Creating and Configuring WorkCenter Pages

This chapter provides an overview of WorkCenter pages and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding WorkCenter Pages

WorkCenter pages are a type of configurable PeopleSoft page that enable you to offer access to related transactions, analytics data, query results, and other PeopleSoft resources from one central location. You can organize the elements on WorkCenter pages based on processes, procedures, roles, or other business requirements that are specific to your organization. When carefully designed, WorkCenter pages bring together the PeopleSoft elements that your users access most when performing the tasks that comprise their primary responsibilities. As a result, WorkCenter pages promote productivity by minimizing the time users spend navigating between tasks.

WorkCenter pages can bring these different elements together because WorkCenter pages use a portal template that provides flexibility in the way that you access components and pages and also in the way the application displays these elements. The WorkCenter portal template differs from the standard portal template in two primary ways:

When users access WorkCenter pages, they are presented with pagelets, which contain links to components, analytics, query results, and other PeopleSoft resources. The WorkCenter pagelet area supports only template pagelets because template pagelets can extract and leverage values that are necessary to complete the transaction. When users click a link, it triggers the appropriate transaction, starts the search process, and passes values from the template pagelet area so that the application can display the appropriate content in the target content area or in a new browser window.

See Also

Template Pagelets

Developing Portal Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Pagelet Area

The pagelet area contains the template pagelets that you assign to the WorkCenter page. The pagelet area is adjustable and its configuration is flexible. You can organize the pagelet area by creating pagelet groups, which appear as tabs in the pagelet area. You can explicitly define options such as the initial size of the pagelet area, the pagelet group order, and the pagelet group that appears by default when you access a WorkCenter page. This is an example of a pagelet area with four groups:

After creating these pagelet groups, you assign template pagelets to the groups. You specify options such as the order of the pagelets, which pagelet receives focus by default, and whether the pagelet is collapsed or expanded as its initial state. In this example, the pagelet group contains two pagelets: My Roles and Application Security. The first pagelet is minimized.

Generally, template pagelets that you assign to WorkCenter pages are small, narrow format pagelets that are specifically designed to appear in the resizable pagelet area. The pagelet area also supports user personalizations to the extent that you enable them.

The pagelet area supports only registered template pagelets, which are those pagelets that you see in the Template Pagelets folder in the portal registry. You access the Template Pagelets folder by navigating to PeopleTools, Portal, Structure & Content and then clicking the Portal Objects link.

The pagelet area supports iScript based pagelets, component based pagelets, and even external URL based pagelets.

You can use Pagelet Wizard to create and publish iScript based template pagelets such as those that use navigation collections and queries as data sources. You manually create and register component based or other iScript based pagelets as template pagelets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Target Content Area

The primary purpose of the target content area is to display the transaction page, query results, analytics, or other resources that the application user requests by clicking a link in the pagelet area. The target content area can display any type of content that a standard PeopleSoft transaction page can display. You use this area to search, view, edit, and complete your transactions. Because only unidirectional pagelet area to target area interactions are supported, any links on pages in the target content area operate within the confines of the target content area.

You can target resources to appear not only in the target content area, but to a new browser window or to current browser replacing the entire WorkCenter page with the resource.

Example of Setting the Target to Open in a New Window

You can set the target to open in a new window when you need to view both the current page and the new page simultaneously. For example, an accounts payable representative is completing an invoice and needs to view customer history at the same time. You could design a pagelet so that the link opens the Customer History page in a new window.

Example of Setting the Target to Replace the Current Window

You can set the target to replace the current window entirely. For example, an account representative is reviewing her largest account and then wants to view a dashboard that shows all accounts in relation to one another. You could design a pagelet with a link that opens the Accounts Dashboard and replaces the current window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Page Layout Templates

WorkCenter pages use an iframe-based portal template that supports four sections:

The portal header and drop-down style menu, when enabled, appear at the top of the page above the pagelet and target content areas. The adjustable pagelet and target content areas take up the middle of the page. The related content frame can also appear below the target content area when the current transaction page has related content configured.

You can change the layout of WorkCenter pages by using page layout templates. Page layout templates use Application class PeopleCode to determine the location of the pagelet area and target content area. WorkCenter pages delivers application class PeopleCode that renders the pagelet area on either the left side or the right side of the page.

Page Layout Template Examples

In this example, which uses the default page layout template, you see the drop-down menu, the pagelet area on the left, and the related content frame beneath the target content area on the right:

In this example, you see the pagelet area on the right side of the WorkCenter page:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesign Considerations for WorkCenter Pages

WorkCenter pages have different characteristics than standard PeopleSoft components and pages. When you create a WorkCenter page, consider the following differences and design recommendations, which accommodate those differences:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding iScript and Component Based Template Pagelets

You can create iScript and component based template pagelets for use with WorkCenter pages. You use Pagelet Wizard to create iScript based pagelets. Pagelet Wizard pagelets can be based on many possible data sources, such as navigation collections, search records, HTML, and queries. You use Application Designer to create component based pagelets which are based on PeopleTools definitions. This section presents overviews of these types of template pagelets:

See Also

Overview of Pagelet Wizard Data Sources

Developing Pagelets Based on iScripts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Navigation Collection Based Template Pagelets

Navigation collections are portal objects that you use to create your own groupings of existing folders and content references, which you can then deploy or publish to different users or groups of users. Navigation collections enable you to create links to content that you already have in the portal registry and to organize the links in ways that specifically addresses your users' business needs.

Navigation collection-based template pagelets appear in the pagelet area as folders and links. When users click a folder, the folder contents appear in the pagelet. When users click a link, the resource opens in the target content area by default. Because navigation collections are designed as alternate menu structures, you navigate through folders to find links, which generally reference components. When users click the link, the component search page appears in the target content area unless the search record is configured so that the search page is bypassed. In such cases, the component requires no search parameters and immediately opens in the target content area.

In this example, you see the navigation collection-based Application Security template pagelet in the pagelet area of the WorkCenter page.

Publishing Navigation Collections as Template Pagelets

You create and maintain navigation collections using the Navigation Collections component. Using the pages in this component, you set the properties that determine the order in which the folders and links appear, and also the location where the target appears. If you decide to create template pagelets based on navigation collections, you should review these properties to determine whether pages will open in the target content area, replace the current page, or in new browser windows.

You can use Pagelet Wizard to create template pagelets based on any published navigation collection. At step two of the template pagelet creation process in Pagelet Wizard, you must specify your navigation collection as the data source. Choose from any your custom navigation collections or the PeopleSoft-delivered navigation collections. Continue through the process to step six, where you specify Template Pagelet as a publishing option. When you save the pagelet, Pagelet Wizard creates the template pagelet and you can then assign it to the pagelet area of a WorkCenter page.

Specific details for creating and publishing navigation collections and using Pagelet Wizard to publish them as template pagelets are located in this PeopleBook.

See Creating or Editing a Navigation Collection, Collection Properties, Selecting a Navigation Collection Data Source, Step 6: Specifying Pagelet Publication Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Query Based Template Pagelets

PeopleSoft Query is a reporting tool that enables you to extract your data by using visual representations of your PeopleSoft database, without writing SQL statements. The queries that you create can be as simple or as complex as necessary. You can design queries that return basic lists of static text. You can also use more advanced features, such as drilling URLs. By configuring drilling URLs, and associating them with query fields, the values that the query retrieves appear as links, which you click to access both internal and external content.

Query based template pagelets can take advantage of queries, whether they are simple or complex. You might base a pagelet template on a query that retrieves informational text to display to the user. However, query-based template pagelets also have access to the more advanced query metadata, such as the drilling URLs. If you link fields in query based template pagelets to these drilling URLs, the values that the template pagelet retrieves appear as links as they do in PeopleSoft Query. Unlike PeopleSoft Query however, you can configure the links to open the resource in the target content area of the WorkCenter page.

Because you can configure the links so that the associated resources open in the WorkCenter page target content area, query-based template pagelets that are configured to display the retrieved values as active links are ideal for using with WorkCenter pages. In the pagelet area of this WorkCenter page, the User Roles pagelet is based on the PT_SEC_USER_ROLES query definition, which returns the roles that are assigned to the current user. Each role name in the list is a link to the Roles component. When users click a role name such as Documentation Specialist, that role name value passes to the component as a search parameter. Using the value, the Roles component opens to the Documentation Specialist role.

Publishing Queries as Template Pagelets

You create and maintain queries using the Query Manager component.

You can use Pagelet Wizard to create template pagelets based on any query. At step two of the template pagelet creation process in Pagelet Wizard, you must specify your query as the data source. At step five, you use the link icon to access the Link Details page where you can configure fields to use the drilling URLs and appear as links. At this step, you also specify whether link opens in the target content area or a new window. Continue through the process to step six, where you specify Template Pagelet as a publishing option. When you save the pagelet, Pagelet Wizard creates the template pagelet and you can then assign it to the pagelet area of a WorkCenter page.

Specific details for creating and maintaining queries are located in the PeopleTools 8.51 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Query.

See Working with Advanced Query Options.

Specific details for using Pagelet Wizard to publish queries as template pagelets are located in this PeopleBook.

See Selecting a PeopleSoft Query Data Source, Specifying Data Link Details, Step 6: Specifying Pagelet Publication Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Component Based Template Pagelets

Component based template pagelets are PeopleSoft component definitions that you create and configure in PeopleSoft Application Designer and then register in the PeopleTools portal as template pagelets. With minor differences, the process that you use to create, configure, and assemble the definitions that comprise this type of component definition follows closely the application development process. While the process is similar to that which you use to create standard component definitions, some definition properties are different. In addition to these definition properties, other portal-related differences can exist depending on whether you use an existing component or create a new one.

This section discusses the important differences in settings between standard component definitions and components that you use in component based template pagelets. All examples in this section utilize the component based WorkCenter Component Links pagelet, which you see here in the pagelet area of the WorkCenter page:

Record Definition Settings

Record definitions that support component based template pagelets typically are not set to the SQL table record definition type because the pagelet area is not intended to write data to tables. Create or use record definitions with a record type of SQL View or Derived/Work.

See Setting Record Properties.

Page Field Definition Settings

All template pagelets should be designed to produce interaction between the pagelet area and the target content area. When defining pages that are part of component-based template pagelets, the page developer can most easily facilitate this interaction by inserting push button/hyperlink page controls and then configuring properties that are inherent to that type of control. The developer can also write PeopleCode programs that accomplish the same pagelet area to content area interaction.

The WorkCenter Component Links pagelet is based on the PTAL_DEMOPGLT page definition, which includes nine push button/hyperlink controls:

See Creating Page Definitions.

By setting the push button/hyperlink page control Type and Field Use properties at design time, the developer determines the resource that appears when the user clicks the link and also where that the resource appears, such as in the target content area or a new window. Only PeopleCode, internal links, and external links are valid destination types for push button/hyperlink controls when you use them on component based template pagelets.

The Push Button/Hyperlink Type properties specify an internal link type. The internal link properties specify the location of the CHANGE_PASSWORD page:

Warning! The default target for push button/hyperlinks is the target content area. It is recommended that you do not change these default settings for component pagelets. Likewise, when you use PeopleCode or XSL in Pagelet Wizard transformations to generate links, it is recommended that the link target open in the target content area only.

See Using Push Buttons and Links.

Component Definition Settings

Standard components and the components that you use as component-based pagelets have different purposes which require that the developer configure each type of component differently. The following list describes the recommended property settings for components that you use as component-based template pagelets on WorkCenter pages:

Notice the settings of the PTAL_DEMOPGLT component in this example:

See Setting Component Properties.

Registering Components as Template Pagelets

After creating the component definition, you must register the component as a template pagelet in the PeopleTools portal. The PeopleTools portal stores content references based on their URL information. As a result, the combination of elements that make up the URL of every content reference in a portal must be unique. If a component is already registered as a content reference in the portal, then you must enter a dummy value in the Additional Parameters field when you register that same component as a template pagelet. Adding this field value ensures that the two content references are unique.

A sample value that works well is name1=value1, as you see in this example:

See Defining Content References, URL Information.

See Also

Main Application Development Steps

Click to jump to parent topicWorkCenter Page Development and Implementation Process Overview

This diagram presents an overview of the process for developing, implementing, and using WorkCenter pages:

Note. You do not have to create new component-based template pagelets. You can convert existing components or homepage pagelets to the WorkCenter template.

See Selecting Menu Items.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

This table lists the prerequisite steps that you must perform and references the corresponding documentation that you should review before you configure WorkCenter pages.


Cross Reference

Create navigation collections that you want to assign to the pagelet area.

See Creating or Editing a Navigation Collection.

Create PeopleSoft Query definitions that you want to use in the pagelet area.

See Creating New Queries.

Create PeopleSoft page definitions, add and configure hyperlink page controls, and then define and register the components that you want to use as pagelets.

See Creating Page Definitions.

See Using Push Buttons and Links.

See Defining Components.

Use Pagelet Wizard to create and publish template pagelets that use your navigation collections and query definitions as data sources.

See Using Pagelet Wizard.

See Selecting a PeopleSoft Query Data Source.

See Selecting a Navigation Collection Data Source.

See Template Pagelet.

Manually add component-based template pagelet to template pagelets portal objects folder.

See Defining Content References.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Page Layout Templates

This section discusses how to define layout templates:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Page Layout Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Page Layout Templates


PeopleTools, Portal, WorkCenter Pages, Define Page Layout Templates

Set or change the portal look and feel for WorkCenter pagelets and pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Page Layout Templates

Access the Define Page Layout Templates page (PeopleTools, Portal, WorkCenter Pages, Define Page Layout Templates).

Layout Template

View the template ID, which is the name as entered on the Add New Value page. This field is display-only.


Enter text that briefly describes the purpose of the layout template. You can enter up to 30 characters.


Select to enable the template. If you select this check box, you must enter the supporting application class. This check box is disabled if the template is designated as the default template because the default template must be active.


Select to specify the template as the default template for all new WorkCenter pages. If you select this check box, you must designate the template as active.

The application allows only one default template. To replace the current default template, you must create a new template and designate it as the active, default template. When you save the page, the application makes the Default and Active check boxes display-only.

Supporting Application Class

After you define the application class that creates the WorkCenter template in PeopleSoft Application Designer, you enter the class-identifying information in these fields:

Package Name

Enter the application class package name that contains the PeopleCode that defines the template.


Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method that defines the template. If the class is defined in the top level package, the Path lookup search results display a colon. Select the colon.

Application Class ID

Enter the application class name that determines the layout of the page. The class must exist in the application package and subpackage (path) that you specify.

LeftPageletAreaTemplate and RightPageletAreaTemplate application classes come with all PeopleSoft applications.

Note. If the combination of the above fields creates an invalid application class path when you attempt to save the component, then the application presents an error message and prevents you from saving an invalid template. The error message specifies alternatives that you can take to eliminate the condition that causes the error.

Click to jump to parent topic Managing WorkCenter Page Configurations

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Configure and Manage WorkCenter Pages

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Work Center Pages


PeopleTools, Portal, WorkCenter, Manage WorkCenter Pages

  • Convert existing content references to WorkCenter pages.

  • View existing WorkCenter page configurations.

  • Delete existing WorkCenter page configurations.

Select a Menu Item


Click the Create New WorkCenter Page link.

Select the menu item that you are configuring as a WorkCenter page.

Assign Template Pagelets


PeopleTools, Portal, WorkCenter, Assign Template Pagelets

Alternately, click the Administer Pagelets link the pagelet area.

  • Change page layout options.

  • Create pagelet groups.

  • Assign pagelets to pagelet groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Managing WorkCenter Pages

Access the Manage WorkCenter Pages page (PeopleTools, Portal, WorkCenter, Manage WorkCenter Pages).

If you have not configured any WorkCenter pages, this page appears:

Create New WorkCenter Page

Click to open the Select Menu Item page and begin the process of creating a WorkCenter page.

If you have configured at least one WorkCenter page, your page will look similar to this one:

Content Reference

Displays the content reference name as an active link. Click to access the content reference and view the WorkCenter page.

Edit Configuration

Click to access the Assign Template Pagelet page and make changes to an existing WorkCenter page.

Remove Configuration

Click to delete the WorkCenter page, all pagelet groups, and all pagelet configurations associated with the content reference.

Note. Removing WorkCenter page configurations does not delete the menu item upon which it is based nor does it delete the template pagelets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Menu Items

The Select a Menu Item page appears only when you are creating new WorkCenter pages. If you are editing an existing WorkCenter page, the Assign Template Pagelets page appears.

Access the Select a Menu Item page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, WorkCenter, Manage Template Pagelets. Then, click the Create New WorkCenter Page link.)

All content references to which you have been granted access in the current portal appear in the tree, including both local and imported content provider portal registry entries. Select the menu item that you want to convert to a WorkCenter page.

To select a menu item:

  1. Click an upper-level folder to begin navigating through the menu structure.

  2. Continue clicking folders and traversing the menu structure until you find the menu item that you are converting to a WorkCenter page.

  3. Click the menu item.

    The Assign Template Pagelets page appears. If the selected content reference is already a WorkCenter page, the Assign Template Pagelets page displays the page layout options, pagelet groups, and pagelets that are associated with the content reference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Template Pagelets to WorkCenter Pages

Access the Assign Template Pagelets page by using one of these navigation paths:

Assign Template Pagelets

Use these fields to label the pagelet area.

Portal Name

Displays the current portal definition name.

Menu Item

Displays the menu item name associated with the content reference link that you selected from the tree on the Select a Menu Item page. You can also click the link that appears beside the menu item to view the WorkCenter page.

Pagelet Area Label

Enter the name of the pagelet area. The default value of this field is Task Panel. This field can contain up to 30 characters.

This name appears in tool tip text and on the Personalize page.

Page Layout Options

Use these options to change the look and feel of the WorkCenter page.

Changes that you make to the page layout options are visible after you save the page and click the browser Refresh button.

Layout Template

Select a layout template from the list of all active page layout templates. The name of the default page layout template appears here when you create a new WorkCenter page.

Layout HTML Object

Select a custom layout, which you define in an HTML definition in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Only HTML definitions that begin with PTAL_LAYOUT_ appear in this prompt field. This field can contain up to 30 upper-case characters.

Initial Size

Enter an integer between 200 and 9999 that determines the width of the of the pagelet area when the user initially accesses the WorkCenter page. The default value is 300.

Pagelet Groups

Use the fields in this scroll area to organize your pagelets by tabs in the pagelet area.

Group ID

Enter a value that identifies the group. Each value must be unique to the WorkCenter page and can contain no more the 20 characters. After initially adding this value, the field then becomes display-only. This field is required.

Group Label

Enter a meaningful name of up to 20 mixed-case characters for the pagelet group. The label appears on a tab in the pagelet area and is visible to the user. This field is required.

Display Order

Enter a number between 0 and 999 to specifically determine the order that the tabs appear in the pagelet area. This field is empty by default and pagelet groups appear in the same order as the row sort order in the Pagelet Groups scroll area. Groups for which you leave the Display Order field blank are considered 0 and appear before groups where the field contains a value.


Select to display the group by default when the WorkCenter page is initially accessed. Only one group can be the default.

Note these points about pagelet groups:


Use the fields in this grid to assign the pagelets to the group.

Pagelet Name

Select the pagelet from a list of registered template pagelets. Only registered template pagelets appear in the list. A pagelet can be assigned to only one group on a WorkCenter page.

Pagelet Label

Displays the label that appears in the pagelet header.

Display Order

Enter a number between 0 and 999 to specifically determine the position of the pagelets in the group. This field is empty by default and pagelet groups appear in the same order as the row sort order in the Pagelets grid. Pagelets for which you leave the Display Order field blank are considered 0 and appear before groups where the field contains a value.

Set Focus

Select to move the cursor to the pagelet when the user initially accesses the WorkCenter page. You can check this check box for only one pagelet in the same group.


Select to disable the ability of the application user to hide the pagelet in the group. The user can still minimize the pagelet.

Initially Minimized

Select to display the pagelet in the minimized state when the user initially accesses the WorkCenter page.


Return to Manage WorkCenter Pages

Click to access the Manage WorkCenter Pages page. This link is visible only if you access the Assign Templates Pagelets page from the Manage WorkCenter Pages page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Pagelet Area User Preferences

This section discusses how to personalize the pagelet area of a WorkCenter page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Pagelet Area User Preferences

Page Name

Definition Name



Personalize Task Panel


From any WorkCenter page, click the Customize icon in the pagelet area header.

Set pagelet area user preferences and options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Pagelet Area

Application users can set preferences to personalize their WorkCenter page experience. Changes are visible when the user clicks the Save button.

Access the Personalize page (Click the Customize button in the pagelet area header).

Pagelet Group

Select the tab (group) for which you want to set user preferences.

Pagelet Label

Displays the names of the pagelets in the pagelet group.


Select to make the pagelet visible in this pagelet group. Clear the check box to hide the pagelet.

Clearing this check box does not remove the pagelet from the group.

Initially minimized

Select to collapse the pagelet so that only the pagelet header is visible when the user accesses the WorkCenter page.

Display Order

Enter a number between 0 and 999 to specifically determine the position of the pagelets in the group This field is empty by default and pagelets appear in the order as configured by the administrator. Pagelets for which you leave the Display Order field blank are considered 0 and appear before groups where the field contains a value.

Reset to Defaults

Click to set all fields to their original settings as specified by the administrator who configured the WorkCenter page.

Note. Save any changes that you make to this page.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating WorkCenter Operational Dashboard Pages

To create WorkCenter operational dashboard pages:

  1. Create a homepage tab.

    See Adding Homepage Tabs.

  2. In the Homepage Attributes group box, select the Operational Dashboard check box.

  3. Configure the security.

    See Setting Content Reference Security.

  4. Select the tab content.

    See Selecting the Tab Content.

  5. Arrange the tab layout.

    See Arranging the Tab Layout.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Navigate to the level where you want the dashboard.

  8. Click the Add Content Reference Link link at the bottom of the page.

  9. On the Select a Content Reference Link page, navigate the hierarchy to <PORTAL_REGISTRY_NAME>,Portal Objects, Homepage, Tabs. Select the homepage tab that you just created.

  10. On the Content Reference Link Administration page, enter the name and label for the link. If you leave the Label field blank, the link will assume the label of the target homepage tab.

  11. In the Content Reference Link Attributes group box, enter NAVTOPWIN in the Name field and TRUE in the Attribute value field.

  12. Clear the Translate check box and leave the Label field blank.

  13. Click the Save button.