A module must include a META-INF directory containing the manifest file, the name of which name must be MANIFEST.MF. For example, the manifest used by the DPS module is located at <ATG2007.3dir>/DPS/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

Manifest Attributes

The ATG platform defines a number of manifest attributes that you can use to specify the module’s environment and resources:


A space-delimited set of module names, specifying modules on which this module depends. If you specify this module when you run the application assembler, any modules listed here are included in the application as well. When the application is started up, the module’s manifest is processed after the manifests of the modules that the module depends on. To determine the processing order, the ATG platform determines which modules depend on other modules, then puts the most independent modules first, followed by modules that depend on other modules. Note that in most cases, you should set this attribute to include DSS.


A space-delimited set of paths to module resources that contain classes required by the module. These may be either .jar files or directories. The ATG platform adds the ATG-Class-Path value to the beginning of the EAR file’s CLASSPATH as each module is processed. Paths are relative to the module’s root directory, not the ATG installation directory. These libraries and directories of classes are imported into the lib directory of the assembled EAR file, and added to the CLASSPATH of the EAR-level class loader.


A space-delimited set of paths to module resources that contain classes required by client-side features of the module.


A space-delimited set of paths to module resources that provide Nucleus configuration files needed by the module’s application components. These may be either .jar files or directories.


A space-delimited set of paths to module resources that provide Nucleus configuration files. These configuration files will be appended to the CONFIGPATH when you enable the liveconfig configuration layer. Paths are relative to the module’s root directory, not the ATG installation directory. For more information about the liveconfig configuration layer, see the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.


A space-delimited set of paths to module resources that provide JavaHelp help sets to the module’s client application. For example, the DPS module has this value for the ATG Control Center help set:



Indicates that the module requires a Nucleus preinitializer. The attribute value is the name of a class that implements the atg.applauncher.initializer.Initializer interface. This class should be available in the CLASSPATH defined by the ATG-Class-Path and ATG-Assembler-Class-Path attributes. Before Nucleus is started in the assembled application EAR file, the initialize() method for each of the named classes is invoked.


Indicates that the Dynamo module contains one or more web applications that should be included in the assembled application.


Indicates that the Dynamo module contains one or more EJB modules that should be included in the assembled application.


Indicates that the Dynamo module contains one or more EAR files whose J2EE modules should be included in the assembled application.


Indicates the CLASSPATH to be used for the assembled EAR file. This value has similar semantics to, and overrides the value of, the ATG-Class-Path attribute. If this attribute is not set, then the value of the ATG-Class-Path attribute is used instead.


Indicates that the specified file should not be included in the assembled EAR file. You can use this attribute to keep the size of your EAR file down, by ensuring that unnecessary files are not included.

Individual Module Resource Entries

The manifest may also contain entries for individual resources within the module. Any resources that are intended to be automatically downloaded to the client must be present as manifest entries, and must include the following manifest attributes for each such module resource:


Indicates a resource should be copied into EAR files


This attribute is required to be present with the value true to enable auto-downloading of this file.


An optional SHA digest of the file in Base-64 form, permitting checking of the resource’s version and integrity.


An optional MD5 digest in Base-64 form, permitting checking of the resource’s version and integrity.


An optional version string that is taken to indicate the resource’s version, overriding consideration any SHA-Digest or MD5-Digest hash digest attributes that may be present.

For example, for each file in your module that you intend to download to the client, you would include an entry in the manifest like this one:

Name: help/das_ui_help.jar
ATG-Client-Update-File: true
ATG-Client-Update-Version: 3.0.2 build 42
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