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Netra SPARC T4-1 Server HTML Document Collection
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Product Notes

Related Documentation


Support and Accessibility


Understanding the Server

Installation Task Overview

Server Overview

Front Panel Components

Rear Panel Components

Confirming Server and Site Specifications

Physical Specifications

Electrical Specifications

Input Power Information

Overcurrent Protection Requirements

DC Power Source, Power Connection, and Grounding Requirements

Environmental Requirements

Acoustic Noise Emissions

Airflow Clearance

Preparing for Installation

Shipping Kit

Handling Precautions

ESD Precautions

Tools Needed for Installation

Installing the Server

Optional Components

Rack Cautions

Stabilize the Rack for Installation

Mounting the Server Into a 4-Post Rack

Mounting the Server Into a 2-Post Rack

Connecting Cables

Cabling Requirements

Identifying Ports

Connecting Data and Management Cables

Powering On the Server for the First Time

Assemble the DC Power Cords

Prepare the Power Cords

Connect a Terminal or Emulator to the SER MGT Port

Power On the Server for the First Time

Oracle Solaris OS Configuration Parameters

Assign a Static IP Address to the SP


Understanding System Administration Resources

Oracle ILOM Overview

Platform-Specific Oracle ILOM Features

Oracle Solaris OS Overview

OpenBoot Overview

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Overview

Multipathing Software

Hardware Management Pack Overview

Source for Downloading Hardware Management Pack Software

Hardware Management Pack Documentation

Accessing the Server

Log In to Oracle ILOM

Log In to the System Console

Display the ok Prompt

Display the Oracle ILOM -> Prompt

Use a Local Graphics Monitor

Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Controlling the Server

Power On the Server (Oracle ILOM)

Power Off the Server (Oracle ILOM)

Reset the Server (Oracle Solaris OS)

Reset the Server (Oracle ILOM)

Reset the SP to Default Values

Configuring Hardware RAID

Hardware RAID Support

Important Hardware RAID Guidelines

Prepare to Use the FCode Utility

FCode Utility Commands

Create a Hardware RAID Volume

Hot Spare Drives in RAID Volumes (LSI)

Determining If a Drive Has Failed

RAID Drive Replacement Strategies

Locate Device Paths

Changing Server Identification Information

Change Customer Data on FRU PROMs

Change System Identifier Information

Configuring Policy Settings

Specify Cooldown Mode

Restore the Host Power State at Restart

Specify the Host Power State at Restart

Disable or Re-Enable the Host Power-On Delay

Specify Parallel Boot of the SP and Host

Configure Host Behavior (Keyswitch State)

Configuring Network Addresses

SP Network Address Options

Disable or Re-Enable Network Access to the SP

Display the DHCP Server IP Address

Display the IP Address of the SP

Display the Host MAC Address

Using an In-band Connection to the SP

Configuring Boot Mode

Boot Mode Overview

Configure the Host Boot Mode (Oracle VM Server for SPARC)

Change the Host Boot Mode Behavior at Reset

Manage the Host Boot Mode Script

Display Host Boot Mode Expiration Date

Override OBP Settings to Reset the Server

Configuring Server Behavior at Restart

Specify Behavior When the Host Resets

Specify Behavior When the Host Stops Running

Set the Boot Timeout Interval

Specify Behavior at Boot Timeout

Specify Behavior if Restart Fails

Specify Maximum Restart Attempts

Configuring Devices

Unconfigure a Device Manually

Reconfigure a Device Manually

Monitoring the Server

Monitoring Faults

Enabling Automatic System Recovery

Display Server Components

Locate the Server

Updating the Firmware

Display the Firmware Version

Update the Firmware

Display OpenBoot Version

Display POST Version

Identifying WWN-Designated SAS2 Devices

World Wide Name Syntax

Mapping WWN Values to Hard Drives (OBP probe-scsi-all Command)

Identify a Disk Slot Using prtconf (Oracle Solaris OS)

WWN Syntax in an OS Installation on an Individual Drive

WWN Syntax in an OS Installation on a RAID Volume


Identifying Components

Power Supply, Hard Drive, and Fan Module Locations

Top Cover, Filter Tray, and DVD Tray Locations

Motherboard, DIMMs, and PCI Board Locations

Front Panel Components

Rear Panel Components

Detecting and Managing Faults

Diagnostics Overview

Diagnostics Process

Interpreting Diagnostic LEDs

Front Panel LEDs

Rear Panel LEDs

Managing Faults (Oracle ILOM)

Oracle ILOM Troubleshooting Overview

Access the SP (Oracle ILOM)

Display FRU Information (show Command)

Check for Faults (show faulty Command)

Check for Faults (fmadm faulty Command)

Clear Faults (clear_fault_action Property)

Service-Related Oracle ILOM Commands

Understanding Fault Management Commands

No Faults Detected Example

Power Supply Fault Example (show faulty Command)

Power Supply Fault Example (fmadm faulty Command)

POST-Detected Fault Example (show faulty Command)

PSH-Detected Fault Example (show faulty Command)

Interpreting Log Files and System Messages

Check the Message Buffer

View System Message Log Files

Checking if Oracle VTS Is Installed

Oracle VTS Overview

Check if Oracle VTS Is Installed

Managing Faults (POST)

POST Overview

Oracle ILOM Properties That Affect POST Behavior

Configure POST

Run POST With Maximum Testing

Interpret POST Fault Messages

Clear POST-Detected Faults

POST Output Reference

Managing Faults (PSH)

PSH Overview

PSH-Detected Fault Example

Check for PSH-Detected Faults

Clear PSH-Detected Faults

Managing Components (ASR)

ASR Overview

Display System Components

Disable System Components

Enable System Components

Preparing for Service

Safety Information

Tools Needed for Service

Filler Panels

Find the Server Serial Number

Locate the Server

Component Service Task Reference

Removing Power From the Server

Accessing Internal Components

Servicing the Air Filter

Remove the Air Filter

Install the Air Filter

Servicing Fan Modules

Fan Module LEDs

Locate a Faulty Fan Module

Remove a Fan Module

Install a Fan Module

Verify a Fan Module

Servicing Power Supplies

Power Supply LEDs

Locate a Faulty Power Supply

Remove a Power Supply

Install a Power Supply

Verify a Power Supply

Servicing Hard Drives

Hard Drive LEDs

Locate a Faulty Hard Drive

Remove a Hard Drive

Install a Hard Drive

Verify a Hard Drive

Servicing the Hard Drive Fan

Determine if the Hard Drive Fan Is Faulty

Remove the Hard Drive Fan

Install the Hard Drive Fan

Verify the Hard Drive Fan

Servicing the Hard Drive Backplane

Determine if the Hard Drive Backplane Is Faulty

Remove the Hard Drive Backplane

Install the Hard Drive Backplane

Verify the Hard Drive Backplane

Servicing the Power Distribution Board

Determine if the Power Distribution Board Is Faulty

Remove the Power Distribution Board

Install the Power Distribution Board

Verify the Power Distribution Board

Servicing the DVD Drive

Determine if the DVD Drive Is Faulty

Remove the DVD Drive

Install the DVD Drive

Verify the DVD Drive

Servicing the DVD Tray

Remove the DVD Tray

Install the DVD Tray

Servicing the LED Board

Determine if the LED Board Is Faulty

Remove the LED Board

Install the LED Board

Verify the LED Board

Servicing the Fan Board

Determine if the Fan Board Is Faulty

Remove the Fan Board

Install the Fan Board

Verify the Fan Board

Servicing the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board

Determine if the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board Is Faulty

Remove the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board

Install the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board

Verify the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board

Servicing PCIe2 Riser Cards

Locate a Faulty PCIe2 Riser Card

Remove a PCIe2 Riser Card

Install a PCIe2 Riser Card

Verify a PCIe2 Riser Card

Servicing PCIe2 Cards

Locate a Faulty PCIe2 Card

Remove a PCIe2 Card From the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board

Remove a PCIe2 Card From the PCIe2 Riser Card

Install a PCIe2 Card Into the PCIe2 Mezzanine Board

Install a PCIe2 Card Into the PCIe2 Riser Card

Install SAS Cable for Sun Storage 6 Gb SAS PCIe RAID HBA, Internal

Verify a PCIe2 Card

Servicing the Signal Interface Board

Determine if the Signal Interface Board Is Faulty

Remove the Signal Interface Board

Install the Signal Interface Board

Verify the Signal Interface Board

Servicing DIMMs

DIMM Configuration


Locate a Faulty DIMM

Remove a DIMM

Install a DIMM

Verify a DIMM

Servicing the Battery

Determine if the Battery Is Faulty

Remove the Battery

Install the Battery

Verify the Battery

Servicing the SP

Determine if the SP Is Faulty

Remove the SP

Install the SP

Verify the SP

Servicing the ID PROM

Determine if the ID PROM Is Faulty

Remove the ID PROM

Install the ID PROM

Verify the ID PROM

Servicing the Motherboard

Determine if the Motherboard Is Faulty

Remove the Motherboard

Install the Motherboard

Verify the Motherboard

Returning the Server to Operation

Install the Top Cover

Connect Power Cords

Power On the Server (Oracle ILOM)

Power On the Server (Power Button)



Clear POST-Detected Faults

Use this procedure if you suspect that a fault was not automatically cleared. This procedure describes how to identify a POST-detected fault and, if necessary, manually clear the fault.

In most cases, when POST detects a faulty component, POST logs the fault and automatically takes the failed component out of operation by placing the component in the ASR blacklist. See Managing Components (ASR).

Usually, when a faulty component is replaced, the replacement is detected when the SP is reset or power cycled. The fault is automatically cleared from the system.

  1. Replace the faulty FRU.
  2. At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type the show faulty command to identify POST-detected faults.

    POST-detected faults are distinguished from other kinds of faults by the text: Forced fail. No UUID number is reported. For example:

    -> show faulty
    Target                | Property               | Value 
    /SP/faultmgmt/0       | fru                    | /SYS/PM0/CMP0/BOB1/CH0/D0
    /SP/faultmgmt/0       | timestamp              | Dec 21 16:40:56
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/      | timestamp              | Dec 21 16:40:56
    faults/0              |                        | 
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/      | sp_detected_fault      | /SYS/PM0/CMP0/BOB1/CH0/D0faults/0              |                        | Forced fail(POST)
  3. Take one of these actions based on the output:
    • No fault is reported – The system cleared the fault and you do not need to manually clear the fault. Do not perform the subsequent steps.

    • Fault reported – Go to Step 4.

  4. Use the component_state property of the component to clear the fault and remove the component from the ASR blacklist.

    Use the FRU name that was reported in the fault in Step 2.

    -> set /SYS/PM0/CMP0/BOB1/CH0/D0 component_state=Enabled

    The fault is cleared and should not show up when you run the show faulty command. Additionally, the System Fault (Service Required) LED is no longer lit.

  5. Reset the server.

    You must reboot the server for the component_state property to take effect.

  6. At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type the show faulty command to verify that no faults are reported.
    -> show faulty
    Target              | Property               | Value
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