Some ATG product names have changed with the 9.3 release. In general, most product names are now prefixed with “Oracle ATG Web Commerce;” for example, ATG Search is now Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search.


New Name

ATG Commerce, including the ATG platform

Oracle ATG Web Commerce

ATG Merchandising

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Merchandising

ATG Customer Intelligence

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Business Intelligence

ATG Search

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search

ATG Commerce Reference Store

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Reference Store

ATG Commerce Service Center

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Service Center

ATG Knowledge

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Knowledge Manager

ATG Self Service

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Knowledge Manager Self-Service

ATG Outreach

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Outreach

ATG Campaign Optimizer

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Campaign Optimizer

Note that in the 9.3 release the products themselves do not reflect the new naming scheme. The documentation uses the new name on the cover page of each book but is consistent with the products elsewhere (in other words, it uses the existing product names, not the new names). The titles of the manuals have not changed.