Administering Portals

This chapter provides overviews of portal administration, folder navigation, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Portal Administration

Every component delivered with PeopleSoft applications is registered as a content reference in the portal registry . Common administrative tasks include adding, deleting, and renaming portal definitions. If you have portal administrator access, you can use the administration pages to manage the registry, including folders, content references, and security.

Additionally, to provide programmatic access to the portal registry, PeopleTools PeopleSoft delivers a portal registry API. This API provides the same kind of registry management capability as the administration pages and is fully described in the PeopleCode documentation. Developers can also register components by using the Registration Wizard, which is part of PeopleSoft Application Designer.

You use the administration pages to:

The following diagram shows the organizational structure of the portal administration component and folders. Note the location of the special Portal Objects folder. This folder contains folders and content references for all templates and pagelets associated with a given portal.

Portal administration pages

Note. To view the portal administration pages, you must have the appropriate security permissions.

See Also

Adding and Configuring Nodes

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Folder Navigation

PeopleSoft applications integrate folders into the menu, or navigational, structure. While most forms of navigation in PeopleSoft applications use folders, the term folder navigation has a specific meaning for PeopleTools portals. Folder navigation is the default method of navigation delivered in PeopleSoft applications and refers to a specific response by the portal when the user clicks a folder, which is rather than expanding and collapsing menu items, the portal generates navigation pages in the target content area.

Navigation Pages

Note these points about the characteristics of navigation pages:

This sample navigation page, which uses the default folder navigation obejct, shows the Security folder when folder navigation is enabled:

Traversing Menus Without Engaging Navigation Pages

If you use one of these methods to navigate the menu structure, the portal will not generate navigation pages.

Important! You enable folder navigation at the portal definition and general portal settings levels; folder navigation must be enabled at both levels for the feature to work. When you enable folder navigation at the site level, you can navigate all folders by using this method; however, you can disable or override folder navigation at the individual folder level.

Note. If folder navigation is disabled, then navigation pages do not appear when the user clicks a folder. Instead, the item expands to display any subordinate menu items. The user continues to expand menu items by clicking them until he or she clicks a content reference. No content appears in the target area until the user clicks the content reference.

See Also

Adding and Editing Portal Definitions

Managing General Settings for Portals

Understanding Navigation Pages

“Working with Permission Lists,” PeopleTools 8.52 PeopleBook: Security Administration

“Working with Roles,”PeopleTools 8.52 PeopleBook: Security Administration

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Chart Navigation Object Name

At the portal definition and general settings levels, specify the portal object that creates the general appearance and character of SmartNavigation folders. The system default value is PT_PORTAL_DEFAULT_CHART_NAV, which is a hidden iScript-based content reference that renders the basic SmartNavigation page.

At the individual folder level, specify an object that overrides the system-level chart navigation object.

If you don't specify a value at the folder level, the portal uses the system-level chart navigation object.

Copy object

Click to access the Copy Object to a Different Portal Registry page, which enables you to copy an existing folder to a different portal registry. This button appears only when you're editing a folder.

Default Chart Navigation Page

Select to replace the standard navigation page with chart-based SmartNavigation page. This field is disabled by default. To enable this field, select a value in the Data Source field.

If you select this check box, then the application uses PT_ABN_ORGCHART component as the default PeopleTools chart navigation page. If you deselect this check box, then you must enter your own value in the Folder Navigation Object Name field.

Folder Navigation Object Name

At the portal definition and general settings levels, specify the content reference that the system launches when the user clicks a folder icon. The system default value is PT_PTPP_SCFNAV_BASEPAGE_SCR, which is a hidden iScript-based content reference that renders the standard navigation page.

At the individual folder level, specify an object that overrides the system-level default.

If you don't specify a value at the folder level, the portal uses the system-level folder navigation object.

Important! You must use the definitions associated with the PT_ABN_ORGCHART component as the basis of any custom SmartNavigation folder object.

See Creating Custom SmartNavigation Pages.

Note. If you select a content reference that's hidden from portal navigation, the folder navigation occurs, but the menu name that you click remains highlighted.

Hide From Portal Navigation

Select to make this folder invisible to users.

Is Folder Navigation Disabled

Select to override the system-level default setting and disable folder navigation for individual folders.

Note. If you disable and then re-enable folder navigation at the system level, this field is automatically cleared.

Is Folder Navigation Enabled

Select to enable folder navigation for all folders in the current portal registry or selected portal definition.

When folder navigation is enabled, if the user clicks the folder name in the menu structure, the navigation page or a content reference that you specify in the Folder Navigation Object Name field appears in the target area.


Enter the text to appear as the link for this folder.

Long Description

Enter text to appear when the cursor rests over the link for this folder. If you leave this field blank, the label appears.


Enter a name for the folder.

Note. The name can consist of letters, digits, and underscores ( _ ). It cannot contain any spaces and cannot begin with a digit.

(Object) Owner ID

Select the owner of the portal object such as portal, folder, or content reference. The owner ID helps determine the team that created or modified the object. You can define unique owner IDs for your organization by entering field translate values for the OBJECTOWNERID field using PeopleSoft Application Designer. Do not use PeopleSoft owner IDs.

Parent Folder

The name of the current parent folder. This field is display-only.


(Optional) Portal-aware applications can use this field for group processing. All PeopleTools objects have the product name PT.

Select New Parent Folder

Click to copy the folder to a new location within the current portal registry. This button appears only when you're editing a folder.

Sequence number

Enter a sequence number to define where this folder appears in its parent folder, and therefore where its associated menu entry appears within its parent menu. If you leave the sequence number blank, the folder is added to the top of the list of folders and is displayed in alphabetical order. You can change the sequence only one item at a time, and each time you do so, you must save your changes to see the result.

Valid from date and Valid to date

Enter a valid from date. The valid to date is optional and is omitted by default. These dates can be used for application-specific processing by portal-aware applications and are used by the portal navigation to determine visibility.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Portal Definitions

This section lists common elements used in this section and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Hosted by this node

The node where the portal is defined. This is either a remote or local node. The node must have been defined previously on the Maintain Node Definitions page.

Portal Name

The name to appear as the portal label.

This value is used for the browser window title when a long description has not been entered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Portal Definitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Portal Definitions


PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Definitions

Define portals from other databases and associate them with a node.

Add Portal


Click the Add button on the Portal Definitions page.

Create a new portal definition.

Edit Portal


Click the Edit button on the Portal Definitions page.

Update existing portal definitions.

Removal Confirmation


Click the Delete button on the Portal Definitions page.

Delete portal definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Portals

Access the Portal Definitions page (PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Definitions).

You can have multiple portals on a database or create one portal on multiple databases. You can define portals from other databases and associate them with a node. This supports transfers between portals and redirected requests for a portal not supported by the local web server.

Portal Type

Displays the attribute of the selected node. Possible types are Local and Remote.


Select to use this as the default node. Only local nodes can be the default. If you change the default, be sure to click the Save button.


Click to update the portal definition.

Note. This button does not appear for the site template or the local node that is currently in use. To modify the current portal, use the General Settings page.

See Managing General Settings for Portals.


Click to add a new portal definition. The new portal is listed in alphabetical order.


Click to delete a portal definition. You cannot delete the site template or node that is currently in use.

See Also

Managing General Portal Settings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Editing Portal Definitions

Access the Portal Definitions - Add Portal page (Click the Add button on the Portal Definitions page).

Note. The Edit Portal page contains the same fields as the Add Portal page (Click the Edit button on the Portal Definitions page).

Long Description

Enter a description to be used by screen readers if accessibility mode is enabled.

This description is also used as the browser window title. If you don't enter a description in this field, the portal name is used as the browser window title.

Default Template Name

Select the template to use for this new portal.

Folder Navigation

Use these fields to enable folder navigation and define the objects associated with folder navigation for portals other than the one you are currently signed in to. To enable folder navigation for the current portal, use the General Settings page.

Important! Folder navigation is not enabled unless you select the Is Folder Navigation Enabled check box on both the Portal Definition and General Settings pages. Is Folder Navigation Enabled is selected by default in the standard PeopleTools portals.

See Managing General Settings for Portals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Default Portals

You can change the default portal in two ways:

Changing the Default Portal in the Portal Definition

To change the default portal:

  1. In the current default portal, select PeopleTools, Portal, Node Definitions.

  2. Select the default local node and then click the Portal tab.

  3. Select the Default check box for the portal that you want to open.

  4. Save.

  5. Sign out.

  6. Shut down and restart the portal web server.

  7. Sign in.

    When you sign in, the new default portal is invoked.

Changing the Default Portal by Inserting the New Portal Name in the URL

You can also change the default portal by changing the URL. To change the URL, insert the new portal name instead of the existing portal name. For example, to change to the supplier portal from the employee portal, make the following substitution:

URL before the change:

URL after the change:

Note. This type of portal change is valid until the browser session is closed.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Folders

This section provides an overview of folder administration and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Folder Administration

In the portal registry, folders organize content references into a multilevel hierarchy. A folder can contain content references and other folders. When you create folder definitions, you explicitly configure the properties, attributes, and position of the folder in the hierarchy. The portal uses your configurations to create the menu structure, which remains static unless you modify structure in the portal registry.

Organization of the Portal Registry

You use the Structure and Content component to access the portal registry, where you create and manage folders and content references. When you click the Structure and Content link, the application opens the portal registry at the root level. The initial set of folders, content references, and links that you see correspond to the high level folders and links that appear directly under Main Menu or in the Menu pagelet.

The Structure and Content component enables you to organize and manage your folders and content references; all folders and content references that share the same Structure and Content page are at the same level hierarchically and share the same parent folder. You click the Edit link to access the properties of a folder. You click the folder label link to navigate one level lower in the hierarchy where any child folders and content references that exist appear.

As you navigate through the hierarchy of folders, breadcrumbs appear at the top of the page directly beneath the Main Menu navigation bar. The breadcrumbs appear to visually indicate your current position in hierarchy of the portal registry. Click a link in the breadcrumbs to return to the folder. In this sample Structure and Content page, the breadcrumbs indicate that you are viewing elements that appear in the PeopleTools, Security folder:

The portal uses the hierarchy of folders in the portal registry to create the menu structure of the PeopleSoft application. Menus open to reveal the folders and content references in the same general sequence and location as they appear in the portal registry. In this sample drop-down menu, notice that the organization of folders and content references in the PeopleTools, Security folder correspond to the folders and links located in the Security folder in the portal registry:

Folder and content reference organization in the PeopleTools, Security folder

Folders can appear at any level in the menu hierarchy in both the left navigation Menu pagelet and the Main Menu drop-down navigation. Folders cascade open when users click the folder label and generate navigation pages when you click the folder icon. Most PeopleSoft application folders are standard navigation folders; however, you can configure certain folder properties to create SmartNavigation folders.

See Also

Administering FoldersAdministering SmartNavigation Folders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Folders

Page Name

Definition Name



Folder Administration


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content

Click Add Folder link at the bottom of the Folders group box to add a new folder. Alternatively, click the Edit link to edit an existing folder.

Define folders.

Folder Security


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

Access the Folder Administration page.

Select the Security tab.

Set folder permissions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Folders

Access the Folder Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content Click the Add Folder link).

  1. Enter values in the Folder Administration fields.

  2. (Optional) Enter values in the Folder Attributes fields.

  3. If this folder is a SmartNavigation folder, enter values in the Application Navigation fields.

    See Defining SmartNavigation Folders.

  4. Set the folder security.

    See Setting Folder Permissions.

  5. Save the folder.

Folder Administration

This table describes the primary fields that appear on the Folder Administration page:


Enter a unique identifier for the folder.

Note. The name can consist of letters, digits, and underscores ( _ ). It cannot contain any spaces and cannot begin with a digit.


Enter the text to appear as the link for this folder.

Copy object

Click to access the Copy Object to a Different Portal Registry page, which enables you to copy an existing folder to a different portal registry. This button appears only when you're editing a folder.

Parent Folder

The name of the current parent folder. This field is display-only.

Select New Parent Folder

Click to copy the folder to a new location within the current portal registry. This button appears only when you're editing a folder.

Long Description

Enter text to appear when the cursor moves over the link for this folder. If you leave this field blank, the label appears.


(Optional) Portal-aware applications can use this field for group processing. All PeopleTools objects have the product name PT.

Sequence number

Enter a sequence number to define where this folder appears in its parent folder, and therefore where its associated menu entry appears within its parent menu. If you omit the Sequence number, the folder is added to the top of the list of folders and is displayed in alphabetical order. You can change the sequence only one item at a time, and each time you do so, you must save your changes to see the result.

Valid from date and Valid to date

Enter a valid from date. The valid to date is optional and is omitted by default. These dates can be used for application-specific processing by portal-aware applications and are used by the portal navigation to determine visibility.

Application Navigation

Use these fields to create SmartNavigation folders.

See Defining SmartNavigation Folders.

Folder Attributes

Folder attributes can be used by portal-aware applications for application-specific processing that adds functionality to folders.

  1. Specify the attribute name.

  2. (Optional) Specify the attribute label.

  3. Enter the attribute value.

  4. Select the Translate check box to make an attribute label and attribute value translatable.

This table describes the fields that you use to define folder attributes.


Enter the attribute name. The attribute must be an attribute that is recognized by the portal. If you enter an attribute, then you must also enter an attribute value.


Enter text to describe the attribute. This field is required only if the Translate check box is selected.

Attribute Value

Enter the value that the portal should use in conjunction with the attribute.


Select to translate the label.

See Also

Using Menu Pagelets

Content Reference Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Folder Permissions

Access the Folder Security page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Navigate the portal registry to the appropriate folder, click the Edit link, and then select the Folder Security tab.)


Select to make the folder available to all users. When this check box is selected, all other fields except Label are hidden.

Author Access

Select to restrict folder access to the creator of the folder, regardless of how other permissions are set. This setting is useful for troubleshooting and testing purposes.

Security Authorizations

You can base noninherited folder security on roles or permission lists. You can specify any combination of roles and permission lists to provide folder security.


Select from these types:

Permission List: Enables access for users based on permission list membership. You then specify the permission lists that should have access to this folder.

Role: Enables access for users based on role membership. You then specify the roles that should have access to this folder.


Select the permission list or role that provides access to this folder.


Select to indicate that the permission list or role of the current row should also apply to any folder or content reference that is subordinate to this folder.

View Definition

Click to access the security administration component for the permission list or role specified on the current row.

Inherited Security Authorizations

Displays authorizations that have been inherited from parent folders. The fields in this grid have the same purpose as the corresponding fields in the Security Authorizations grid. You can change inherited authorizations by modifying the Cascade setting in the Security Authorizations grid of the parent folder.

See Also

Setting Up Permission Lists

Setting Up Roles

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering SmartNavigation Folders

This section provides overviews of SmartNavigation folders; rowset, tree, and dynamic hierarchy data sources; and discusses how to:

Important! This topic contains code samples to guide you in using the built-in PeopleCode functions that generate SmartNavigation folders and content references. The code samples exist for illustrative purposes only; never use code samples in a production environment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding SmartNavigation Folders

SmartNavigation is a form of folder navigation, but unlike standard navigation, with SmartNavigation, you define only the root folder in the portal registry. All subordinate SmartNavigation folders and content references are generated dynamically when the user begins to navigate a SmartNavigation menu. The character and appearance of SmartNavigation is also quite different from standard folder navigation because of additional folder properties that enable the portal to access and use your application data.

Note these points about SmartNavigation folders:

Important! SmartNavigation folders appear in the drop-down navigation only; they do not appear in left navigation (the Menu pagelet).

See Navigation Options.

SmartNavigation Pages

When you click a SmartNavigation folder, the portal generates a navigation page; this response is comparable to standard folder navigation. The SmartNavigation page provides a characteristically different navigation experience than the standard navigation page.

Note these points about SmartNavigation pages:

Notice the organization chart and the navigation path (breadcrumbs) on this sample SmartNavigation page, which clearly indicates the hierarchical nature of this type of navigation. :

Sample SmartNavigation page showing organization chart structure

See Understanding Related Actions Assignment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Sources: Rowsets

A rowset is a data structure that represents hierarchically organized records. A scroll area and all of its subordinate scroll areas are an example of a rowset. You create PeopleCode application packages or iScripts to programmatically populate rowset objects with your application data, which the portal uses when it builds SmartNavigation folders.

Rowset Characteristics

Note these points about the rowsets that you use as SmartNavigation folder data sources:

Application Package PeopleCode Sample: Rowset

This items in this list step through a sample PeopleCode program for use as the data source of a rowset-based SmartNavigation folder. The next topic explains the PeopleCode that you see in this list.

See Application Package PeopleCode Sample Explanation: Rowset.

Important! This code sample exists for illustrative purposes only. Use this sample to guide your programming; never use code samples in a production environment.

  1. Declare the method and variables.

    method QE_ABNRS_M Local Request &req = %Request; Local Rowset &rs_DataSource, &rs_DatabaseData; Local Rowset &rs_ChartRowset, &rs_DbReqNode; rem create related actions rowset for SmartNavigation; Local Rowset &rs_RelatedActions; rem added for app pkg; Local array of array of string &reqParams; Local string &dataKey; Local string &szDtlCompData; Local integer &i;

  2. Get the SmartNavigation request parameters and specify the initial node of the rowset.

    rem Get request parameters and set initial node rem Binu's Org; &reqParams = ​GetABNReqParameters("BINU01");

  3. Create the stand alone rowset data source.

    rem begin: create the data source rowset; rem retrieve complete data source; rem &rs_DatabaseData = CreateRowset(Record.MY_ORG_NODES); rem &dataKey = "PT_ORG_001"; rem &rs_DatabaseData.Fill("Where MY_ORG_KYFLD=:1", &dataKey); rem &rs_DataSource = CreateRowset(Record.MY_ORG_NODE_DR); rem &rs_DatabaseData.CopyTo(&rs_DataSource, Record.MY_ORG_NODES, ⇒ Record.MY_ORG_NODE_DR); rem retrieve subset of data source &rs_DbReqNode = ​CreateRowset(Record.MY_ORG_NODES); &rs_DatabaseData = ​CreateRowset(Record.MY_ORG_NODES); &dataKey = "PT_ORG_001"; &rs_DbReqNode.Fill("Where MY_ORG_KYFLD=:1 AND PTCHART_NODE=:2", ⇒ &dataKey, ​GetABNNode(&reqParams)); &rs_DatabaseData.Fill("Where MY_ORG_KYFLD=:1 AND (PTCHART_NODE=:2 ⇒ OR PTPARENT_CHART_ND=:2 OR PTCHART_NODE=:3)", &dataKey, ⇒ ​GetABNNode(&reqParams), ⇒ &rs_DbReqNode(1).MY_ORG_NODES.PTPARENT_CHART_ND.Value); &rs_DataSource = ​CreateRowset(Record.MY_ORG_NODE_DR); &rs_DatabaseData.CopyTo(&rs_DataSource, Record.MY_ORG_NODES, ⇒ Record.MY_ORG_NODE_DR);

  4. Set the details component

    rem set details componenent for all nodes; &szDtlCompData = "MenuName.MY_MENU, BarName.USE, ItemName.EMPLOYEE, ⇒ Page.EMPLOYEE, Action.U, Record.EMPLOYEE, KeyFieldNumber.001, ⇒ FieldName.EMPLID, FieldValue."; For &i = 1 To &rs_DatabaseData.ActiveRowCount &rs_DataSource(&i).QE_ABNRS_DS.PT_ABN_CHART_DFLD2.Value = ⇒ &szDtlCompData | &rs_DataSource(&i).QE_ABNRS_DS.PTCHART_NODE.Value; End-For; rem end: create the data source;

  5. Get the chart rowset.

    rem get the chart rowset returns the chart rowset; &rs_ChartRowset = ​GetABNChartRowSet();

  6. Get the SmartNavigation related actions rowset.

    rem gets related action rowset from the chart component; &rs_RelatedActions = ​GetABNRelActnRowSet();

  7. Generate the HTML for the SmartNavigation menu.

    rem generate the html fragment for the menu; rem ​GenHTMLMenu(&rs_DataSource, ⇒ ​GetABNNode(&reqParams), ⇒ ​GetABNInitialNode(&reqParams));

  8. Load the chart rowset.

    rem load the chart rowset from the data source rowset; ​LoadABN(&rs_DataSource, &rs_ChartRowset, ⇒ &rs_RelatedActions, ​GetABNNode(&reqParams), ⇒ ​GetABNInitialNode(&reqParams)); end-method;

Application Package PeopleCode Sample Explanation: Rowset

Each item in this list explains the corresponding list item in the application package PeopleCode sample program.

  1. Declare the function and variables.

  2. Get the SmartNavigation request parameters and specify the initial node of the rowset.

  3. Create the stand alone rowset data source.

  4. Set the details component.

    1. Set the name of the details component.

    2. Loop through all of the nodes and insert the component string into the PT_ABN_CHART_DFLD2 field.

  5. Get the chart rowset.

  6. Get the SmartNavigation related actions rowset.

  7. Generate the HTML for the SmartNavigation menu.

  8. Load the chart rowset from the data source rowset.

See Also








Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Sources: Trees

Trees are hierarchically-organized structures that represent a group of summarization rules for a particular database field. For example, a tree can specify how your manufacturing locations should be summarized for reporting purposes. Or a tree can show the reporting relationships within an organization by specifying how the individual department should be summarized into territories, territories into regions, and regions into countries. Similarly, a tree can categorize items in a catalog.

Tree Characteristics

Note these points about trees that you use as SmartNavigation folder data sources:

iScript PeopleCode Sample: Tree

This items in this list step through a sample PeopleCode program for use as the data source of a tree-based SmartNavigation folder. The next topic explains the PeopleCode that you see in this list.

See iScript PeopleCode Sample Explanation: Tree.

Important! This code sample exists for illustrative purposes only. Use this sample to guide your programming; never use code samples in a production environment.

  1. Declare the function and variables.

    Function IScript_PT_ABN() Local Request &req = %Request; Local string &szLI; Local ApiObject &Session = %Session; Local ApiObject &MyTree, &MyNode, &ChildNode, &ChildLeaf; Local Rowset &rs, &rars;


  2. Retrieve the chart rowset.

    rem get the chart rowset; &rs = ​GetABNChartRowSet();

  3. Retrieve the related actions rowset from the chart component.

    rem retrieve the related action rowset from the chart component; &rars = ​GetABNRelActnRowSet();

  4. Get the SmartNavigation request parameters and specify the initial node of the tree.

    rem get the request parameters and specify the initial node or not; &reqParams = ​GetABNReqParameters("00001");

  5. Create an empty tree from session object and open the tree based on the request parameters.

    /* get an empty tree from the session object */ &MyTree = &Session.GetTree(); /* open the tree based on the request parameters */ &TreeReturn = &MyTree.Open(GetABNTreeSetid(&reqParams), ˙ ˇ⇒ ​GetABNTreeUserKey(&reqParams), ⇒ ​GetABNTreeName(&reqParams), ⇒ ​GetABNTreeEffdt(&reqParams), "", True);

  6. Retrieve the requested tree node.

    /* get the requested tree node */ &MyNode = &MyTree.FindNode(GetABNNode(&reqParams), "");

  7. Load the requested node into the chart rowset.

    rem load the requested node into the chart and track the starting node; &MyNode.LoadABNChart(&rs, &rars, True, ⇒ ​GetABNInitialNode(&reqParams));

  8. Generate the related actions of the requested tree node.

    rem generate the requested node's related actions; &szLI = &szLI | &MyNode.GenRelatedActions();

  9. Generate the SmartNavigation folder elements to display in the menu (based on some optional criteria).

    /* begin-filter based on some criteria, display only the child nodes and leaves of the requested tree node that meet the criteria */ &nNodeOrder = &MyNode.allChildCount; If &MyNode.HasChildNodes Then /* get the first child node */ &ChildNode = &MyNode.FirstChildNode; /* generate the <li> tag that the portal consumes for this node */ &szLI = &szLI | &ChildNode.GenABNMenuElement⇒ ​(GetABNInitialNode(&reqParams));

  10. Load the child node into the chart rowset buffer.

    &ChildNode.LoadABNChart(&rs, &rars, False, ⇒ ​GetABNInitialNode(&reqParams)); End-If; If &MyNode.HasChildLeaves Then If &MyNode.ChildLeafCount >= 3 Then &MaxCount = 3; Else &MaxCount = &MyNode.ChildLeafCount; End-If; For &i = 1 To &MaxCount If &i = 1 Then /* get the first child leaf */ &ChildLeaf = &MyNode.FirstChildLeaf; Else /* get the next child leaf */ &ChildLeaf = &ChildLeaf.NextSib; End-If;

  11. Generate the SmartNavigation content reference elements to display in the menu.

    /* generate the <li> tag that is consumed by the portal for this leaf */ &szLI = &szLI | &ChildLeaf.GenABNMenuElement();

  12. Load a child node of the requested tree node and its related actions into the chart buffer.

    rem load the child leaf of requested node into the chart; &ChildLeaf.LoadABNChart(&rs, &rars); End-For; End-If; /* end-filter */

  13. Generate the entire HTML that the portal consumes to create the SmartNavigation menu.

    /* generate the html fragment required by the portal to build menu structure */ ​GenHTMLMenu(&szLI);

  14. Close the tree and end the function.

    &MyTree.Close(); End-Function;

iScript PeopleCode Sample Explanation: Tree


Each item in this list explains the corresponding list item in the sample Tree PeopleCode program.

See iScript PeopleCode Sample: Tree.

  1. Declare Function and variables.

  2. Retrieve the chart rowset.

  3. Retrieve the related actions rowset from the chart component buffer.

  4. Get the SmartNavigation request parameters and specify the initial node of the tree.

  5. Create an empty tree from session object and open the tree based on the request parameters.

  6. Retrieve the requested tree node.

  7. Load the requested node into the chart rowset.

  8. Generate the related actions elements to display in the menu.

  9. Generate the SmartNavigation folder elements to display in the menu (based on some optional criteria).

  10. Load the child node into the chart rowset buffer.

  11. Generate the SmartNavigation content reference elements to display in the menu.

  12. Load a child leaf into the chart rowset buffer.

  13. Generate the HTML that creates the SmartNavigation menu.

    Generate the HTML fragment using the list of <li> elements from items 9, 10, and 11 in this list.

  14. Close the tree and end the function.

See Also












Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Sources: Dynamic Hierarchy

A dynamic hierarchy is a data source that enables you to group SmartNavigation folders within a folder. You define the dynamic hierarchy by creating an application package PeopleCode program that you reference from the defined dynamic hierarchy folder. All of the properties of the subordinate SmartNavigation folders, such as data source , must be defined programmatically in an application package PeopleCode program. Then, the PeopleCode generates the enclosing SmartNavigation folder elements of each tree or rowset so that groups of SmartNavigation folders appear under one menu.

With other SmartNavigation folders, permission lists and roles determine whether the SmartNavigation folder and the underlying details component are visible and accessible to users. Dynamic hierarchy folders, through the use of application package PeopleCode, enable you to add another element to the security mechanism for the programmatically defined SmartNavigation folders. For example, you could use a dynamic hierarchy folder to display project data for projects that are assigned to the current user only.

Dynamic Hierarchy Characteristics

Note these points about the dynamic hierarchy data source:

Application Package PeopleCode Sample: Dynamic Hierarchy

This items in this list step through a sample PeopleCode program for use as the data source of a dynamic hierarchy folder. The next topic explains the PeopleCode that you see in this list.

See Application Package PeopleCode Sample Explanation: Dynamic Hierarchy.

Important! This code sample exists for illustrative purposes only. Use this sample to guide your programming; never use code samples in a production environment.

  1. Declare the method within the appropriate class.

    class TEST_ABN_DYN method ​GenerateDynFlyout(); end-class; method GenerateDynFlyout

  2. Declare the variables.

    Local string &flderList; Local string &ds_t, &cref_t, &id_t, &label_t, &portal, &node, &chart, ⇒ &pcode_t, &tree_name, &tree_setid, &tree_userkey, &tree_effdt, &tree_branch; Local string &ds_r, &cref_r, &id_r, &label_r, &pcode_r;

  3. Provide the values for the tree-based SmartNavigation folder as variable assignments.

    rem tree information; &ds_t = "t"; &cref_t = "f"; &label_t = "New Dynamic ABN Tree"; &chart = "PT_ABN_CHART.PT_ABN_ORGCHART.GBL"; &pcode_t = "QE_ABNTREE.qe_abntree.QE_ABN_TREE_AP"; &tree_name = "QE_PERS_DATA"; &tree_setid = "QEDM1"; &tree_userkey = ""; &tree_effdt = "1997/05/05"; &tree_branch = "";

  4. Create the list of tree-based SmartNavigation folders.

    rem create the <li> element for the tree-based SmartNav folder; &flderList = ​GenDynABNElement(&ds_t, &cref_t, &fldr_id, ⇒ &label_t, &chart, &pcode_t, &tree_name, &tree_setid, &tree_userkey, &tree_effdt, &tree_branch);

  5. Provide the values for the rowset-based SmartNavigation folder.

    rem rowset information; &ds_r = "r"; &cref_r = "f"; &label_r = "Dynamic ABN Rowset"; &chart = "PT_ABN_CHART.PT_ABN_ORGCHART.GBL &pcode_r = "QE_ABN_RS_APKG.QE_ABN_RS_1:QE_ABNRS_C1.QE_ABNRS_M";

  6. Create the list of rowset-based SmartNavigation folders.

    rem create the <li> element for the smartnav rowset folder and append; &flderList = &flderList | ​GenDynABNElement(&ds_r, &cref_r, &label_r, ⇒ &chart, &pcode_r);

  7. Generate the HTML that the portal uses to construct the menu navigation.

    rem this function already exists; ​GenHTMLMenu(&flderList); end-method;

Application Package PeopleCode Sample Explanation: Dynamic Hierarchy

Each item in this list explains the corresponding list item in the Application Package PeopleCode Sample: Dynamic Hierarchy:

See Application Package PeopleCode Sample: Dynamic Hierarchy.

  1. Declare the method in the appropriate class.

  2. Declare the variables.

  3. Provide the values for the tree-based SmartNavigation folder as variable assignments.

    This table describes the tree parameters; you use these parameters in the next step.



    &ds_t = "data source type"

    Data source type: t, tree; r, rowset

    &cref_t ="flag value"

    Display as content reference flag: true, content reference; false, folder

    &fldr_id = " folder ID"

    Folder ID

    &label_t = "menu folder label"

    Folder label

    &chart = "chart component"

    Chart component

    &pcode_t = "PeopleCode location"

    PeopleCode ID: (package:path:method) or (weblib_record.event.function_name)

    &tree_name = "tree name"

    Tree name

    &tree_setid = "setID value"

    Tree setID

    &tree_userkey = "key value"

    Tree user key

    &tree_effdt = "EFFDT value"

    Tree effective date

    &tree_branch = "branch value"

    Tree branch

  4. Create the list of tree-based SmartNavigation folders.

  5. Provide the values for the rowset-based SmartNavigation folder as variable assignments.

    This table describes the rowset parameters; you use these parameters in the next step.



    &ds_r = "data source type"

    Data source type: t, tree; r, rowset

    &cref_r ="flag value"

    Display as content reference flag: true, content reference; false, folder

    &fldr_id = " folder ID"

    Folder ID

    &label_r = "menu folder label"

    Folder label

    &chart = "chart component"

    Chart component

    &pcode_r = "PeopleCode location"

    PeopleCode ID: (package:path:method) or (weblib_record.event.function_name)

  6. Create the list of rowset-based SmartNavigation folders.

  7. Generate the HTML that the portal uses to construct the menu navigation.

  8. Load the chart rowset.

See Also

Replacing SmartNavigation Images













Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used In This Section

This section discusses the fields that identify the different data sources that you use with SmartNavigation folders.

Application Navigation

This table describes the fields that appear in the Application Navigation group box:

Data Source

Specify the type of data source that the system uses to generate the SmartNavigation folder and page elements.

Select Dynamic Hierarchy, Rowset,or Tree.

When you select a data source, the system enables and selects Default Chart Navigation Pagecheck box, and displays the PeopleCode Type field.

Display as Content Reference

Select to replace the SmartNavigation folder with a content reference link. If you select this check box, no subordinate menu items appear when the user clicks the link. The system immediately opens the SmartNavigation page to the initial node in the target area.

This field is enabled for rowset and tree-based folders. This field is hidden for dynamic hierarchy folders.

Note. This property applies to the root-level SmartNavigation folder only. System-generated drop-down navigation subfolders are not affected by this setting.

Node Name

Select the node where the content resides.

PeopleCode Type

This field appears when you specify a data source.

Select Application Package to enable the Application Package Parameters group box.

Select iScript to enable the iScript Parameters group box

Note. Use the group box that corresponds to the PeopleCode type to identify the PeopleCode program.

Style Sheet

Enter the style sheet definition that replaces the standard folder and content reference icons in the SmartNavigation menus.

Application Package Parameters

The Application Package Parameters group box appears when any of these conditions are met:

This table describes the fields that appear in the Application Package Parameters group box

Application Package

Enter the PeopleCode application class name where the application class method is defined.

Application Package Path

Enter the names—delimited by colons—of each subpackage in the hierarchy that drills down to the class that contains the method. Beginning and ending colons are not required. For example, the path could be sub_package:sub_package:app_class or simply app_class if no sub application packages exist.

Application Package Method

Enter the name of the specific method that builds the rowset that populates the navigation page in the target area.

iScript Parameters

The iScript Parameters group box appears when any one of these conditions are met:

This table describes the fields appear in the iScript Parameters group box:

Record (Table) Name

Specify the record definition that contains the iScript that defines the rowset.

Field Name

Specify the record field that contains the iScript that defines the rowset.

PeopleCode Event Name

Specify the event that triggers the iScript.

PeopleCode Function Name

Specify the function in the iScript that contains the business logic.

Tree Properties

The Tree Properties group box appears when you select Tree as the data source.

This table describes the fields that appear in the Tree Properties group box:

Tree Name

Select the name of the tree that the portal is to use to render the menu.


Enter the SetID for the tree.

Set Control Value

Enter the set control value for the tree.

Effective Date

(Optional) Enter the effective date for the tree.

Tree Branch

(Optional) Enter the tree branch for the tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining SmartNavigation Folders

Access the Folder Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Click the Add Folder link).

To configure SmartNavigation folders:

  1. Enter a name, label and other identifying information.

  2. In the Application Navigation group box, select a data source and define the data source parameters.

    See Defining Dynamic Hierarchy Folders.

    See Defining Rowset-Based SmartNavigation Folders.

    See Defining Tree-Based SmartNavigation Folders.

  3. (Optional) To use a nondefault chart navigation page, deselect the Default Chart Navigation Page check box and enter a value in the Folder Navigation Object Name field.

    Important! If the node is a remote content site, then you must clear the Default Chart Navigation Page field and then enter a remote content reference in the Folder Navigation Object field. Otherwise, the portal cannot generate the correct URL for the SmartNavigation folder. You also must enable single signon.

  4. Set folder permissions.

    See Setting Folder Permissions.

  5. Save the folder.

See Also

Implementing Single Signon

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Dynamic Hierarchy Folders

Access the Folder Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content Click the Add Folder link).

To define dynamic hierarchy folders:

  1. Enter a name, label, and any other identifying information for the folder.

  2. Select Dynamic Hierarchy as the data source.

  3. Specify the content site node.

  4. Enter the parameters of the application package PeopleCode program that serves as the data source for this folder.

    See Understanding Data Sources: Dynamic Hierarchy.

  5. (Optional) Enter the style sheet that provides alternate images for SmartNavigation menu items.

    See Replacing SmartNavigation Images.

  6. (Optional) Specify any necessary folder attributes.

  7. Set folder permissions.

    See Setting Folder Permissions.

  8. Save the folder definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Rowset-Based SmartNavigation Folders

Access the Folder Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content Click the Add Folder link).

To define rowset-based SmartNavigation folders:

  1. Enter a name, label, and any other identifying information for the folder.

  2. Select Rowset as the data source.

  3. Specify the content site node.

  4. In the PeopleCode Type field, select which type of PeopleCode program defines the data source. Select Application Package or iScript.

  5. Enter either the iScript or application package parameters that define the rowset.

    See iScript Parameters.

    See Application Package Parameters.

    Note. If you use an iScript, you must grant permissions to the web library and iScript for users who will access the SmartNavigation folder.

    See Setting Web Library Permissions.

  6. (Optional) Select Display as Content Reference so that the SmartNavigation folder appears and functions as a content reference instead of a folder.

  7. (Optional) Deselect the Default Chart Navigation Page check box and select a custom folder navigation object.

    Complete this step only if you want to replace the SmartNavigation chart page with a custom navigation page.

  8. (Optional) Specify any necessary folder attributes.

  9. Set folder permissions.

    See Setting Folder Permissions.

  10. Save the folder definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tree-Based SmartNavigation Folders

Access the Folder Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content Click the Add Folder link).

  1. Enter a name, label, and any other identifying information for the folder.

  2. Select Tree as the data source.

  3. Specify the content site node.

  4. In the PeopleCode Type field, select which type of PeopleCode program defines the data source. Select Application Package or iScript.

  5. Enter either the iScript or application package parameters that define the rowset.

    See iScript Parameters.

    See Application Package Parameters.

    Note. If you use an iScript, you must grant permissions to the web library and iScript for users who will access the SmartNavigation folder.

    See Setting Web Library Permissions.

  6. (Optional) Select Display as Content Reference so that the SmartNavigation folder appears and functions as a content reference instead of a folder.

  7. (Optional) Deselect the Default Chart Navigation Page check box and select a custom folder navigation object.

    Complete this step only if you want to replace the SmartNavigation chart page with a custom navigation page.

  8. (Optional) Specify any necessary folder attributes.

  9. Set folder permissions.

    See Setting Folder Permissions.

  10. Save the folder definition.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Content References

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Administer Content References

Page Name

Definition Name



Content Ref Administration (content reference administration)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

Scroll to the Content References list and click Edit. Alternatively, click Add Content Reference.

Create new content references or edit existing content references.

Content Reference Security


On the Content Ref Administration page, select the Security tab.

Set content reference security.

User ID Queries


PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles. Select the User ID Queries tab.

Review content reference security by user.

Permission List Queries


PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists. Select the Permission List Queries tab.

Review content reference security by permission list.

Role Queries


PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Roles. Select the Role Queries tab.

Review content reference security by role.

Select a Content Reference or Content Reference Link


On the Structure and Content page, scroll to the Content References list and click Add Content Reference Link.

Select a content reference or content reference link.

Content Reference Link Administration


These options are available to navigate to the Content Reference Link Administration page:

  • On the Structure and Content page, scroll to the Content Reference group box. Click Edit for any content reference for which the Link check box is selected.

  • Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content

    Scroll to the Content References list and click Create Link.

  • Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.Click Portal Objects. Click Homepage. Click Tabs.

    Scroll to the Content References list and click Edit for any content reference.

    Click Create Content Reference Link.

Add new or edit existing content reference links.

Related Links Group


  • Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Click Portal Objects.

    Scroll to the Content References list and click the Edit link.

  • Select the template name RELATEDLINKS_TEMPLATE.

    Enter RELLINK in the Name field of the Content Reference Attributes group box.

    Enter a label for the attribute.

    Click the Edit Related Links link.

Create related link groups.



Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Navigate the registry to the content reference link and click Edit. On the Content Reference Link Administration page, select the Security tab.

Set content reference link security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content References

Access the Content Ref Administration page (PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Navigate the portal registry hierarchy until you are in the parent folder for the content reference; then click the Add Content Reference link.)

Note. Many of the fields described in this section appear only when you enter certain field values.

Many of these fields are similar to fields on the Folder Administration page.

When you save a content reference that points to a PeopleSoft component or script on the default local node, the security settings for the content reference are inherited automatically from the menu or script security settings. Any permission lists or roles that you enter on the Content Reference Security page before saving the content reference are deleted and replaced by those of the component or script. These new security settings are also propagated up the folder hierarchy. This ensures that the content reference is visible and all folders are viewable, enabling users to navigate to the component.

Warning! Do not add internal component-based PeopleSoft content references using the Content Ref Administration page. Use the registration wizard instead so that information is consistent between PeopleSoft Application Designer and the portal. Any changes made to the menu definition in PeopleSoft Application Designer and not made to the portal content reference definition break the content reference. The portal navigation system uses the portal registry, not the internal location of menu definitions in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

See Using the Registration Wizard.

This table describes the fields that appear on the Content Ref Administration page:

Usage Type

Select from these usage types:

  • Frame template.

  • Homepage tab.

  • HTML template.

  • Inline frame template.

  • Pagelet.

    Important! The portal recognizes pagelets that are registered as portal objects in the Pagelets folder only. This restriction is not enforced by the portal registry; you can create a pagelet that is not recognized.

    The name that you specify for a new pagelet can consist of letters, digits, and underscores ( _ ). It cannot contain any spaces and cannot begin with a digit.

  • Target.

    This is the default value.

Based on the value that you select, the application shows, hides, disables, and enables the other fields on the page so that only the fields that are relevant to the usage type are available. For example, if you select a usage type of Pagelet, then Pagelet Attributes group box appears in which you can specify the default column, the refresh time, and other properties that apply specifically to pagelets.

For a typical PeopleSoft application page, set the usage type to Target (the default value) and the URL type to PeopleSoft Component.

Storage Type

This field is enabled when you selected a usage type of Frame template or HTML template.

Select Local (in HTML Catalog) or the default value, Remote by URL.


This text area is enabled when you select a usage type of HTML template or Frame Template and Local (in HTML Catalog) as the storage type.

An HTML template uses the HTML that is entered into the HTML area of a content reference that is located in the Templates folder, which you find within the Portal Objects folder. Bind variables cannot be used within the HTML area. The HTML area includes any HTML that is required for the template itself, plus tags that specify the URLs for template pagelets.

Template Name

Select the template for this page. If you leave this field blank, the portal servlet automatically uses the default template of the node at runtime. The node default template is set up on the General Settings page. If a node default template has not been specified, it uses the portal default template.

WSRP Producible

This option appears only for usage types of Target and Pagelet. Select this option for PeopleSoft content that you intend to expose for remote WSRP portals to consume.

No Template

Select to have the target content (your application page) not wrapped with a portal template at runtime; by viewing your page, the user is effectively taken outside of the portal environment (this is not usually desirable). When this check box is selected, the Template Name field is hidden.

Create Content Reference Link

Click to create or edit a content reference link.

Add Content Reference

Click to add a content reference.

Test Content Reference

Click to test a content reference.

See Creating Related Links.

Hide from portal navigation

Select to hide the content reference from menu navigation.

Hide from MSF Navigation

MSF is not currently supported.

IWC Message Events

Click to access the Interwindow Communications page.

See Configuring Interwindow Communication Publish and Subscribe Options.

URL Information

The fields that appear in this group box are based on the selection that you make in the URL Type field.

Node Name

Select the node for this page. Select Always use local to associate the page with the default local node. The default local node is designated on the Portal Definitions page.

URL Type

Select from these URL types:

Non-PeopleSoft URL: Enter the URL in the Portal URL field that appears. This usage type can be used in conjunction with a defined node. The result is the concatenation of the selected node's URI text and the portal URL that you entered.

PeopleSoft Component: The Component Parameters region appears. Select the menu name, market, and component name to use for this content reference.

PeopleSoft Generic URL: Enter the URL in the Portal URL field that appears. This usage type can be used in conjunction with a defined node. The result is the concatenation of the selected node's URI text and the portal URL that you entered.

PeopleSoft Homepage Tab: In the Homepage tab attributes group box you can, designate a homepage as a dashboard page, add help functionality to a homepage tab, hide the pagelet action bar, and grant users the privilege to rename the homepage.

PeopleSoft Script: The iScript Parameters group box appears. Select the record (table) and field names, PeopleCode event name, and PeopleCode function name that specifies the iScript to use.

PeopleSoft Worklist URL: Enter the URL in the Portal URL field. Use the following format:


Remote Portlet: Select the producer and the portlet that you want to register manually. Only producers that have been registered are available for selection. Values for the fields Label and Long Description are supplied by default to the portlet's title and description. You can change these values. Click Producer Details to display the Display Producers page and view remote producers that have been defined in the system.

See Using WSRP to Consume and Produce Remote Portlets.

Note. The availability of these options depends on the selected usage type.

Additional Parameters

Enter query string parameters to be appended onto a PeopleSoft component or PeopleSoft script. For example, enter emplid=8001.

Pagelet Attributes

The Pagelet Attributes group box enables you to manage pagelet behavior and appearance.

See Managing Pagelet Attributes.

Content Reference Attributes

Content reference attributes provide a framework to specify and store free-form information about a content reference. For example, you can use content reference attributes to specify and store keywords, help information, related content properties, and related links for content references.

In addition, portal-aware applications can use content reference attribute information for application-specific processing. Portal-aware applications are those that:


Enter an object name to identify the attribute programmatically. This name is not displayed to the user.

Note. The name can consist of letters, digits, and underscores ( _ ) only. It cannot contain any spaces and cannot begin with a digit.


Select to specify that the label and attribute values are translated.

Attribute Information

Click to create related links. You can create related links only after entering RELLINK in the Name field.


Enter a descriptive name for the attribute to display to the user. The label is required only if Translate is selected.

Attribute value

Enter information about the attribute that the portal uses to apply the attribute to the content reference.


This grid appears only if content reference links that connect to this content reference exist. Click Link Definition to view the definition of each listed content reference link.

Available Content Reference Attributes

This table describes the content reference attributes that your PeopleTools portal recognizes:

Content Reference Attribute Name



Use this attribute to specify keywords that you want to associate with this content reference. Any search using these keywords returns this content reference as a search result.

Name of a default homepage object or image

Use this attribute to override a default HTML object or image used for homepage components, such as tabs and pagelets, by providing the name of an alternative HTML object or image.

Note. You can override only a specified set of homepage objects and images.


Use these attributes (numbered from 12 to 26) to insert additional custom images on a homepage tab.


Use this attribute to specify that the component or page always opens in a new browser window.

Note. This attribute applies to links on navigation collection template pagelets that appear in the pagelet area of a WorkCenter page.


Use this attribute to specify that the component or page opens in the current browser window and replaces the current page completely.

Note. This option affects only the link behavior when it is rendered in a navigation collection template pagelet inside the pagelet area of a WorkCenter page.


Use this attribute to disable the parallel loading of a pagelet so that it appears only when the entire homepage or dashboard is loaded.

To defer the loading of the pagelet until the entire page loads, enter false as the attribute value.

The default value is true.


Use this attribute to implement caching for individual pagelets and targets based on user, role, or application.


Use this attribute to create a banner pagelet, which appears at the top of a homepage or dashboard page and spans the width of the page.


Use this attribute to override the character set encoding that is used by the content reference.


Use this attribute to specify how long the portal should wait for a pagelet to load before it considers the pagelet unavailable.


Use this attribute to add an icon to the header of the pagelet.

The attribute value should be the name of the image definition that is stored in the image catalog using PeopleSoft Application Designer.


Use this attribute to specify a URL that you want to associate with the help link for a pagelet.

Note. This attribute takes priority over a PeopleSoft Help ID if both properties are set.


Use this attribute to provide related content service parameters in name/value pairs for the content reference. This presence of this attribute changes the default behavior of component-based URLs and supplants all parameters with those that you enter in the Value field.


Use this attribute to create related links for the content reference.

Content Reference Type Parameters

This table summarizes the valid combinations of usage type, storage type, and URL type or key HTML content supported for content references:

Usage Type

Storage Type

URL Type or Key HTML Content

Frame template

Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Script

Frame template

Remote by URL

Non-PeopleSoft URL

Frame template

Local (in HTML Catalog)

Target or IClientComponent element


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Component

HTML template

Local (in HTML Catalog)

Target, Pagelet, or Source element

HTML template

Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Script

HTML template

Remote by URL

Non-PeopleSoft URL

Homepage tab

Local (in HTML Catalog)

PeopleSoft Homepage tab

Inline Frame template

Local (in HTML Catalog)

Target or Pagelet component

Inline Frame template

Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Script

Inline Frame template

Remote by URL

Non-PeopleSoft URL


Remote by URL

Non-PeopleSoft URL


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Component


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Script


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Generic URL


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Worklist URL


Remote by URL

Remote Portlet


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Generic URL


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Script


Remote by URL

PeopleSoft Worklist URL


Remote by URL

Non-PeopleSoft URL


Remote by URL

Remote Portlet

See Also

Defining Folders

Understanding Portal Templates

Managing General Portal Settings

Configuring Pagelet Time-out Settings

Using Predefined Homepage HTML Objects

Administering Server-Based Caching

Overriding Page Encoding

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Related Links

You can create related links for a portal page using the RELLINK content reference attribute. You can create related links to external sites, to internal sites, and to other portal pages.

Note. Related links can be implemented with your choice of template on the content reference. Using the PeopleTools Related Links template displays the related links for the content reference, but not the portal menu navigation.

To create related links:

  1. Define the RELLINK content reference attribute.

  2. Create related links groups.

  3. Create related links for each group.

  4. Test the related links.

In this sample page, you see the results of using the related links template and adding the RELLINK attribute on a given content reference:

This table describes the page elements shown in the sample page:

Page Element


Related Links

RELLINK content reference attribute with the label Related Links.

External Sites

A related link group defined with the label External Sites.

Site #1, Site #2, Site #3

Related links for the External Sites group.

PeopleSoft Sites

A related link group defined with the label PeopleSoft Sites.

Batch rules, Developers' site, and User maintenance

Related links for the PeopleSoft Sites group.

Defining the RELLINK Content Reference Attribute

To define a related link content reference attribute:

  1. Access the Content Ref Administration page (PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Navigate to the appropriate content reference; then click the Edit link.)

  2. Enter RELATEDLINKS_TEMPLATE. in the Template Name field.

  3. In the Name field of the Content Reference Attributes region, enter RELLINK.

    After you enter this value and move out of the field, the Attribute Information link changes to Edit Related Links.

  4. Verify that the Translate check box is selected.

  5. Enter a label for the related links attribute.

Note. You do not need to enter any information in the Attribute Value field. After you create the related link group and the related links, the system populates this field with all defined attributes as a string.

Creating Related Link Groups

Access the Related Links Group (PORTAL_RLNK_ADM) page.

To create a related link group:

  1. In the Related Link Groups Label field, enter a name.

    This name is the heading under which you place related links.

  2. To create additional related link groups, click Add and repeat step 1.

Creating Related Links

To create a link:

  1. In the Related Links region on the Related Links Group (PORTAL_RLNK_ADM) page, enter a name in the Related Link URL Label field.

    This name appears as a link under the group name.

  2. If you're linking to an internal site, select a node name from the list.

    If you're linking to an external site, leave this field blank.

  3. In the Related Link URL field, enter URL information for the link.

    If the link is to an internal site, enter the URL or URI. The URL or URI can be to an internal site, to a portal, and so on. If you specified a value for the Portal URI Text field on the node definition, you can enter a specific document name as the target. The name is appended to the URI text for a full URL.

    If the link is to an external site, enter the URL.

  4. To define additional links for the group, click Add and repeat steps 2 and 3.

  5. Click OK to save the entry and return to the Content Ref Administration page.

    The Attribute Value field is populated with an XML-type formatted string. This string contains all the related link data and is stored in the PORTAL_ATTR_VAL field of the PSPRSMATTRVAL record for the content reference specified in the PORTAL_OBJNAME field. The following example shows a generated XML-type formatted string:

    <GRPLBL>Worklist Pages <URLLBL>Worklist Details</URLLBL> <CP>Portal</CP>⇒ <URL>ICType=Panel&Menu=WORKLIST&Market=GBL&PanelGroupName=⇒ WORKLIST_DETAILS </URL> <URLLBL>Worklist Monitor</URLLBL> <CP>Portal</CP>⇒ <URL>ICType=Panel&Menu=WORKFLOW_ADMINISTRATOR&Market=⇒ GBL&PanelGroupName=WF_MONITOR_01 </URL> </GRPLBL> <GRPLBL>Tasks <URLLBL>Task List Summary</URLLBL> <CP>Portal</CP> <URL>ICType=Panel&Menu=PORTAL_COMPONENTS&Market⇒ =GBL&PanelGroupName=EO_PE_TASK_LIST⇒ </URL> </GRPLBL>

Testing Related Links

You should test related links to view how the page appears to users, ensure that the labels are correct, and verify that the links function properly. To test related links, click Test Content Reference on the Content Ref Administration page just above the URL Information region.

Note that:

If the target page does not display any related links, ensure that:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Content Reference Permissions

Access the Content Reference Security page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.Click the Edit link for a content reference; then select the Security tab.)

This page is similar to the Folder Security page. You can specify the permission lists and roles that grant security access to the content reference.

Certain URL types inherit the security permission list and role authorizations from the referenced object. For these URL types, you can view, but not modify the security by using the Content Reference Security page. All fields except Public and Author Access are display-only. This is the list of URL types that inherit security authorization:

When you save a content reference that points to a PeopleSoft component or script on the default local node, the security settings for the content reference are inherited automatically from the menu or script security settings. Any permission lists or roles that you entered on the Content Reference Security page before saving the content reference are deleted and replaced by those of the component or script. These new security settings are also propagated up the folder hierarchy. This ensures that the content reference is visible and all folders are viewable, enabling users to navigate to the component.

Note. If you copy, move, or add a content reference to a folder, the security settings of the content reference are propagated up the folder hierarchy. This ensures that the content reference is visible and all folders are viewable, and it enables users to navigate to the content reference. If you remove the content reference from that folder, the security settings that were applied when it was added to the folder are also removed from the folder hierarchy, without disturbing any settings still required for other content references remaining in that folder.

Note. Content reference links do not inherit cascaded security from folders.

See Also

Setting Folder Permissions

Using the Registration Wizard

Setting Up Permission Lists

Setting Up Roles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Content Reference Permissions

You can use automated queries to discover the content references to which a given user, permission list, or role has access. Each query provides a different degree of detail about the properties of the content references.

Reviewing Content Reference Security by User

Access the User ID Queries page (PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles, User ID Queries).

This page contains several general-purpose security queries, along with the following links to content reference access queries for the selected user, which are described on the page:

When you click one of the query links, a page appears in a new window, containing a grid with the information described for each content reference.

Reviewing Content Reference Security by Permission List

Access the Permission List Queries page (PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Permission Lists, Permission List Queries).

This page is similar to the User ID Queries page, with the following equivalent links to content reference access queries for the selected permission list:

When you click one of the query links, a page appears in a new window, containing a grid with the information described for each content reference.

Reviewing Content Reference Security by Role

Access the Role Queries page (PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Roles, Role Queries).

This page is similar to the User ID Queries page, with the following equivalent links to content reference access queries for the selected role:

When you click one of the query links, a page appears in a new window containing a grid with the information described for each content reference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTesting Content References

After creating or modifying a content reference and setting up permissions, test the content reference.

  1. Click Home in the portal navigation header

  2. Use the Menu pagelet or the Main Menu to navigate to the content reference.

  3. Click the content reference.

You can also click the Test Content Reference on the Content Ref Administration page.

Note. The Test Content Reference link appears on the Content Ref Administration page when the usage type of the content reference type is set to Target only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Reference Links

Access the Select a Content Reference or Content Reference Link page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Navigate the portal registry hierarchy into the parent folder in which you want the link to appear. Click the Add Content Reference Link link that appears after the Content References group box.)

Click the folder icons to navigate the tree structure until you find the target of the link. Click the link and the Content Reference Link Administration page appears.

PeopleSoft portals store content references based on their URLs, so you can't register two different content references that specify the same URL. Content reference links overcome this limitation by enabling you to define more than one menu item that invokes a given URL. You define a content reference link like any other content reference, but instead of specifying a URL, you specify an existing content reference as its destination. At runtime, clicking the content reference link on the portal menu connects to the destination content reference by URL.

Note. To the user, a content reference link looks and works the same as a content reference on the portal menu.

A content reference link can point to:

You can define a content reference link in the same locations that you can define a content reference of usage type Target. Multiple content reference links can connect to a single destination content reference.

By connecting one content reference link to another content reference link, you can create a chain of redirection, which always ends in a content reference of usage type Target. You don’t need to know what the ultimate destination is when you define your new content reference link, and you can duplicate the property settings of the content reference link to which it connects rather than those of the ultimate destination. However, Oracle recommends that you limit your use of chains of content reference links because they impose processing overhead on your portal when selected.

Warning! If you delete a destination content reference or content reference link, all content reference links that connect to it are also deleted. This behavior propagates back through any content reference link chain.

Target Information


Select the destination content reference to which you want this content reference link to connect.


Select the portal that contains the destination content reference to which you want this content reference link to connect. The Always use local value refers to the portal where the content reference link is defined, so moving or copying it to a different portal changes the resolution of this value.

Important! If you change this value, you must also select a new link content reference.

Link Information


Enter a unique object name for this content reference link. This field is required.

Test Content Reference Link

Click to test this content reference link. Clicking this button should produce the same result as clicking the content reference link from the portal menu.

If you omit values in following fields, their values are inherited from the destination content reference:

URL Information

These fields are display-only and reflect the URL information of the content reference that you are linking to.

See URL Information.

Content Reference Attributes

If the destination content reference has defined content reference attributes, they appear in this grid. You can copy them from the grid to the Content Reference Link Attributes group box using the following page elements:


Select to designate a content reference attribute for copying to the Content Reference Link Attributes group box.

Select All

Click to designate all content reference attributes for copying to the Content Reference Link Attributes group box.


Click to copy the selected content reference attributes to the Content Reference Link Attributes group box.

Content Reference Link Attributes

Content reference link attributes and content reference attributes share the same page fields.

You can define content reference link attributes directly in this group box, or you can copy an attribute from the destination content reference using the Content Reference Attributes grid, and modify it to suit your purposes.

At runtime, the content reference link attributes defined here are combined with the content reference attributes defined at the link destination, and they are applied together.

Important! If a content reference link attribute defined here has the same name as a content reference attribute defined at the link destination, but a different attribute value, the value defined here takes precedence and is applied at runtime.

Content reference link attributes are independent and separate from the content reference attributes at the link destination. Modifying one has no effect on the other.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Content Reference Link Permissions

Access the Content Reference Link Security page (Click the Security tab on the Content Reference Link Administration page.)

The fields on this page are disabled because content reference links inherit the security settings of the destination object. The inherited security settings propagate upward through the folder hierarchy from the content reference link.

See Also

Setting Content Reference Permissions

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Folders and Content References

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Folders and Content References

Page Name

Definition Name



Copy Object to a Different Portal Registry


  • PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

    Access the Content Ref Administration page.

    Click the Copy Object button.

  • Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

    Access the Folder Administration page.

    Click the Copy Object button.

Copy folders and content references.

Select New Parent Folder



  • Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

    Access the Content Ref Administration page.

    Click the New Parent Folder button.

  • Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

    Access the Folder Administration page.

    Click the New Parent Folder button.

Move folders and content references.

Portal Security Synchronization


PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Security Sync

Synchronize portal object security.

General Settings


PeopleTools, Portal, General Settings

Manage the settings for the portal that you're signed in to.

Note. To modify other portals, use the Portal Definitions page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Folders and Content References

Access the Copy Object to a Different Portal Registry page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Content Ref Administration. Click the Copy Object button).

To copy an object:

  1. Navigate to the portal registry to which you want to copy the object.

    Click the portal name to copy the object to root level. To expand the folders and navigate further into the registry structure, click the folder icon (not the folder name).

    Important! Clicking the folder name starts the copying process.

  2. (Optional) If you are copying a folder, the Recurse subfolders? check box appears. Select this check box to copy the folder and all the subfolders and content references within it.

  3. Click the folder name to copy the object into that folder.

  4. Click the Yes - Copy button to proceed.

Warning! If you attempt to copy an object to a location that already contains an object of the same name and type, the newly copied object replaces the existing object. For example, if you copy a folder and subfolders to another portal where a subfolder by that name already exists, the existing subfolder is deleted and replaced with the subfolder from the source portal. No warning message appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMoving Folders and Content References

Access the Select New Parent Folder page (PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Content Ref Administration Click the New Parent Folder button).

The current parent folder is shown in bold type, and the folder tree is expanded just enough to show the location of the current parent folder. All other folders are shown collapsed. You can expand the tree to show content references, which are displayed as tree leaves and appear in normal text.

To move a folder or content reference to a new parent folder:

  1. Navigate to the new parent folder by clicking the appropriate folder icons with plus signs.

    Note. When navigating, do not click the folder name unless it’s the name of the new parent folder that you want to select. Once you click a folder name, as opposed to the icon, the folder name that you selected becomes the new parent folder.

  2. Select the new parent folder by clicking the folder name.

  3. Click Save.

Note. When you move a content reference that points to a component or script at the default local node, its security settings are cascaded up to its new parents all the way up to the root folder. In addition, when you move a folder, its security settings (not including security inherited from a subordinate object) are cascaded up to its new parent, all the way up to the root folder. This ensures that the folder or content reference is accessible in its new location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Folders and Content References

To delete a folder or content reference:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

  2. In the portal registry, navigate to the folder or content reference that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button next to the object that you want to delete.

    All child folders and child content references are deleted when you delete the selected folder. Make sure that no critical dependencies exist for these objects before deleting the parent folder.

Warning! Do not delete folders or content references that are delivered with PeopleTools. These default objects have special significance to your portal. Changing them could make your portal unusable.

When you delete a content reference or a content reference link, all content reference links that connect to it are also deleted. This behavior propagates back through any content reference link chain.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSynchronizing Portal Object Security

Access the Portal Security Synchronization page (PeopleTools, Portal, Portal Security Sync).

The hierarchical relationships and dependencies between objects in the portal registry determine what security settings each object must have. The portal won't work correctly if these security relationships aren't maintained. Here are some examples of these relationships:

Portal object security settings can become unsynchronized when you move portal objects from one database to another using the Project Copy feature in PeopleSoft Application Designer. When you merge projects this way, if the projects contain any portal objects with identical names, the security settings of the portal objects in the last project copied overwrite the security settings of portal objects copied earlier. Also, when a copied portal object doesn't overwrite an existing object, it changes the structure of the resulting portal registry hierarchy.

Use the Portal Security Synchronization page to reinstate the correct security relationships between objects in the portal registry after you copy a project that contains portal objects.

This page enables you to run the Application Engine program PORTAL_CSS from the standard menu navigation. You can use this feature on local portals only, not on portals on remote databases. In addition, from any local portal, you can run this program against another local portal.

To synchronize portal object security, specify a local portal in the Portal Name field and click Run. The portal objects are synchronized in the following way:

  1. The security settings of each content reference are compared to the component or iScript that it represents, and updated to match.

  2. The security settings of each content reference link are compared to the content reference or content reference link to which it connects, and updated to match.

  3. The security settings of each content reference and content reference link are propagated to its parent folder, in addition to the parent folder's existing settings.

    None of the parent folder's existing security access is reduced.

    Note. The settings aren't propagated if the parent folder is public or hidden.

  4. The security settings of each folder are propagated to its parent folder, in addition to the parent folder's existing settings.

    None of the parent folder's existing security access is reduced.

    Note. The settings aren't propagated if the parent folder is public or hidden.

The following warning messages may appear when security synchronization cannot occur:

The security administrator and portal administrator are responsible for determining why an object has no security or why an object does not exist.

Delete Invalid Security Option

When you move portal objects from one database to another, roles and permission lists assigned to folders and content references on the source database may not exist on the target database and therefore become invalid. Select the Delete Invalid Security check box on the Portal Security Sychronization page to remove nonexisting roles and permission lists from folders and content references.

Note. When the Delete Invalid Security option is selected, the PORTAL_CSS process runs more slowly because it checks every role and permission list on every portal registry structure. When a nonexisting role or permission list is found on the portal registry structure, it is removed from that portal registry structure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRegistering Components in Multiple Portals

After you use Registration Wizard to register a new component in a portal, you may need to register the component in other portals. You can register components in multiple portals in two ways:

See Copying Folders and Content References.

See Also

Changing Default Portals

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRegistering Components Multiple Times Within a Portal

The portal registry does not allow a URL to be registered more than once. When you define a content reference, the component name is part of the URL. If you must register the same component URL in more than one location, add a unique character to the parameter field. (Be sure that you really must register a URL twice because this creates upgrade and maintenance concerns.) See the following example, in which the additional numeric character 1 is added to the Additional Parameter field:

See Also

Registering Components in Multiple Portals

Click to jump to parent topicManaging General Portal Settings

This section discusses how to manage general portal settings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Manage General Portal Settings

Page Name

Definition Name



General Settings


PeopleTools, Portal, General Settings

Manage general settings for portals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging General Settings for Portals

Access the General Settings page (PeopleTools, Portal, General Settings).

Use this page to manage the settings for the portal that you're signed in to. To modify other portals, use the Portal Definitions page.

Note. You must sign out of the portal and sign in again before your changes take effect.

Default Template Name

Select the template to use to wrap all registered content that has not been associated with another template in this portal, as well as all unregistered content.

Warning! If you change the default template, make sure that the new default is able to handle any arbitrary page.

See Administering Portal Definitions.

Folder Navigation

You enter the default folder navigation values for the current portal on this page. Enabling folder navigation at the portal level enables folder navigation for all standard folders and SmartNavigation in the portal. You can subsequently disable folder navigation at the individual folder level

Folder navigation is not enabled unless you select the Is Folder Navigation Enabled check box on both the Portal Definition and General Settings pages. The Is Folder Navigation Enabled check box is selected by default in the standard PeopleTools portals.

See Adding and Editing Portal Definitions.

Note. If you disable and then re-enable folder navigation at this level, folder navigation is re-enabled for all folders. All overrides at the individual folder level are cleared.

Portal Search Options

Use the fields in this group box to enable system-level search options.

Display search in navigation

Select to display the search at the top of the menu pagelet or main menu.

Display search in header

Select to display the search field in the universal navigation header. This search is limited to the current application. You can display either the standard search or the global search in the universal navigation header. The two options are mutually exclusive.

Display global search in header

Select to display the portal-wide search field in the universal navigation header. This search spans all application portal sites. You can display either the standard search or the global search in the universal navigation header. The two options are mutually exclusive.

Auto Suggest Limit

Enter the maximum number of rows to appear in the drop-down autocomplete list for edit and prompt fields that have autocomplete enabled at the record definition level.

The default value is 50.

Search Results Page

Enter the names of the menu definition, component definition, and market of the Search Results page. This group box is disabled when the Display global search in header check box is selected.

Navigation Options

Navigation Type

Select Left to enable menu navigation that uses the Menu pagelet, which appears at the side of the page.

Select Drop-down to enable menu navigation that uses the navigation header, which appears at the top of the page.

Important! Many PeopleTools portal-related features, such as SmartNavigation, persistent search, and the My Favorites and Recently Used menus are available only when you use drop-down navigation type.

Favorites Options

Display My Favorites folder

Select to enable the application user to save favorite components and pages in the My Favorites folder, which appears in the Favorites drop-down menu. This option is available only when you select Drop-down as your navigation type.

Display Recently Used

Select to enable the portal to store and display the five most recently visited components as a folder under the Favorites menu. This option is available only when you select Drop-down as your navigation type.

Menu Text Options

Display menu text in header

Select to show the menu title in the header rather than in the left frame above the menu.

Display menu in nav pagelet

Select to show the menu title in the pagelet header.

Note. In PeopleTools, the menu title is displayed in the header. If both Display menu text in header and Display menu in nav pagelet are selected, the menu title appears twice.

Menu title position

The number of pixels from the top of the frame that the menu expand/collapse bar appears in a frame template. The default is 47.

Disable Drop-down Menu Sort

Enter the PeopleSoft language codes of the languages for which you want to remove the drop-down menu sort functionality at the system level. The drop-down menu sort is disabled for these languages by default: Japanese, Korean, Thai, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Enter PeopleSoft language codes in a comma-separated list. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, International, Languages to see all PeopleSoft language codes.

Header Frame Options

This group box sets the number of header frame rows if you are using the PeopleTools default template. The value entered for this field determines the size of the header frame. The default value for the PeopleTools portal is 65 and the default value for the Application Portal is 100.

Node Templates

Configure node-specific template information.

Node Name

Select from the list of nodes defined for this portal. If you add a new node name, you must also specify the default template for that node.

Default Template Name

Select the default template for all content references using this node. The selected template is applied only to content references for which the No Template check box is deselected but no template is selected.

See Also

Using Menu Pagelets

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Portal Objects

The Portal Objects folder is of special significance to the portal. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Portal Objects

Page Name

Definition Name



Structure and Content - Portal Objects


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects

View portal objects folder settings.

Content Ref Administration


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects, Templates

Click Edit next to the name of the template that you want to access.

Manage templates.

Add and edit templates.

Delete templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Portal Objects Folder Settings

Access the Structure and Content page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. In the Folders group box, click the Edit link for Portal Objects).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Templates

Templates are stored in the HTML catalog and are edited through the portal administration pages. For the portal to process templates properly, they must be referenced in the Templates folder within the Portal Objects folder. Storing templates in the HTML catalog enables them to be upgraded like other objects.

Templates are stored in the HTML catalog according to the following naming convention: Template names always begin with the literal PR_. Here's an example name: PR_PORTALNAME_CONTENT REFERENCE ID

The following example shows a sample template:

Templates can be larger than the maximum size permitted by the HTML catalog. Such templates are automatically divided into several files in the HTML catalog. In this case, a letter is appended to each HTML object that makes up the template, as shown here:



See Also

Working with Portal Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Editing Templates

Access the Content Ref Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Then click these links in succession: Portal Objects, Templates).

To add a new template, click Add Content Reference in the Content References region at the bottom of the Content Ref Administration page.

To edit an existing template, click the Edit link next to the template that you want to edit in the Content References region at the bottom of the Content Ref Administration page.

See Defining Content References.

The fields for adding a dynamic template are the same as for any content reference, except for additional iScript parameter fields. These fields are enabled only if the storage type is set to Remote by URL.

If the URL Type field is set to PeopleSoft Script, the iScript Parameters group box appears. Select the record name, PeopleCode event name, field name, and PeopleCode function name that stores the iScript that the content reference accesses to build the template.

See Also

Defining Folders

Defining Content References

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Templates

You delete templates the same way that you delete folders and content references.

See Deleting Folders and Content References.

Note. Do not delete the DEFAULT_TEMPLATE portal template. This template has special significance to your portal and must always be available. Deleting this template could make your portal inoperative. Oracle recommends that you not delete any template unless you are fully aware of how it's used within the portal.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Menu Item Information

This section lists common elements used in the section and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Menu Item

Displays the menu item ID. The menu item label is displayed to the right.

Content Provider Name

Displays the database node that contains the PeopleSoft page.


(Optional) Displays text that is used to tag menu items for inquiry.

Note. Each PeopleSoft product line has a naming standard. For example, PAPP is always used for PeopleSoft Application Portal.

Menu Path

Displays the navigation path for this menu item.


If this check box is selected, then the menu item is hidden from portal menu navigation. However, you can still access the content by using a link that is incorporated on a target page or pagelet.

Is Public

If this check box is selected, the menu item is available for all users. No data appears in the Accessible Permissions, Accessible Roles, and Accessible Users scroll areas.

Auth Access (author access)

If this check box is selected, the author can access the menu item regardless of how other permissions are set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Menu Item Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Menu Item Detail


PeopleTools, Portal, View Menu Item Detail

View menu item details.

Menu Folder Structure


PeopleTools, Portal, View Menu Folder Structure

View menu folder structure information.

Menu Security


PeopleTools, Portal, View Menu Security

View menu security details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Menu Item Details

Access the Menu Item Detail page (PeopleTools, Portal, View Menu Item Detail).

Use this page to review the portal registry information for a menu item. The details that appear include the exact users and the roles and permission lists that allow access to a given menu item.

Usage Type

Displays the type of object that is registered in the portal as a content reference. Possible values are Target, Pagelet, Frame Template, HTML Template, and Homepage Tab.

Template Name

Displays the template that controls how content appears on the page. The default template is used except for special circumstances.

Component, iScript, and URL Type

Information that appears depends on the URL type that is entered on the Content Ref Administration page. Possible URL type values are Non-PeopleSoft URL, PeopleSoft Component, PeopleSoft Generic URL, PeopleSoft Script, PeopleSoft Worklist URL, and Remote Portlet. The availability of these values depends on the selected usage type.

Long Description

Displays the text that appears when you move the cursor over the menu navigation link.

Note. The Accessible Permissions, Accessible Roles, and Accessible Users scroll areas are populated only if the access type is set to permission list.

See Defining Content References.

Accessible Permissions

This section displays the permission list name and description for all permission lists that can access this menu item.

Note. If the component or iScript is using a local node with no extra parameters, the permission lists are automatically populated based on the menu object component security.

Accessible Roles

Displays the role name and description for all roles that can access this menu item.

Accessible Users

Displays the user ID and description for all users that can access this menu item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Menu Folder Structure Information

Access the Menu Folder Structure page (PeopleTools, Portal, View Menu Folder Structure).

Use this page to view a list of content references for a selected portal registry folder. You see the contents of one or several menu folders.

Portal Name

Displays the name of the portal that you are currently using.

Content Provider, Name, Product, and Menu Folder

Select a combination of criteria for filtering the results. If any of the fields are left blank, all possible information for those fields are shown.

Objects Tab

Select the Objects tab.

Menu Item

Displays the menu item description.

Click to view more detail information on the Menu Item Detail page.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

Displays where the menu item is located in its menu folder. If this field is blank, the menu item is added to the top of the list of content references within its folder and displayed in alphabetical order.

Portal Object Name

Displays the menu item ID.

Details Tab

Select the Details tab.

User ID

If the Auth Access check box is selected, this field displays the author's user ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Menu Security Details

Access the Menu Security page (PeopleTools, Portal, View Menu Security).

Use this page to view a list of folders or content references that a user ID, role, or permission list can access.

Note. The Seq Nbr (sequence number) column is hidden in this illustration, and because of the large number of objects, not all are shown.

Object Security

Select the level of object security for the menu information that you want to see.

User, Role, and Permission List

Select a type of object security, and then select an object.

You can view the complete menu folder structure that is available in the navigation (or hidden, but accessible from another page) for the selected security value.

Warning! To prevent unexpected errors and inordinately long retrieval times, do not select the ALLPAGES permission list in conjunction with the Show All folder option. Always narrow your folder options if you select the ALLPAGES permission list.

Folder Visibility

Select the level of visibility for the menu information that you want to see.

Show All

Select to view all objects.

Note. To avoid unexpected errors and inordinately long retrieval times, Oracle recommends that you not select this option if you select the ALLPAGES permission list in the Object Security section.

Choose Top Level

Select a level-one folder. The Menu Security grid displays all content references and their complete paths below this level that are accessible by the selected object security level.

Show Top Level Only

Select to display only the level-one folders that are accessible by the object security type.

Permission Lists

If either the Role object security option or the Show Top Level Only folder visibility option is selected, then this scroll area appears, displaying the permission lists that are associated with each menu item.

Click to jump to parent topicBuilding Registry Search Indexes

This section discusses how to:

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Application Portal, registry search implementation is different. Enterprise Search documentation supersedes PeopleTools Search documentation.

See PeopleSoft Application Portal 9 PeopleBook: Application Portal Technology, Configuring the Application Portal Search Infrastructure

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Build Registry Search Indexes

Page Name

Definition Name



Content Ref Administration (content reference administration)


PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content, Portal Objects

Navigate to the Content References list and click Add Content Reference or Edit.

Use the attribute KEYWORD to associate keywords with a content reference. Any search for these keywords returns the content reference as a search result.

Build Search Index


PeopleTools, Portal, Build Registry Search Index

Build search indexes for portal applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Keywords with Content References

Access the Content Ref Administration page (PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content Click the Edit link for the appropriate content reference.)

The search index derives keywords from the content reference labels and long descriptions. You can add additional keywords to a content reference by adding portal KEYWORD attributes. This is very useful if synonym-type keywords exist that are not mentioned in the title or description, for example, P.O. versus Purchase Order.

Note. Attribute values must be separated with a comma and a space.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Search Indexes for PeopleSoft Applications

Access the Build Search Index page (PeopleTools, Portal, Build Registry Search Index).

You can build a search index from the portal administration pages and schedule the build process using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. Each time that you build the search index, the index is entirely rebuilt, and any previous entries are overwritten.

Note. Only content references can be indexed.

The process for building a search index for a portal application is fairly easy because data in the portal registry is already in a known format and this data is used to build the search index. When you build a search index from the portal administration pages, an Application Engine program calls a C++ program, PORTAL_INDEX, which reads from the portal registry. The C++ program then generates the bulk insert files to create the search index. The following illustration represents this process:

Building a search index process

To build a search index:

  1. Select or add a run control ID.

    You can use any run control ID; however, you may want to use a portal name to associate the run control ID with the registry for which you are building the search index.

  2. Select the All Installed Languages check box to build the index for all installed languages.

  3. Select the language code for which you want to build the search index.

    The default language code is the base language.

  4. Click Run to launch the build process.

    PeopleSoft Process Scheduler initiates an Application Engine program named PORTAL_INDEX. Click the Process Monitor link to view the status of the index build. Click Report Monitor to review output.

See Also

Configuring Verity Search and Building Verity Search Indexes