The CommerceFacetSearchDroplet component is an instance of the FacetSearchDroplet class. It takes the FacetTrail object and various ATG Search query attributes as inputs, and passes these to the CommerceFacetSearchService. The CommerceFacetSearchService constructs a search query that specifies:

The CommerceFacetSearchService passes the query to the ESSearchService, which sends the query to ATG Search and receives back a Search Results object. The CommerceFacetSearchService converts this object to a FacetSearchResponse object, which the CommerceFacetSearchDroplet outputs.

The page developer can then use servlet beans such as ForEach to iterate through this object and display the resulting facets and selections and products returned. The selection ranges or values can be displayed as hyperlinks which, when clicked, pass the new facet trail String and modification instructions as query parameters to the linked page.

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