The atg.repository.seo.JumpServlet class is responsible for translating static request URLs to their dynamic equivalents. This class extends the atg.servlet.pipeline.InsertableServletImpl class, so it can be inserted in the DAS or DAF servlet pipeline. However, because this servlet is intended to process only static URLs, and incoming URLs are typically dynamic, including the servlet in a pipeline may be very inefficient. Therefore, it is generally preferable to configure it as a URI-mapped servlet in the web.xml file of your application, to ensure that it processes only static URLs.

To configure the jump servlet in a web.xml file, you actually declare another class, atg.repository.seo.MappedJumpServlet. This is a helper class that invokes the JumpServlet component. In addition, you declare a servlet mapping for the pattern that the servlet uses to detect static request URLs.

For example, if you have configured your static URLs to include /jump/ immediately after the context root, the entry in the web.xml file would be something like this:


There also are several properties you can configure for the Nucleus component:

In addition, the servlet has nextServlet and insertAfterServlet properties for including the component in a servlet pipeline. If the servlet is configured through the web.xml file, you should not set these properties.

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