For most query types, ATG Search returns the query results as an object of class com.primus.searchstudio.Results. Each form handler has a results property for storing a Results object, so you can display the query results in a JSP. For example, the following JSP fragment creates a three-column table that displays the label, path, and score properties of each category in the Results.suggestedCategories List property:

<dspel:getvalueof bean="${formHandlerPath}.results" var="results"/>
<c:set value="${results}" var="results" scope="request"/>

<table border="1" width="100%">
  <tr bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">

  <c:if test="${ ! empty results.suggestedCategories }">

    <c:forEach items="${results.suggestedCategories}" var="category">
          <c:out value="${category.label}"/>&nbsp;
          <c:out value="${category.path}"/>&nbsp;
          <c:out value="${category.score}"/>&nbsp;

Notice that most of the JSP tags in this example are standard JSTL tags, rather than DSP tags, because the Results object is not a Nucleus component.

For the <browse> query type, ATG Search returns the query results as an array of objects of class com.primus.searchstudio.CategoryDocument. These objects are stored in the results.categories.combinedResults.categoryDocuments array of the BrowseFormHandler. To display results from a <browse> query, you retrieve them from this array. For example, the following JSP fragment creates a table in which each row displays the properties of a different CategoryDocument object:

<table border="1" width="100%">
   <tr bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">

   <c:if test="${ ! empty results.categories }">

     <c:forEach items="${results.categories.combinedResults.categoryDocuments}"
           <c:out value="${document.timestamp}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.paTimestampString}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.popularity}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.vicDocTypeAsString}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.title}"/> &nbsp;
          <c:out value="${document.fullTitle}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.isTruncated}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.faq}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.responseId}"/> &nbsp;
           <c:out value="${document.normalizedResponse}"/> &nbsp;
          <table border="1">
            <tr bgcolor="LIGHTBLUE">
            <c:forEach items="${}" var="property">
                  <c:out value="${property.key}"/>
                  <c:out value="${property.value}"/>
loading table of contents...