There are various ways to set up SQL-based content repositories to store content for multiple site locales. For example, you can set up a separate repository for each locale, or you can store content for all locales in a single repository and add locale-specific attributes to each repository item.

For more advantages and disadvantages of each method, and for a detailed description of how to set up SQL content repositories for an internationalized site, refer to Designing a Multi-Locale Product Catalog in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

The Motorprise demo application (ATG Business Commerce) uses the single repository method to store content in two languages, English and German. For information, refer to Localizing Custom Catalogs in the ATG Business Commerce Reference Application Guide.

The Quincy Funds demo application stores content for four locales in a single repository, which is a combination SQL/file system repository. All content is encoded in UTF-8. For more information, refer to the ATG Quincy Funds Demo Documentation.

Using the EncodingTyper Component with Content Repositories

If you use the EncodingTyper component to determine character encodings, you must configure it to match the locale-based repository directories to encodings; the mapping works in the same way as the EncodingTyper mapping of page directories to encodings. See Using the EncodingTyper to Set the Character Encoding for more information.

Localizing a SQL Content Repository Definition File

The configuration file that defines a SQL content repository contains various values that are used in the content repository editor in the ATG Control Center. For example, each item has a display-name property and a description property whose values are labels that can be used to identify them in the editor. You can localize the definition file so that these values appear in a different language. For detailed information, refer to Localizing SQL Repository Definitions in the ATG Repository Guide.

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