By default, the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component is configured to create an XHTML document for each product in the product catalog. This means that each document indexed by ATG Search corresponds to a product, so that when a site visitor searches the catalog, each individual result returned represents a product.

Some sites may prefer to create a separate XHTML document for each SKU, so that each search result represents a SKU rather than a product. To enable SKU-based indexing, ATG Commerce includes the DCS.Search.Index.SKUIndexing module. This module makes various configuration changes to Commerce components to enable SKU-based indexing rather than product-based indexing. For example, it modifies the ProductCatalogOutputConfig component’s definition file (product-catalog-output-config.xml), setting the is-document attribute to false for the product item type, and to true for the childSKUs item type.

To enable SKU-based indexing, include the DCS.Search.Index.SKUIndexing module when you assemble your application. See Running the Commerce Search Modules for more information.

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