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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: C++ User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Part I C++ Compiler

1.  The C++ Compiler

2.  Using the C++ Compiler

3.  Using the C++ Compiler Options

Part II Writing C++ Programs

4.  Language Extensions

5.  Program Organization

6.  Creating and Using Templates

7.  Compiling Templates

8.  Exception Handling

9.  Improving Program Performance

10.  Building Multithreaded Programs

Part III Libraries

11.  Using Libraries

12.  Using the C++ Standard Library

13.  Using the Classic iostream Library

14.  Building Libraries

Part IV Appendixes

A.  C++ Compiler Options

A.1 How Option Information Is Organized

A.2 Option Reference

A.2.1 -#

A.2.2 -###

A.2.3 -Bbinding

A.2.3.1 Values

A.2.4 -c

A.2.4.1 Examples

A.2.5 -cg{89|92}

A.2.6 -compat={5|g}

A.2.6.1 Values

A.2.7 +d

A.2.7.1 Examples

A.2.8 -Dname[=def]

A.2.9 -d{y|n}

A.2.9.1 Values

A.2.10 -dalign

A.2.11 -dryrun

A.2.12 -E

A.2.12.1 Examples

A.2.13 -erroff[=t]

A.2.13.1 Values

A.2.14 -errtags[=a]

A.2.14.1 Values and Defaults

A.2.15 -errwarn[=t]

A.2.15.1 Values

A.2.16 -fast

A.2.16.1 Expansions

A.2.17 -features=a[,a...]

A.2.17.1 Values

A.2.18 -filt[=filter[,filter...]]

A.2.18.1 Values

A.2.19 -flags

A.2.20 -fma[={none|fused}]

A.2.21 -fnonstd

A.2.22 -fns[={yes|no}]

A.2.22.1 Values

A.2.23 -fprecision=p

A.2.23.1 Values

A.2.24 -fround=r

A.2.24.1 Values

A.2.25 -fsimple[=n]

A.2.25.1 Values

A.2.26 -fstore

A.2.26.1 Warnings

A.2.27 -ftrap=t[,t...]

A.2.27.1 Values

A.2.28 -G

A.2.28.1 Interactions

A.2.29 -g

A.2.29.1 Interactions

A.2.30 -g0

A.2.30.1 See also

A.2.31 -g3

A.2.32 -H

A.2.33 -h[ ]name

A.2.33.1 Examples

A.2.34 -help

A.2.35 -Ipathname

A.2.35.1 Interactions

A.2.36 -I-

A.2.36.1 Examples

A.2.37 -i

A.2.38 -include filename

A.2.39 -inline

A.2.40 -instances=a

A.2.40.1 Values

A.2.41 -instlib=filename

A.2.41.1 Values

A.2.42 -KPIC

A.2.43 -Kpic

A.2.44 -keeptmp

A.2.44.1 See Also

A.2.45 -Lpath

A.2.45.1 Interactions

A.2.46 -llib

A.2.46.1 Interactions

A.2.47 -libmieee

A.2.48 -libmil

A.2.49 -library=l[,l...]

A.2.49.1 Values

A.2.49.2 Defaults

A.2.49.3 Examples

A.2.49.4 Interactions

A.2.49.5 Warnings

A.2.49.6 See Also

A.2.50 -m32|-m64

A.2.50.1 See Also

A.2.51 -mc

A.2.52 -misalign

A.2.53 -mr[,string]

A.2.54 -mt[={yes|no}]

A.2.54.1 See Also

A.2.55 -native

A.2.56 -noex

A.2.57 -nofstore

A.2.57.1 See Also

A.2.58 -nolib

A.2.59 -nolibmil

A.2.60 -norunpath

A.2.60.1 Interactions

A.2.61 -O

A.2.62 -Olevel

A.2.63 -o filename

A.2.63.1 Interactions

A.2.64 +p

A.2.64.1 Defaults

A.2.65 -P

A.2.65.1 See Also

A.2.66 -p

A.2.67 -pentium

A.2.68 -pg

A.2.69 -PIC

A.2.70 -pic

A.2.71 -pta

A.2.72 -ptipath

A.2.72.1 Interactions

A.2.72.2 See Also

A.2.73 -pto

A.2.74 -ptv

A.2.75 -Qoption phase option[,option...]

A.2.75.1 Values

A.2.75.2 Examples

A.2.75.3 Warnings

A.2.76 -qoption phase option

A.2.77 -qp

A.2.78 -Qproduce sourcetype

A.2.79 -qproduce sourcetype

A.2.80 -Rpathname[:pathname...]

A.2.80.1 Defaults

A.2.80.2 Interactions

A.2.80.3 See Also

A.2.81 -S

A.2.82 -s

A.2.83 -staticlib=l[,l...]

A.2.83.1 Values

A.2.83.2 Defaults

A.2.83.3 Examples

A.2.83.4 Interactions

A.2.83.5 Warnings

A.2.83.6 See Also

A.2.84 -sync_stdio=[yes|no]

A.2.84.1 Defaults

A.2.84.2 Examples

A.2.84.3 Warnings

A.2.85 -temp=path

A.2.85.1 See Also

A.2.86 -template=opt[,opt...]

A.2.86.1 Values

A.2.86.2 Defaults

A.2.86.3 Examples

A.2.86.4 See Also

A.2.87 -time

A.2.88 -traceback[={%none|common|signals_list}]

A.2.89 -Uname

A.2.89.1 Examples

A.2.89.2 Interactions

A.2.89.3 See Also

A.2.90 -unroll=n

A.2.91 -V

A.2.92 -v

A.2.93 -verbose=v[,v...]

A.2.93.1 Values

A.2.94 -Wc,arg

A.2.95 +w

A.2.95.1 Defaults

A.2.95.2 See Also

A.2.96 +w2

A.2.96.1 See Also

A.2.97 -w

A.2.97.1 See Also

A.2.98 -Xlinker arg

A.2.99 -Xm

A.2.100 -xaddr32

A.2.101 -xalias_level[=n]

A.2.101.1 -xalias_level=any

A.2.101.2 -xalias_level=simple

A.2.101.3 -xalias_level=compatible

A.2.101.4 Defaults

A.2.101.5 Interactions

A.2.101.6 Warning

A.2.102 -xanalyze={code|no}

A.2.103 -xannotate[=yes|no]

A.2.104 -xar

A.2.104.1 Values

A.2.105 -xarch=isa

A.2.105.1 -xarch Flags for SPARC and x86

A.2.105.2 -xarch Flags for SPARC

A.2.105.3 -xarch Flags for x86

A.2.105.4 Interactions

A.2.105.5 Warnings

A.2.106 -xautopar

A.2.106.1 See Also

A.2.107 -xbinopt={prepare|off}

A.2.107.1 Defaults

A.2.108 -xbuiltin[={%all|%default|%none}]

A.2.108.1 Defaults

A.2.109 -xcache=c

A.2.109.1 Values

A.2.110 -xchar[=o]

A.2.110.1 Values

A.2.111 -xcheck[=i]

A.2.111.1 Values

A.2.112 -xchip=c

A.2.112.1 Values

A.2.113 -xcode=a

A.2.113.1 Values

A.2.114 -xdebugformat=[stabs|dwarf]

A.2.115 -xdepend=[yes|no]

A.2.115.1 See Also

A.2.116 -xdumpmacros[=value[,value...]]

A.2.116.1 Values

A.2.117 -xe

A.2.117.1 See Also

A.2.118 -xF[=v[,v...]]

A.2.118.1 Values

A.2.119 -xhelp=flags

A.2.120 -xhwcprof

A.2.121 -xia

A.2.121.1 Expansions

A.2.121.2 Interactions

A.2.121.3 Warnings

A.2.121.4 See Also

A.2.122 -xinline[=func-spec[,func-spec...]]

A.2.122.1 Values

A.2.122.2 Defaults

A.2.122.3 Examples

A.2.122.4 Interactions

A.2.122.5 Warnings

A.2.122.6 See Also

A.2.123 -xinstrument=[no%]datarace

A.2.124 -xipo[={0|1|2}]

A.2.124.1 Values

A.2.124.2 Defaults

A.2.124.3 Examples

A.2.124.4 When Not To Use -xipo Interprocedural Analysis

A.2.124.5 Interactions

A.2.124.6 Warnings

A.2.124.7 See Also

A.2.125 -xipo_archive=[a]

A.2.126 -xivdep[=p]

A.2.127 -xjobs=n

A.2.127.1 Values

A.2.127.2 Defaults

A.2.127.3 Examples

A.2.128 -xkeepframe[=[%all,%none,name,no%name]]

A.2.129 -xlang=language[,language]

A.2.129.1 Values

A.2.129.2 Interactions

A.2.129.3 Warnings

A.2.129.4 See Also

A.2.130 -xldscope={v}

A.2.130.1 Values

A.2.130.2 Defaults

A.2.130.3 Warning

A.2.130.4 See Also

A.2.131 -xlibmieee

A.2.131.1 See Also

A.2.132 -xlibmil

A.2.132.1 Interactions

A.2.133 -xlibmopt

A.2.133.1 Interactions

A.2.133.2 See Also

A.2.134 -xlic_lib=sunperf

A.2.135 -xlicinfo

A.2.136 -xlinkopt[=level]

A.2.136.1 Values

A.2.136.2 Defaults

A.2.136.3 Interactions

A.2.136.4 Warnings

A.2.137 -xloopinfo

A.2.138 -xM

A.2.138.1 Examples

A.2.138.2 Interactions

A.2.138.3 See Also

A.2.139 -xM1

A.2.140 -xMD

A.2.141 -xMF

A.2.142 -xMMD

A.2.143 -xMerge

A.2.143.1 See Also

A.2.144 -xmaxopt[=v]

A.2.145 -xmemalign=ab

A.2.145.1 Values

A.2.145.2 Defaults

A.2.145.3 Examples

A.2.146 -xmodel=[a]

A.2.147 -xnolib

A.2.147.1 Examples

A.2.147.2 Interactions

A.2.147.3 Warnings

A.2.147.4 See Also

A.2.148 -xnolibmil

A.2.149 -xnolibmopt

A.2.149.1 Examples

A.2.150 -xnorunpath

A.2.151 -xOlevel

A.2.151.1 Values

A.2.151.2 Interactions

A.2.151.3 Defaults

A.2.151.4 Warnings

A.2.151.5 See Also

A.2.152 -xopenmp[=i]

A.2.152.1 Values

A.2.152.2 Defaults

A.2.152.3 Interactions

A.2.152.4 Warnings

A.2.152.5 See Also

A.2.153 -xpagesize=n

A.2.153.1 Values

A.2.153.2 Defaults

A.2.153.3 Expansions

A.2.153.4 Warnings

A.2.154 -xpagesize_heap=n

A.2.154.1 Values

A.2.154.2 Defaults

A.2.154.3 Warnings

A.2.155 -xpagesize_stack=n

A.2.155.1 Values

A.2.155.2 Defaults

A.2.155.3 Warnings

A.2.156 -xpch=v

A.2.156.1 Creating a Precompiled-Header File

A.2.156.2 See Also

A.2.157 -xpchstop=file

A.2.157.1 See Also

A.2.158 -xpec[={yes|no}]

A.2.159 -xpg

A.2.159.1 Warnings

A.2.159.2 See Also

A.2.160 -xport64[=(v)]

A.2.160.1 Values

A.2.160.2 Defaults

A.2.160.3 Examples

A.2.160.4 Warnings

A.2.160.5 See Also

A.2.161 -xprefetch[=a[,a...]]

A.2.161.1 Defaults

A.2.161.2 Interactions

A.2.161.3 Warnings

A.2.162 -xprefetch_auto_type=a

A.2.163 -xprefetch_level[=i]

A.2.163.1 Values

A.2.163.2 Defaults

A.2.163.3 Interactions

A.2.164 -xprofile=p

A.2.165 -xprofile_ircache[=path]

A.2.166 -xprofile_pathmap

A.2.167 -xreduction

A.2.168 -xregs=r[,r...]

A.2.169 -xrestrict[=f]

A.2.169.1 Restricted Pointers

A.2.170 -xs

A.2.171 -xsafe=mem

A.2.171.1 Interactions

A.2.171.2 Warnings

A.2.172 -xspace

A.2.173 -xtarget=t

A.2.173.1 --xtarget Values By Platform

A.2.173.2 Defaults

A.2.173.3 Expansions

A.2.173.4 Examples

A.2.173.5 Interactions

A.2.173.6 Warnings

A.2.174 -xthreadvar[=o]

A.2.174.1 Values

A.2.174.2 Defaults

A.2.174.3 Interactions

A.2.174.4 Warnings

A.2.174.5 See Also

A.2.175 -xtime

A.2.176 -xtrigraphs[={yes|no}]

A.2.176.1 Values

A.2.176.2 Defaults

A.2.176.3 Examples

A.2.176.4 See Also

A.2.177 -xunroll=n

A.2.177.1 Values

A.2.178 -xustr={ascii_utf16_ushort|no}

A.2.178.1 Values

A.2.178.2 Defaults

A.2.178.3 Example

A.2.179 -xvector[=a]

A.2.179.1 Defaults

A.2.179.2 Interactions

A.2.180 -xvis[={yes|no}]

A.2.180.1 Defaults

A.2.181 -xvpara

A.2.182 -xwe

A.2.182.1 See Also

A.2.183 -Yc,path

A.2.183.1 Values

A.2.183.2 Interactions

A.2.183.3 See Also

A.2.184 -z[ ]arg

B.  Pragmas



A.1 How Option Information Is Organized

To help you find information, compiler option descriptions are separated into the following subsections. If the option is one that is replaced by or identical to some other option, see the description of the other option for full details.

Table A-1 Option Subsections

Option Definition
A short definition immediately follows each option. (There is no heading for this category.)
If the option has one or more values, this section defines each value.
If the option has a primary or secondary default value, it is stated here.

The primary default is the option value in effect if the option is not specified. For example, if –compat is not specified, the default is –compat=5.

The secondary default is the option in effect if the option is specified, but no value is given. For example, if –compat is specified without a value, the default is -compat=5.

If the option has a macro expansion, it is shown in this section.
If an example is needed to illustrate the option, it is given here.
If the option interacts with other options, the relationship is discussed here.
Cautions regarding use of the option are noted here, as are actions that might cause unexpected behavior.
See also
This section contains references to further information in other options or documents.
“Replace with” “Same as”
If an option has become obsolete and has been replaced by another option, the replacement option is noted here. Options described this way might not be supported in future releases.

If two options have the same general meaning and purpose, the preferred option is referenced here. For example, “Same as -xO” indicates that -xO is the preferred option.