Each time a catalog indexing job runs, ATG Search Administration invokes the CatalogRankConfigAdapter and the SearchUpdateAdapter after the indexing itself is complete. This ensures that ATG Search has up-to-date search configurations and inventory information.

Depending on the needs of your site, you may want to run the customization adapters more frequently than you re-index the product catalog. This is particularly true if your inventory information changes rapidly, and your search configurations include rules based on inventory status. For example, for rules that exclude out-of-stock items, you want to make sure the data that triggers these rules is up to date.

When you set up scheduled indexing jobs for your project in the ATG Search Administration UI, you can also set up a post-indexing customizations job and schedule it to run more frequently than the indexing jobs. For more information about creating and scheduling a post-indexing customizations job, see the ATG Search Administration Guide.

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