AccessFilter, Access Filter
accessibility recommendations, Accessibility Recommendations
administrative alerts, Administrative Alerts and Framework Alerts
alerts, Gear Alerts
adding, Adding Custom Alert Messages to Gears
administrative, Administrative Alerts and Framework Alerts
configuring a scenario, Configuring a Scenario
creating an instance configuration form, Creating an Alert Instance Configuration Form
creating e-mail template files, Creating an E-mail Template File
dynamoMessagingSystem.xml, Sample dynamoMessagingSystem.xml File
extending the scenario user interface, Extending the Scenario User Interface
framework, Administrative Alerts and Framework Alerts
gear manifest file, Adding the Alerts Element to the Gear Manifest File
GearMessage class, Sample GearMessage Extension
GearMessagePublisher class, Adding GearMessagePublisher to the Gear
overview, Alerts Overview
resource bundles, Creating a Resource Bundle Properties File
sending code, Sample Sending Code
SourceHandler, Source Handlers
TargetHandler, Target Handlers
atg.portal.admin.I18nMessageProcessor, I18nMessageProcessor
atg.portal.alert.GearMessage, Adding Custom Alert Messages to Gears
atg.portal.alert.SourceHandler, Source Handlers
atg.portal.alert.TargetHandler, Target Handlers
atg.portal.framework.Environment, Role Test Methods
atg.portal.framework.GearConfigFormHandler, Gear Configuration Form Handling
atg.portal.servlet.GearContext, GearContext
atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest, Gear Servlet Request
atg.portal.servlet.GearServletResponse, GearServletResponse
atg.portlet.DispatchPortlet, Portlet Class
atg.portlet.GenericPortletService, Portlet Class
authentication pages, Authentication Pages
specifying location, Specifying Authentication Page Locations


cascading stylesheets (see stylesheet manifests)
color palette manifests, Color Palette Manifests, Color Palette Manifest Elements
Community objects, Portal Objects
CommunityFilter, Community Filter
configuration pages, Gear Configuration Page Fragments
example, Example: A Document Exchange User Configuration Page
form handling (see form handling)
initial configuration, Developing Initial, Instance, or User Configuration Pages
install configuration, Developing Install Configuration Pages
instance configuration, Developing Initial, Instance, or User Configuration Pages
user configuration, Developing Initial, Instance, or User Configuration Pages
copying a gear, Extending an Existing Gear
portal appearance, Customizing Portal Appearance
portal authentication, Customizing Portal Authentication


deployment descriptor, Portlet Deployment Descriptor File
deployment portlets
deployment descriptor, Portlet Deployment Descriptor File
Device objects, Portal Objects
device outputs, Device Outputs
DeviceFilter, Device Filter
DeviceOutputFilter, DeviceOutput Filter
display modes, Display Modes, Choosing Display Modes, <display-mode> Element
DisplayFilter, Display Filter
DisplayMode objects, Portal Objects
DSP page initializations, DSP Page Initialization
DTD (see portal manifest DTD)
dynamoMessagingSystem.xml (see alerts)
DynamoServerPageFilter, Web Application Deployment Descriptor


e-mail template files (see alerts)
error messages, Message Handling in Page Fragments


FailureMessageProcessor component, I18nMessageProcessor
filter mapping, The Portal Filter Chain
filters (see servlet filters)
form handling, Form Handling
accessing configuration parameters, Gear Configuration Form Handling
gear configuration pages, Gear Configuration Form Handling
gear pages, Gear Form Handling
GearConfigFormHandler, Gear Configuration Form Handling
JSP, JSP Form Handling
framework alerts, Administrative Alerts and Framework Alerts


gear definition, Gear Definitions and Gear Instances
gear design example, Example: A Discussion Forum Gear
gear instance, Gear Definitions and Gear Instances
gear manifests, Gear Manifests, <servlet-context> Element
alerts element, Adding the Alerts Element to the Gear Manifest File
example, The Gear Manifest File Format
file format, The Gear Manifest File Format
wireless, Gear Manifest
gear modes, Gear Modes, <gear-mode> Element
gear names
localizing, Localized Gear Names and Descriptions
gear page fragments
configuration pages, Gear Configuration Page Fragments
wireless pages, Wireless Gear Page Fragments
gear title template manifests, Gear Title Template Manifests, Gear Title Template Manifest Elements
GearConfigFormHandler (see form handling)
GearContext (see atg.portal.servlet.GearContext)
initialization, Gear Environment Initialization
GearMessage class (see alerts)
GearMessagePublisher class (see alerts)
Administration, Gear Administration Considerations
alerts, Gear Alerts (see alerts)
and the PAF, Gears and the Portal Application Framework
definition, What Is a Gear?
designing, Designing a Gear
device outputs, Device Outputs
dimensions, Gear Dimensions
display modes, Display Modes, Choosing Display Modes
extending existing, Extending an Existing Gear
gear modes, Gear Modes
implementation overview, Gear Implementation Overview
manifests, Gear Manifests, Gear Manifest
packaging and deployment, Gear Packaging and Deployment
page fragments, Matrix of Gear Modes, Display Modes, and Device Outputs, Creating Gear Page Fragments
persistent data repositories, Configuring Gears to Work with Persistent Data Repositories
rendering, How Gear Rendering Works, How Portal Pages Are Rendered
roles, Portal and Gear Roles, Roles
synchronizing, Keeping Gears Synchronized with Each Other
wireless, Gear Assembly
GearServletFilter, Gear Filter
GearServletRequest (see atg.portal.servlet.GearServletRequest)
GearServletResponse (see atg.portal.servlet.GearServletResponse)


Helloworld portlet, Helloworld Portlet
HTML considerations, HTML Considerations


I18nMessageProcessor (see atg.portal.admin.I18nMessageProcessor)
Include Filter, Include Filter


layout considerations, Layout Considerations
layout template manifests, Layout Template Manifests, Layout Template Manifest Elements
link URLs, Link URLs
usage, URL Usage
links, Link URLs
usage, URL Usage
gear names, Localized Gear Names and Descriptions
localization considerations, Localization Considerations


naming conventions
database tables, Naming Conventions
Java class instances, Naming Conventions
NucleusServlet, Web Application Deployment Descriptor


OASIS, WSRP Overview
OfflineFilter, Offline Filter


J2EE applications, Gear Packaging and Deployment
PAF (see Portal Application Framework)
PAF tag library
gear development, Tag Libraries and Gear Development, Security Tags
security, Security Tags
page fragments, Matrix of Gear Modes, Display Modes, and Device Outputs (see gears)
message handling, Message Handling in Page Fragments
Page objects, Portal Objects
page template manifests, Page Template Manifests, Page Template Manifest Elements
PageFilter, Page Filter
PageTemplateDispatcherServlet, Page Template Dispatch Servlet
resources, Performance Recommendations
persistent data repositories, Configuring Gears to Work with Persistent Data Repositories
Portal Application Framework
administration pages, PAF Administration Pages
definition, PAF Services
services, PAF Services
Portal Filter Chain, The Portal Filter Chain
portal manifest DTD, The Portal Manifest DTD
portal objects, Portal Objects
lookup method, Object Lookup
PortalContext component, Portal Context
PortalFilter, Portal Filter
PortalObjectResolver component, Mapping Hostnames and URLs to Portals
appearance customization, Customizing Portal Appearance
authentication customization, Customizing Portal Authentication
definition, What Is a Portal?
page structure, The Portal Page Structure
roles, Portal and Gear Roles
PortalServerFilter, Portal Server Filter
portlet class, Portlet Class
Portlet Deployment Tool, Portlet Deployment Tool
command line arguments, Portlet Deployment Tool Arguments
portlets, Portlets and Gears
and gears, Portlets and Gears
deploying, Portlet Deployment Tool
JSPs, Portlet JSPs


accessing, Request Path Elements
attributes, Request Path Elements
request properties, accessing, Portal Context
resource bundles, Creating a Resource Bundle Properties File
response, The Portal Response
response URIs, Response URIs
role test methods (see security methods)


security, Portal Security
Include Filter, Include Filter
J2EE, J2EE Security
levels, Security Levels
predefined areas, Predefined Security Areas
Secure Socket Layer, Secure Socket Layer Security
tags, Security Tags
security methods, Security Tags
hasRole(), Role Test Methods
isPortalAdministrator(), Role Test Methods
security tags
hasCommunityRole, Role Test Tags
hasGearRole, Role Test Tags
hasRole, Role Test Tags
sending code (see alerts)
servlet filters, The Portal Filter Chain
filter mapping, The Portal Filter Chain
logging parameters (see servlet filters)
SourceHandler interface, Source Handlers
stylesheet manifests, Stylesheet Manifests, Stylesheet Manifest Elements
SuccessMessageProcessor component, I18nMessageProcessor


tag libraries
declaration, Tag Library Declaration
TargetHandler interface, Target Handlers
templates, Portal Templates
full deck templates, The Full Deck Template
gear title templates, Gear Title Template
layout templates, Layout Template
page templates, Page Template
region fragment, Layout Template
shared deck templates, The Shared Deck Template
wireless templates, Wireless Templates


URLs, Link URLs
usage, URL Usage


Web Services for Remote Portlets (see WSRP)
wireless device emulators, Wireless Device Emulator
Wireless Markup Language (WML), Wireless Markup Language
wireless pages, Wireless Gear Page Fragments
WSRP, Web Services for Remote Portlets
consumer, Consumer Overview
consumer administration, Consumer Administration
consumer portlet modes, Consumer Overview
consumer UserProfile items, Consumer Overview
consumer window states, Consumer Overview
Markup interface, Producer Overview
producer, Producer Overview
producer administration, Producer Administration
Registration interface, Producer Overview
remote portlet-proxy portlet relationship, Consumer Overview
Service Description interface, Producer Overview
WSRP-ProxyPortlet, Consumer Overview
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