To register a gear with the PAF, you will need to create an XML manifest file containing data describing the gear. The file will then need to be imported into the PAF using a Portal Administration utility. Registering the gear places the data in the repository and makes the PAF aware of it. This section explains the format of the necessary XML.

You may find that the easiest way to create a gear manifest file is to copy a manifest file from one of the ATG Portal’s baseline gears and modify it to suit your needs. Each gear directory under the <ATG9dir>/Portal/ directory contains a manifest file for the gear.

While there is no required location or naming convention for your gear manifest files, we suggest you place it in your gear’s top-level directory and call it gearname-manifest.xml. We recommend that you save your gear manifest files after you have imported them into the PAF as they simplify the process of upgrading gears or moving them to another portal.

There is a Document Type Definition (DTD) that prescribes the format and content for your gear manifest files. For reference material on the DTD’s elements and a copy of the DTD, see Appendix A, Portal Manifest Reference.

For instructions on registering your gear, refer to the Portal Administration chapter of the ATG Portal Administration Guide.

Once you register your gears, you can use the community administration utilities to associate them with particular communities.

The gear manifest file enables you to define gears for your portal. A gear definition can include:

  • Gear Name

  • Gear Modes

  • Gear Description

  • Servlet Context

  • Images

  • Dimensions (narrow or wide, short or tall)

  • Display Modes

  • Instance Parameters

  • User Parameters

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