40 Transfer a Position Budget to the General Ledger

After you define your position budgets and position accounts, you can transfer position budget information to the general ledger so that your accounting department can access it.

Depending on the requirements of your accounting and human resources departments, you can transfer either summary position budget information or detailed information.

Summary information includes monthly totals of salary amounts and hours for all the position budgets you specify. Detailed information includes a record of the salary amount and hours for each individual position budget.

To transfer summary information to the general ledger, you must transfer position budgets to the Account Balances table (F0902). To transfer detailed position budget information, you can post position budgets to the Account Ledger table (F0911).


You transfer position budget information to the general ledger only if your human resources department is responsible for creating salary budgets. To avoid overwriting information, you should not transfer position budget information to the general ledger if your accounting department determines the salary budgets for your organization.

This chapter contains these topics:

Before You Begin

See Also:

40.1 Transferring Position Budgets to the Account Balances Table


From Human Resources (G08), choose Position Control

From Position Control (G08P1), enter 27

From Position Control Advanced and Technical Operations (G08P3), choose an option under the Update BL Budgets heading

To create or refresh your position budget accounts, you transfer summary position budget information to the general ledger Account Balances table. You typically perform this task to establish an initial budget for a new year.

As you work through the budgeting process, you can transfer three types of position budgets to the Account Balances table:

  • Requested budgets

  • Approved budgets

  • Final (also know as original) budgets

You use a different version of the same DREAM Writer program to transfer each of these types of position budgets. This program updates the Account Balances table (F0902). You (or someone in your accounting department) can review this information as you work through the budgeting process.

You transfer requested, approved, and final position budget information to the Account Balances table so that you have an audit trail from the beginning budget amounts through the final budget amounts as you work through the budget process.

When you run this program for the requested position budgets, the system updates the approved and final budget fields for the same account in the Account Balances table with the same values. When you run this program for the approved budget, the system also updates the final budget for the same account in the Account Balances table with the same value. When you run the program for the final budget, the system updates only that value. In this case, the values for requested and approved budgets remain the same.

The system transfers to the general ledger only hour values and effective budget amounts for positions.

40.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Revising position budget accounts Because this program overwrites all existing information in the Account Balances table, you transfer position budgets to the Account Balances table only when you are setting up budgets for a new year. If you need to revise position budgets in the middle of a year, do not rerun this program. Instead, post position budgets to the Account Ledger table (F0911).

See Section 40.2, "Posting Position Budgets to the Account Ledger Table."

40.2 Posting Position Budgets to the Account Ledger Table


From Human Resources (G08), choose Position Control

From Position Control (G08P1), enter 27

From Position Control Advanced and Technical Operations (G08P3), choose Create Batch

To track detailed information for your position budgets, you can update the position budget information to the Account Ledger (F0911) table. Position budgets must have an approved status before you can post them. When you post position budgets to the Account Ledger table, you can distribute them between up to 12 accounts in the Account Balances table (F0902).

See Also: