This section describes the databases and other major components involved in an ATG Customer Intelligence installation, and their relationships to one another.

A typical ACI installation has the following components:

  • ATG Customer Intelligence—See the ACI Components section of this chapter for a description of the tools that comprise ACI. The ACI software runs in a separate JVM from other ATG applications.

  • Content Store—Contains data used for the operation of the ATG Reporting Framework. The content store is used to store reports, queries, schedules, folders, packages, and metrics.

  • ATG Reporting Data Warehouse (ATGDW)—Contains data from ATG applications used to report and query on. The data in the data warehouse is subject oriented, integrated, informational, non-volatile, and time variant. The warehouse is optimized for query processing

  • ATG applications—Applications such as ATG Knowledge and ATG Commerce provide information that is stored in the ATGDW. These applications load data into the warehouse from a variety of operational data sources.

  • ATG application data loaders—These modules load application data into the data warehouse. They are installed as part of the related ATG application, and run in a separate JVM from the application for better performance. In a production environment, these should be run on a dedicated machine.

  • Web server—Processes requests and sends them to the application as appropriate.

The following diagram shows these items in relationship: