
  viewing in the Lease Center link


abandoned, contract status link link link link
  pre-proceed link link
  termination quote link
  upon receipt link link link
account tab
  consolidated invoices link
  lease center link
  view customer account information link
  Accounting Entry Process, concurrent program link
Accounting Entry Process, concurrent program link link
Accounting Processes link
Accounting Transactions link
  Overview link
accrual accounting, defined link
activate, master lease agreement link
adjusted cost, asset link
adjustment matrix link
advance indicator, defined link
advance rent, defined link
  create master lease agreement link
  master lease link
  statuses link
amended, contract status link link link link
  defined link
  by third party link
  repair link
approved, contract status link link link link
approver, defined link
arrears indicator, defined link
article, defined link
  master lease agreement link
  operating agreements link
  program agreements link
as-due basis, defined link
  about link
  adjusted cost link
  billing for sale of link
  category link link
  change residual value write down link
  change salvage value write down link
  condition link link
  corporate book link link
  damage details link
  depreciation link link link
  depreciation method link link
  hold period days link link link
  in service date link link
  item category link link
  number link link link link link link link link
  off-lease transaction summary link
  off-lease transactions link
  original cost link link
  price, important note about link
  put into context link
  record adjustments link
  remarket off-lease link
  remarket orders link
  repair details link
  residual value write down link
  sale of off-lease link
  salvage value write down link
  search for remarket orders link
  search for returned link
  serial number link link
  specify residual value write down link
  specify salvage value write down link
  status link link
  transaction date link
  transaction status link
  transaction type link
  type link link
  update off-lease transaction link
  view information about link
  view residual value details link
  view salvage value details link
  view summary in lease center link
asset conditioning link
asset disposal link
asset disposition, defined link
Asset Management Dashboard link
Asset Management Terminate Expired Contract, concurrent program link link
asset return
  condition type link
  create condition line link
  create condition of link
  damage type link
  issue repair invoice link
  repair code link
  repair cost link
  repurchase link
  repurchase agreement link
  set up link
  specify fees for link
  specify inventory link
  specify shipping link
  update link
  update condition line link
asset tab
  insurance policy link
  lease center link
  view asset summary link
  view property tax link
  view third-party insurance link
attachments link
  defined link
  overview link
  terms and conditions link
Automatic Insurance, concurrent program link link
available for sale
  important note about link


batch process, contract termination link
  sale of off-lease asset link
billed basis, defined link
  advance link
  contractual amounts link
  defined link
  disbursements link
  event based link
  evergreen link
  investor agreement link
  manual link
  policy based link
  service contract link
  set up link
  taxes link
  third party link
  usage based link
  variable rate link
  view setup in lease center link
billing frequency, defined link
Billing Overview link
  asset corporate link link
booked, contract status link link link
  defined link
  overview link
buck-out lease, defined link
Business Reporting link
buyout amount, defined link


calculate late charges, concurrent program link
Calculate Late Interest, concurrent program link
calculate late interest, concurrent program link
cancellation, defined link
capital lease, defined link
capitalized cost, defined link
cash basis, defined link
catch-all, defined link
  asset link link
  asset item link link
change requests
  operating agreements link
clawback link
closed item, defined link
collateral, defined link
complete, contract status link link link link
Concurrent Cash Application, concurrent program link link
concurrent program
  defined link
  list of link
concurrent programs
  on demand link
  schedule link
  asset link link
  create asset return link
  create asset, line link
  issue repair invoice link
  update asset, line link
condition type, asset return link
Consolidate Vendor Disbursements link
consolidated billing, defined link
consolidated counter
  defined link
consolidated invoice
  view in lease center link
consolidated quotes link
  under revision link
  defined link
  put asset into link
context assembler, defined link
context parameter, defined link
  asset lines link
  authoring overview link link
  booking link
  defined link
  early termination of link
  end-of-term strategy link
  fee lines set up link
  file documents link
  insurance line link
  late charges and interest set up link
  line link
  master lease, defined link
  number link link link link
  parties link
  payment structure set up link
  portfolios link
  residual value insurance link
  service lines link
  status link link
  terminations link
  terms and conditions link
contract activation, defined link
contract authoring
  create a contract link
  create interest rate details link
contract detail, review in lease center link
contract formula engine thread, defined link
contract header
  Lease Center window link
contract ID, defined link
contract interaction, view in lease center link
contract line
  set up overview link
contract line usage link
contract portfolio
  maintain link
  portfolio execution date link
  portfolio status link
  search link
  update link
contract revision
  re-leased asset link
  rebook link
  reverse link
  split asset link
contract shell, defined link
contract status
  abandoned link link link link
  amended link link link link
  approved link link link link
  booked link link link
  complete link link link link
  defined link
  evergreen link link link link
  incomplete link link link link
  litigation hold link link link link
  new link link link link
  passed link link link link
  pending approval link link link link
  permissible processes link link link
  request termination link
  restructure quote link
  reversed link link link link
  terminated link link link link
  termination hold link link link link
  termination quote link
  under revision link link link link
contract termination link
contract termination, status link
contract terminations
  impact of automatically processing the fixed purchase option link
  impact of terminating linked contracts link
contract validation
  defined link
contracts tab, in E-Business Suite link
  asset original link link
  repair link
coterminous, defined link
Create AR Adjustments, concurrent program link link
Create Receivables Variable Rate Invoices, concurrent program link link
  credit lines link
  overview link
  setup link
credit checklists link
credit lines link
  create link
  overview link
  using link
credit lines statuses link
cure amount, defined link
Cures link
customer history, view in lease center link
customer service, lease center overview link
customization, defined link


damage detail, asset link
damage, asset return type link
DBA, defined link
  asset link link link
  method link link
  method for asset link
  straight-line defined link
direct finance lease, defined link
disbursement, defined link
  Generate link
  overview link
  to investors link
discount, termination quote link
disposition, defined link
distribution group, defined link
distribution, defined link
documents tab, lease center link


E-Business Center
  navigate to in lease center link
E-Business Suite
  Contracts tab link
early termination
  quote calculation link
eligibility criteria link
end of term options link
end of term termination
  quote calculation link
equipment exchange, lease center link
  contract status link link link link
  set up in contract link
  view status in lease center link
  end date of program agreement link
Extensible Attributes
  enter link


factoring, set up in contract link
  line set up link
  specify asset return link
fee line
  specifying a passthrough for link
filing documents
  contract link
fixed term renewals for evergreen contracts
  quote and book link
  key, defined link
  defined link
  parameter, defined link
  defined link


general ledger
  defined link
general loss provision, defined link
general reserve, defined link
gross remaining receivables, defined link
guaranteed residual, defined link
  defined link


history streams
  purge link
hold period days, about link link link


  existing contracts link
in service date, asset link link
incomplete, contract status link link link link
  contract lines link
Insurance Management link
Insurance Policy Expiration Notification, concurrent program link link
insurance policy, view in lease center link
insurance quote
  accept link
  modify link
  save link
interaction history, defined link
interaction, defined link
interest, set up link
Interim Rent link
inventory, specify instructions link
investor agreement
  activation link
  disbursement link
investor agreements link
  add pool contents link
  buyback link
  create for fixed pool type link
  create pool for fixed type link
  creating link
  creating a pool link
  creating pool using application link
  disbursement processing link
  disbursements link
  field references link
  fixed pool type link
  implementation link
  managing terminations link
  overview link
  pool cleanup link
  pool transaction link
  pools link
  prerequisites link
  prerequisites for creating a pool link
  prerequisites for creating an investor agreement link
  revenue share link
  searching link
  securitization link
  specific loss link
  steps for creating a pool link
  steps for creating an investor agreement link
  syndication link
  terms and conditions link
  transactions link
  updating link
  uploading pool data link
  disbursements link
  format, defined link
  parameters, defined link
Invoices, Create link
item residual values link
item, defined link


journal entry
  defined link


key business flow
  accounting period open to close link
  inquiry to resolution link
  invoice to receipt link
  overview link
  quote to termination link
  return to disposal link
key concept, stream generation link
key flexfield, defined link


late charge
  set up link
late charges and interest, view in lease center link
Lease and Finance Management
  Period Balances Dashboard link link
Lease and Finance Management Command Center
  Asset Management dashboard link
  Lease Cash Flow link
  Meter Management dashboard link
  overview link
  Revision Management dashboard link
  Vendor Cash Flow dashboard link
lease application
  business process link
lease application templates link
Lease Cash Flow Command Center link
  Credit Memo Dashboard link
  Invoices Dashboard link
  Open Receipts dashboard link
  Payment Prediction Dashboard link
  Receipts Dashboard link
Lease Center
  structure tab
    contract structure: purchase options link
lease center
  account tab link
  account tab overview link
  asset tab overview link
  documents tab overview link
  equipment exchange link
  header information link
  navigation paths link
  overview link
  overview tab link
  parties tab overview link
  party information
    update link
  related contracts tab overview link
  requests tab overview link
  schedules tab overview link
  structure tab link
  tasks tab overview link
  termination quotes link
  transaction tab overview link
  transfer and assumptions link
  view billing set up link
  view consolidated invoices link
  view contract interaction history link
  view customer information link
  view evergreen status link
  view insurance policy link
  view interest rate link
  view late charges and interest link
  view security deposit link
  view termination/renewal link
  view third-party insurance details link
  window link
lease center overview tab
  add notes link
  create new note link
  create quick note link
  review contract details link
  view notes link
Lease Center window
  contract header link
Lease Contracts
  terms and conditions link
lease contracts
  statuses link
lease opportunity link
lease quote
  create link
lease rate sets link
lease sales quote
  converting an estimate link
  create lease sales quote link
  overview link
  pricing options link
lease sales quotes
  statuses link
lease, sales type link
legacy contract
  import facility link
lessee, defined link
lessor, defined link
Like-Kind Exchanges link
  asset adjustments set up link
  asset set up link
  fees set up link
  insurance overview link
  service set up link
  set up link
  usage set up link
lines of credit
  overview link
litigation hold, contract status link link link link
loan contracts
  statuses link
lookup code, defined link
Loss Provisions link


maintain contract portfolio link
manual termination quote
  add quote line link
margin, defined link
mass rebook link
  identification parameters link
  process link
master lease agreement
  activate link
  add articles link
  add terms and conditions link
  create link
  overview link
master lease agreements
  overview link
master lease contract, defined link
Meter Management dashboard link
meter usage link
  termination quote link
Miscellaneous Transactions link
Multi-GAAP Accounting link
multiple contracts, mass rebook link


navigation paths link
net book value, defined link
new, contract status link link link link
non-termination write down, defined link
note, add in customer service link


off-lease asset
  billing for sale of link
  remarket link
  remarket orders link
  sale of off-lease link
  search for remarket orders link
  transaction summary link
  transactions link
  update transaction link
open interface table, contract import link
Open Receipts Dashboard link
operating agreements
  abandon link
  adding articles link link
  adding parties link
  adding parties and billing information link
  creating link link
  guidelines for attaching standard articles link
  initiating change requests link
  prerequisites link
  prerequisites for adding articles link
  program agreements link
  terminate link
opportunity to quote
  create lease quote link
Oracle Lease and Finance Management
  accounting period open to close link
  credit application to booking link
  inquiry to resolution link
  investor agreements link
  invoice to receipt link
  lead to opportunity link
  overview link
  quote to termination link
  return to disposal link
  vendor programs link
origination link
  business process link
  key business objects link
  objectives link
  integration link
  overview link
  vendor origination link
outstanding receivables link
  Lease and Finance Management Command Center link


partial termination link
  operating agreements link
parties and billing information
  adding to operating agreements link
  identify in contact link
  send termination quote to link link
  view in lease center link
passed, contract status link link link link
  disbursement retrieval link
  vendor reassignment link
  specifying for a fee line link
  calculating link
  defining passthrough rules on a vendor program link
  features link
  functional prerequisites link
  generating accrual streams during contract booking link
  level and term usage of link
  overview link
  payout basis is billing link
  payout basis is due date link
  payout basis is receipt link
  process flow link
  querying link
  rebooking contracts link
  set up accounting templates link
  set up stream generation templates link
  set up stream types link
  set up vendors link
  setup link
  specifying attributes link
  terminating contracts link
  usage in Oracle Lease and Finance Management link
  viewing in vendor self-service link
Pay Invoice Preparation for AP Transfer, concurrent program link link
Pay Invoices Creation of Auto-Disbursement Process, concurrent program link link
Pay Invoices Transfer to AP Invoice Interface, concurrent program link link
Payment Prediction Dashboard link
payment structure
  set up contract link
pending approval, contract status link link link link
Period Balances Dashboard link link
period close process
  asset adjustments link
  book all contracts link
  close accounting period link
  close Fixed Assets link
  close Payables link
  close Receivables link
  condition assets link
  create loss provisions link
  create manual journal entries link
  disburse funds link
  enter receipts link
  generate periodic billing link
  maintain insurance policies link
  pre-billing activities link
  rebook all contracts link
  remarket assets link
  run depreciation adjustment for accrual program link
  run loss provision program link
  run the accrual and income link
  summary link
  terminate contracts link
  transfer accounting to Oracle General Ledger link
  transfer miscellaneous billing link
  transfer miscellaneous disbursements link
  update syndicated contracts link
  write-off receivables link
  add contents to link
pool cleanup
  investor agreements link
pool transactions
  investor agreements link
  investor agreements link link
portfolio execution date, about link
portfolio, contract link
  quote acceptance link link
  what is link
prefunding link
  prefund pools link
  progress payment link
  adjustment matrix link
  eligibility criteria link
  end of term options link
  item residual values link
  lease rate sets link
  standard rate template link
  standard rate templates link
  methods link
  overview link
pricing options
  lease sales quote link
principal paydown link
Print Consolidated Invoices, concurrent program link link
Process Asset Management Transaction in FA, concurrent program link link
Process Residual Value Writedown Transaction, concurrent program link link
  lease link link
  option, defined link
  quality, defined link
  options, defined link
profile option
  OKL: Update Termination Option Rules link
program agreements
  abandon link
  adding articles link link
  adding terms and conditions link
  associating with lease templates link
  creating link
  creating parties and party contacts link
  creating program agreements or program templates link
  duplicating link
  extending end date link
  guidelines for attaching articles link
  guidelines for change requests link
  initiating change requests link
  operating agreements link
  prerequisites for abandoning a program agreement link
  prerequisites for adding articles link
  prerequisites for adding parties and party contacts link
  prerequisites for adding terms and conditions link
  prerequisites for creating program agreements link
  prerequisites for duplicating link
  Prerequisites for extending end date link
  prerequisites for viewing validation checklist link
  selecting eligibility criteria link
  selecting options link
  steps for duplicating program agreements link
  steps for extending end date link
  terminate link
  terminating link
  terms and conditions link link
program agreements
  steps for abandoning a program agreement link
property tax link
  view in lease center link
provision, specific defined link
purchase option
  defined link
  set up link
purchase, termination quote amount link


quality assurance checklist
  vendor agreement validation link
quick note, create in lease center link
quick quotes link
  overview link
  create for lease link
  restructure link
  See also insurance quote. link
quote calculation
  set up early termination terms and conditions
    early termination quote calculation link
  set up end of term termination terms and conditions link
quote history, defined link
quote type
  identify link
  See also termination quote type. link
  consolidated link


Re-Book Limit Date link
  mass rebook link
rebook contract, steps link
rebook date restriction link
rebook limit date link
rebooked contract
  restructure quote link
  multiple contracts link
rebooking, defined link
  Creating link
  future link
recourse, defined link
refinance contract link
related contracts tab, lease center link
  asset, about link
  billing of asset sale link
  orders link
  sale of off-lease asset link
  search for order link
  specify link
renewable contract
  create link
renewal options, set up link
renewal quotes link
  create link
  search link
  update link
  solve for link
  approve link
  code for asset return link
  cost link
  detail, asset link
  agreement link
  asset link
  defined link
  obtain third party approval link
repurchase process, set up link
request tab, lease center link
request termination, contract status link
resale. See remarket. link
residual amount, defined link
residual value
  change write down link
  specify write down link
  view details of link
  write down link
residual value insurance
  defined link
  set up link
residual write-down, defined link
resource category, defined link
  defined link
restructure quote
  contract status link
  rebooked contract link
  solve for rent link
  solve for term link
  what is link
restructure, defined link
  create condition line of asset link
  create condition of asset link
  issue repair invoice link
  search for asset link
  update asset link
  update condition line of asset link
revenue share
  investor agreements link
reverse contract, steps link
reversed, contract status link link link link
revision, view contracts under link
role, defined link


sale tax
  create sales tax details link
sales order, about link
sales tax link
sales-type lease, defined link
salvage value
  change write down link
  defined link
  specify write down link
  view details of link
  write down link
schedules tab, lease center link
  contract portfolio link
  returned asset link
  terminated contracts link
  termination quote link
Search and View
  Receipts link
  investor agreements link
Securitization and Investor Management link
securitization, defined link
security deposit
  set up in contract link
  view in lease center link
serial number, asset link link
service lines
  overview link
  set up link
shipping, specify instructions link
short funding link
  create link
specific provision, defined link
split asset
  evergreen link
  steps link
standard rate templates link
  asset link link
  contract link link link link link
  contract termination link
status change
  program agreements link
  agreements link
  credit lines link
  lease contracts link
  lease sales quotes link
  loan contracts link
  termination quotes link
straight-line depreciation, defined link
  defined link
  overview link
stream purpose, defined link
stream type, defined link link
streams link
structure tab
  billing set up link
  lease center link
  view interest rate link
subledger, defined link
  overview link
supplier, defined link
syndicated contract, defined link
  investor agreements link
syndication, defined link


  terms and conditions link
tasks tab, lease center link
tax, termination quote amount link
taxes and duties
  setting up terms and conditions link
  contract link
  program agreements link
terminated contract
  about link
  batch process contract termination link
  request termination link
  search link
terminated, contract status link link link link
  defined link
termination completion link
termination hold, contract status link link link link
termination quote
  accept link
  amount details link
  change amounts link
  contract obligation amount link
  contract status link
  default standard link
  discount link
  early link
  early termination available link
  edit details link
  identify quote type link
  miscellaneous amount link
  pre-proceed link link
  purchase amount link
  reasons for link
  search link
  send link
  send to party link link
  set up process link
  tax or VAT link
  third party approval link
  total amount link
  update details link link
  upon receipt link link link
  view amounts for link
  view messages link
termination quote template link
  create link
  use link
termination quote type
  recourse repurchase link link
  rollover with purchase link
  rollover without purchase link
  with purchase link
  without purchase link
termination quotes
  statuses link
termination quotes, lease center link
termination recourse repurchase, quote type link link
termination requests link
termination rollover with purchase, quote type link
termination rollover without purchase, quote type link
termination with purchase, quote type link
termination without purchase, quote type link
  view in lease center link
terms and conditions
  asset return link
  billing set up link
  defined link
  evergreen link
  factoring link
  filing set up link
  investor agreements link
  late charges and interest set up link
  master lease agreement link
  program agreements link
  purchase option set up link
  renewal options link
  repurchase process link
  security deposit link
  set up link
  termination quote process link
territory, defined link
Third Party Billing Import, concurrent program link link
Third Party Insurance Follow-up, concurrent program link link
third-party insurance
  view in lease center link
  date link
  status link
transaction tab, lease center link
transaction type
  asset link
  defined link
  investor agreements link
transfer and assumption link
  defined link
transfer and assumptions
  lease center link


UBB, defined link
under revision, contract status link link link link
under revision, view contracts link
Universal Work Queue, navigate to in lease center link
update, contract portfolio link
upon receipt, quote acceptance link link link
  contract line link
usage asset
  contract line set up link
Usage Based Billing, concurrent program link
usage line, by asset link
user profile, defined link
user status
  booked link
User-Defined Attributes Tab link


validation checklist
  vendor agreements link
variable rate
  create interest rate details link link
variable rate contracts
  leases link
  loans link
  overview link
  rebook link
VAT, termination quote amount link
vendor account
  create link
vendor agreements
  validation checklist link
Vendor Cash Flow dashboard link
vendor program, defined link
vendor programs
  overview link link
vendor residual sharing
  business process link
  calculate vendor residual sharing link
  define vendor residual sharing terms link
  overview link
  customer account information link
view, assets link


web services
  access link
  contract open interface link
  funding processing API link
  meter readings link
  overview link
  termination quote interface link
  third party billing interface link
  update asset return link
write down
  change residual value link
  change salvage value link
  residual value link
  salvage value link
  specify residual value link
  specify salvage value link
  view residual value details link
  view salvage value details link