG Outreach Production/Staging module. As noted in the ATG Outreach System Components chapter, you install this module on all staging, production and e-mail rendering servers. Before you begin, make sure you have the following components installed on your system:

  • A supported application server: IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, or JBoss Application Server.

  • ATG 9.3. For setup instructions, see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide. See also the important note below about using CIM.

For a detailed list of system requirements and supported configurations for ATG Outreach, see the Supported Environments page on the ATG Web site (

Important: You can install the ATG Outreach Production/Staging module directly onto the servers where you plan to run it, or you can install it on the same machine as your ATG Outreach server and then use CIM to create the appropriate application EAR files and deploy them to the destination servers. The effect is the same; however, CIM requires the latter, so if you want to use CIM, you must install the ATG Outreach Production/Staging module on the same machine as your ATG Outreach server. For more information, see Performing Post-Installation Setup with CIM. Note also that if you choose to use CIM, you are not required to install ATG 9.3 on the production, staging, or e-mail rendering servers. CIM includes all necessary platform files for running the ATG Outreach Production/Staging Module in the EAR files it assembles. You can still install the full ATG 9.3 build on these servers if you choose to do so; however, you assemble and deploy your EAR files differently in this case. For more information, refer to the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.

Follow these steps to install the ATG Outreach Production/Staging module:

  1. Download and unzip the appropriate ATG Outreach 9.3 distribution file from the Oracle Web site (

    • Oracle ATG Web Commerce Outreach 9.3 for Microsoft Windows

    • Oracle ATG Web Commerce Outreach 9.3 for UNIX

  2. Run the ATG-ACO9.3.{bin|exe} file to start the setup program.

  3. When the setup program prompts you to choose an installation folder, enter the path to the directory where you installed ATG 9.3 (C:\ATG\ATG9.3 or /home/ATG/ATG9.3, for example).

  4. Select the ATG Outreach Production/Staging installation option.

The setup program adds a new <ATG9dir>/ACO9.3 directory to your ATG 9.3 installation. It also installs the required Common Application Framework (CAF) in the <ATG9dir>/CAFversion directory.

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