Portal Administration GuideIn addition to this manual, the ATG Portal Administration Guide explains gear registration, gear and portal configuration, security, and administration.

Helloworld Example Gear and PortletThe Portal-Examples module includes a sample gear called helloworld. You can use it as a starting point to experiment with building and deploying your own gears. The helloworld gear includes source files, instructions, and build scripts that demonstrate all the steps necessary to add your own gears to your Portal Application Framework. These files are included in the ATG Portal installation. This gear is placed in the <ATG9dir>/Portal/helloworld directory. See the ATG Portal Administration Guide for more information.

ATG Portal also includes a sample portlet called helloworld. The helloworld portlet is located in the <ATG9dir>/Portlet/helloworld directory.

ATG Documentation SetBecause the Portal module is integrated with the ATG platform, many of the application development procedures and techniques are not unique to ATG Portal and are documented elsewhere in the ATG Documentation Set. All of the development practices, services, and methodologies documented elsewhere can be used in portal development. Consequently, the ATG Portal documents are not a standalone documentation set. In this manual, there are many pointers (either links or cross-references, depending on whether or not you are reading this online) to the major resources available in other parts of the ATG Documentation Set.

You will also need to consult the documentation for the application server on which you are running ATG Portal.

API DocumentationThe ATG API Reference provides Javadoc explaining the accessor methods and properties made available by the PAF tag library and by all published ATG Java classes.

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