Creating and Managing Services Procurement Requisitions

This chapter provides an overview of requisitions, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Requisitions

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you enter requisitions into the system, you must:

See Also

Setting Up Service Requester Defaults

Setting Up Roles for Role Actions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequisitions

Requesters can use PeopleSoft Services Procurement to create and maintain service requisitions. After you enter and submit a requisition, send it to the approver for approval. Approved requisitions are then sourced to qualified suppliers that meet the requisition requirements. Use tools such as bid factors and supplier scores to rate the best candidates.

On the same requisition, you can add lines for service items using PeopleSoft Services Procurement and commodity items using PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Requisition Lines

A service requisition is made up of multiple lines. These lines can be either a mixture of resource and deliverable services or a single multi-resource service. Requesters can use PeopleSoft Services Procurement to create, edit, cancel, or extend requisition lines. Use PeopleSoft Purchasing to close services requisitions. Lines associated to a resource service method may be created for multiple positions.

See Creating Requisitions Online.

Resource-Based Requisition Lines

Requisition lines for resource-based services enable you to request the services of an individual service provider. Upon awarding the requisition line to the supplier, the service coordinator or requester generates a services work order and memorializes the attributes as terms and conditions. Upon the work order release, the service provider may create timesheets to record hours worked.

Timesheet information subsequently triggers self billed invoicing functionality for payment to the supplier.

A resource based requisition line may have multiple positions, issue a single sourcing notification to suppliers, and create work orders for each position. The Service Coordinator can fill the requisition line with multiple bids, up the total position quantity. Position information appears on the requisition, approval, sourcing, and bid pages so the requester, service coordinator, and service provider contact can track how many positions are filled or available, as well as obtain average fill rates and amounts for the requisition line.

You can reduce the number of positions on a requisition line that is not already filled. The requester can perform this action as long as the line is not sourced. After sourcing, only the service coordinator can perform this action.

Note. You cannot reduce the number of positions under the number of positions that are already filled. If the number of positions is reduced to equal the number of positions that are already filled, the requisition line status is changed to Filled and an email notification is sent to all sourced suppliers having a notification method of email and worklist.

Deliverable-Based Requisition Lines

Deliverables-based requisition lines reflect requirements generally performed by an entire work force, such as a requisition for an entire project, not just the hours worked by a single service provider. There is no specific service provider in mind for the deliverables-based requisitions, so a statement of work defines the requirements.

Note. Although no specific service provider is assigned initially, it is possible to track individuals on the related work order for security purposes.

You can define a deliverables-based requisition with its unique attributes. These attributes carry over into the sourcing event to analyze and score supplier submittals in accord with the requisition requirements. Upon awarding the requisition line to the supplier, the service coordinator or requester generates a services work order and memorializes these attributes as terms and conditions. Upon the work order release, the service provider contact records progress against a progress log, and you pay the supplier based on milestones, percentages, a fixed amount, or rates.

For example, suppose that you have a percentage-based requisition, and the service provider contact reports the percentage complete against a progress log and you pay the supplier for that percentage of work. Or, you could list project milestones and pay the service provider an agreed upon amount when each milestone is completed.

The progress log becomes the basis of the self-billed invoicing functionality for payment to the supplier.

Multi-Resource Requisition Lines

Multi-resource requisition lines support multiple unique services and service providers for PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisitions. Multi-resource services are services provided for an overall agreed upon amount. The overall agreed upon amount for a service or set of services is independent of the number of service providers associated to the service.

When you select the Multi-Resource service method, the system displays a page that is similar to deliverables-based requisitions, where you can define the multi-resource service top line overall amount for labor and expense. Multi-resource services supports multiple unique services and service providers for requisitions, sourcing, and work orders. Multi-resource services enable you to manage complex services at a granular level.

Each requisition is limited to only one multi-resource requisition service, and when a multi-resource service is selected, then no other service lines are allowed on the requisition. The system bases default values for multi-resource services on the multi-resource service type and service, and it populates the requisition fields with the default values. Any related individual services that were defined as default values for the specified multi-resource service will be used as default values. You can use the Add Service button to add more related individual services. The system does not enable multi-resource services on the resource-based, deliverables-based, or goods requisition.

Deliverables-based and multi-resource services have the same bid factor mapping. Default values also exist for multi-resource service attributes, including the skills matrix. The system performs vendor-managed services and managed-services provider calculations, expense calculations, and rate access logic for the multi-resource service.

Fiscal approval for multi-resource services is based on the top-line, overall not to exceed amounts and not on the individual service level. Requisition line-level information includes service method, service type, service, requesting department, location, request type, scope of work, duration information, labor and expense amounts, accounting distribution information, vendor information, and service coordinator information.

You can add multiple unique individual services under a multi-resource requisition line. For each individual service related to a multi-resource requisition line, you can include service type, service, labor rate and unit of measure, title, start date, end date, expense rate and unit of measure, quantity, location, utilization, competencies, education level, experience, telecommute, travel required, travel frequency, scoring criteria, and whether an interview is required.

For more information about preparing the PeopleSoft Services Procurement system for use with multi-resource services, see the "Setting Up Application Specific Options for PeopleSoft Services Procurement" chapter.

Requisition Line Cancellation

Requesters can cancel individual or multiple requisition lines. When a requester cancels a requisition, the system automatically sends cancellation notifications to all affected parties, including all sourced suppliers.

Depending on the business unit settings, reason codes may be required when canceling a line.

Note. If all requisition lines are canceled, the requisition header status is automatically set to Canceled. Affected budget distribution amounts are immediately adjusted to reflect canceled amounts.

Note. If a work order is already created for a requisition line, the line cannot be canceled.

Services Requisition Closure

Use PeopleSoft Purchasing to close Services Procurement requisitions.

See Closing Requisitions.

Supplier Rate Breakdown and Resource Requisitions

When you create a service requisition, depending on the business unit settings, the requester may or may not have the authority to enter a bill rate, which is the rate paid to the supplier. If they do have the authority to enter a rate, the installation options setting for Pay Types Enabled and the role actions of the requester will determine whether they enter only a total rate or the individual components of that rate. When pay types are enabled, the suppliers enter as many as four types of pay rates when they bid on the requisition line: the service provider pay rate, any additional incurred costs, and standard and third-party markup rates, if applicable. The sum of these rates is the bid rate. This functionality enables service coordinators to track the rate breakdown and set limits on the supplier markup rates.

After you fill a service requisition with the negotiated bill rate, the system generates a work order that shows the rate breakdown. You cannot edit the rates if the work order is linked to a requisition, although you can enter new effective-dated rates after the work order is released.

Rate Sheet Breakdown for Rates and Expenses

You can define default rates and expenses for contingent labor on the rate sheet. The rate breakdown structure on the rate sheet includes pay rate, supplier markup, third-party markup, fixed costs, and expenses. The rate breakdown that you define prepopulates requisitions and work orders based on the related region and service type. You can define minimum, maximum, and target levels on the rate sheet for each of the rate elements, including expenses. Tolerance checking on the requisition validates pay rate, total rate, and expenses at the beginning to help companies ensure compliance with negotiated or standardized rates. In this way, services costs are closely monitored.

If a requester has access to view the rate breakdown information on the requisition, all rates will be visible to that requester. The requester may also have the ability to edit the requisition rate, depending on the business unit settings. However, if the requester has a role action to hide the rate breakdown information, he will not be able to view rate breakdown information.

In addition to configuring the system to show or hide rates for a requester, you can also configure the system to enable service coordinators to define the rate information for a requisition line or manual work order before it is submitted for approval.

Post Approval Edits to Requisitions

If a requisition line is not yet sourced, you can change it. All fields are available for edit. Changes can trigger another approval, depending on how the change tracking setup is defined. If so, the system sets the requisition status back to Pending. The service coordinator or team cannot source the requisition until it is successfully approved again unless the business unit allows pre-approval sourcing. In that situation, you can source the requisition as soon as it is submitted for approval. The sourcing worklist entries remain in the worklist throughout each approval process and are replaced by new worklist entries upon approval. If the requisition is denied, then the original worklist entries remain until the requisition is either resubmitted and approved or canceled.

See Tracking Requisition Changes.

Requisition Extensions

Requesters can extend completed service requisition lines. If you need to extend a requisition, you must go to the latest extension of the requisition to extend it further. When you extend from the requisition, the system creates a new Requisition ID and line by transferring the requester to the Create Services requisition page.

The system populates values from the original requisition to the new requisition line as a default. The start date of the new requisition is equal to the end date of original requisition plus one day. The status of the new requisition is pending approval. Once the requisition is approved, you can source the extended requisition to the supplier for confirmation of availability and rates.

The new requisition references the Requisition ID and line number of the original requisition line. The system also marks the original requisition as extended. You can edit the reference, request type, department, time approver, end date, rate, and service coordinator/team of the new requisition. The remaining fields are not editable.

Note. Currency conversion calculations are based on the date that the requisition was extended.

Note. If you extend a requisition, you cannot extend the associated work order directly. You must perform subsequent extensions from the extended requisition. Likewise, if the work order related to a requisition line has already been extended, then you cannot extend it further from the requisition.

See Also

Setting Up User Preferences

Creating Bid Factors

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Preface

Supplier Scoring for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMulticurrency Requisitions

If the purchasing business unit has multicurrency enabled for requisitions, the requester can change the currency on the service requisition. Rate sheet validation can occur in either the requisition currency or the base currency. After the requisition is approved and sourced, suppliers enter bids in the requisition currency, but they can see amounts in their location currency, which can be different than the requisition currency.

With multicurrency, you can:

If multicurrency requisitions are enabled, the requester's currency appears by default. The requester can change this currency until the requisition is submitted for approval. Each requisition line that you add for the same requisition header must use the same currency.

If multicurrency requisitions are disabled, the purchasing business unit currency is used and cannot be changed.

The system calculates the base currency equivalent for the requisition line. The currency conversion exchange rate is based on the rate type that you define for the selected business unit. The rate type and rate date for currency conversion is stored. The rate type that is defined in the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit definition is the default rate type. The effective rate date is the date when the requisition will be submitted for approval.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Average Filled Amount

The average of the individual estimated total amounts for which each position was filled.

Average Filled Rate

The average of the individual rates agreed to for each person filling a position for the requisition line.

Line Total

The total estimated cost for all positions on the line (position cost × total positions).

Note. Any additional costs, such as shift pay or assignment pay, are not included in the calculation of the line total.

Number of Filled Positions

The number of people already selected to fill positions for the service. This field increments each time a position is filled through bid management and decrements each time a related work order is canceled.


Individual instance of a resource-based service. The number of positions for a service line determines the number of service providers who will fill the requisition line.

Position Cost

The estimated cost for one individual to perform the specified service for the duration indicated. This cost includes both the service rate and expense rate for the duration.

Total Positions

The number of people needed for the service defined on a requisition line.

Total Filled Amount

The sum of all filled amounts for each position filled.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Requisition Lines for Resource-Based Services

This section provides an overview of creating a services resource requisition line and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Create a Services Resource Requisition Line

Complete these steps to complete the service requisition process:

  1. Access the Create Requisition page and add a requisition name.

  2. Access the Create Requisition - Services page.

    The service type, service, time approver, and service coordinator appear by default from the service requester defaults. The location appears by default from the requester setup ship-to location.

  3. Enter the service.

    The system provides the job title, scope of work, competencies, education level, experience, telecommute, and travel required values by default based on attributes associated with the service.

  4. Because this is a resource-based requisition line, you must enter a rate and unit of measure for the service.

  5. If expenses are allowed for the requisition line, then enter the expense rate and unit of measure or just the expense amount.

  6. Click the Scoring Criteria link on the Create Requisition - Services page to access the Bid Factors by Requisition Line page.

    Use this page to adjust the weightings of each bid factor to determine its level of importance.

  7. Service coordinator and time approver values appear by default from requester defaults.

  8. After all data is defined, click the Go to Submit Requisition button at the bottom of the page to access the Requisition Checkout page.

    Use this page to update the requisition name or to add comments.

  9. Expand the requisition line to view or edit accounting lines.

    Use this page to enter distribution information for the requisition.

  10. Click the Save and Preview Workflow button to save the requisition and to preview the approval routings. Alternatively, click the Save and Submit button to save the requisition and submit it for approval.

See Also

Setting Up Application Specific Options for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Preface

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Requisition Lines for Resource-Based Services

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Requisition


Services Procurement, Create Requisition

Enter basic service requisition information.

Create Requisition - Services


Select Continue on the Create Requisition page.

Enter service requisition line information.

Location Address


Click the Location link on the Create Requisition - Services page.

View the location address.

Currency Information


Click the Currency Exchange Information link on the Create Requisition - Services page.

View the currency information and exchange rate.

Bid Factors by Requisition Line


Click the Scoring Criteria link on the Create Requisition - Services page.

Adjust the weightings of each bid factor to determine its level of importance.

Bid Factor List Items


Click the Bid Factors List Items button on the Bid Factors by Requisition Line page.

Enter bid factors where the bidder selects from a list.

Suggest a Vendor


Click the Suggest Vendor link on the Create Requisition - Services page.

Enter vendor information for a new vendor that is not in the system yet.

Requisition Checkout


Click the Go to Submit Requisition button on the Create Requisition - Services page.

Save the requisition and submit for approval.

Line Comments


Click the Comments button on the Requisition Checkout page.

Enter line comments.

See Also

Managing Requisitions in PeopleSoft eProcurement

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Service Requisition Information

Access the Create Requisition page (Services Procurement, Create Requisition).

Note. If you defined the service attributes, the system populates many of the fields in the Service Details section of the Create Requisition page automatically. If you defined a rate sheet for the service region currency combination, the system automatically populates the rate with the default rate that you defined on the rate sheet.

If you defined defaults on the Requester User Defaults page, many of the fields on the requisition appear by default from that page.

Note. If the HCM integration option is selected on the Services Procurement installation options page, you will see the HCM Fields section on the Create Requisition page.

See PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Integration.

Service Information

Service Method

Select the service method for this requisition. If you defined a default service method using the Requester Defaults page, that method appears as a default value when you initially access this page. Available values include:

Deliverable: Select to request services that are generally performed by an entire work force, such as a requisition for an entire project, not just the hours worked by a single service provider.

Multi Resource: Select to request services that support multiple unique services and service providers. When you select this value and enter a service type, the system displays the Multi Services Information grid box when you enter a service type.

Resource: Select to request the services of an individual service provider.

Service Type

Select the service type for this requisition, for example, information technology, professional, or hardware engineering. Initially, this value appears by default from the service requester defaults, if they are defined. Available service types depend on the service method that you select.


Select the specific service or role that is to be performed, for example, Java developer. You can only select services linked to the service type specified. Initially, this value appears by default from the service requester defaults, if they are defined. For example, if you select Resource in the Service Method field, the system provides only services types that are defined as resource service types. The system also filters the content of the Service field based on the service method.

Requesting Dept (requesting department)

Select the requesting department.

Note. When PeopleSoft Human Capital Management integration is enabled, the values are based on the HCM departments.


Select the location where the job is to be performed. Initially, this value appears by default from the requester defaults.

Note. The region for rate sheet selection is automatically derived based on the location specified.

Job Title

Enter the internal classification of the position. This value appears by default from the service attributes, if it is defined.

Request Type

Select an appropriate request type. Values are defined by the Service Administrator.

Note. This field is not required.


Enter the number of service providers who will fill the requisition line.

Note. You can specify up to 999 positions for a requisition line.

Scope of Work

Enter the scope of the engagement in this free-form field. This value appears by default from the comments field on the service attributes.

Candidate Requirements

Requesters can use this section to enter desired candidate competencies that relate to the service requisition. When candidate skills are deemed insufficient, a configurable rule is initiated to block, warn, or take no action.

Once candidate competencies are defined, service coordinators can view the competencies before sourcing the request to suppliers. This enables the service coordinator to source requisitions to the most appropriate suppliers.


Select a competency to quantify and compare skills. Default values are provided from the service attributes.


Select a proficiency for the competency. The rating model associated to the competency determines the available values.


Select the years of experience required for the competency.


Link an action to a specific competency. Values include Block, No Action, and Warn.

Block: The provider contact is not allowed to submit a candidate if a candidate does not possess the required skill.

No Action: No action is taken if a candidate does not possess the required skill.

Warn: A warning message appears to the provider contact and the service coordinator if the candidate does not possess a required skill.

Note. The action will designate the appropriate message when a requisition competency does not match a provider's competency.

Other Skills

Enter a brief description of any additional skills that a candidate should possess to fill the position.

Education Level

Select the education level that a candidate must possess to fill the position. This value appears by default from the competencies defined in the service attributes.


Enter the number of years of experience that a candidate must possess for the service. This value appears by default from the competencies defined in the service attributes.


Select when the job allows candidates to work from home.

Travel Required

Select when the job requires a candidate to travel.

Travel Frequency

If travel is required, enter the percentage of time required for travel.

Interview Required

Select this check box if a candidate interview is required. This option appears by default from the service attributes. When you select this option, you must record interview information prior to offering the position.

Scoring Criteria

Click to access the Bid Factors by Requisition Line page, where you can adjust the weightings of each bid factor to determine its level of importance.

Note. Bid factor elements are used to evaluate candidate submittals to determine which candidate is the best match for the requisition. The total of the bid factor weightings must add up to 100 before you can leave the page. If you do not visit this page, the system evenly weights each of the bid factors to reach a total of 100. The service coordinator can update the bid factor weightings at sourcing time.

Duration Information

Start Date and End Date

Enter the dates on which the job begins and ends.

Calendar Duration

Displays the number of days between the start and end dates.

Estimated Service Days

A value appears by default after you enter the start and end dates. This value is used for calculating the quantity based on units of measure. The unit of measure that signifies a day is defined in the installation parameters.

Utilization % (utilization percent)

Enter the percentage of time that the candidate will spend during the engagement. For example, if the candidate typically works a half-day, then utilization is 50 percent. If the candidate typically works 3 days per week, then utilization is 60 percent.

Overtime Permitted

Select this check box if overtime is permitted for this requisition.

Note. This check box is for informational purposes only. Any premiums paid for overtime will depend on the predefined time reporting rules.

Rate Details


Enter the rate of pay that is associated with the service requisition. Modifications to the rate amount are validated against rate sheets that you define for the service and region. The tolerance amount for the rate sheet is verified by using base currency values that are stored at the requisition level. The currency values are not validated if rate sheets are not defined for the project role and region. If you enter a rate amount that is out of tolerance with the rate sheet, then you receive either an error or a warning message.

If you select SP Pay Types Enabledon the Services Procurement Installation Options page and the requester does not have the Hide Rate Breakdown role action, then rates are defined separately for each component of the rate breakdown.

Allow Expenses

Select to allow the entry of expenses on requisitions and work orders. The Allow Expenses setting is derived from the BSetup and Service Type Setup pages. When you select to allow expenses, you must enter an expense rate and amount. The system provides an error message if the Allow Expenses check box is selected but an expense-related rate and amount were not entered.

Note. This check box is only available if SP Expenses Enabled is selected on the Services Procurement Installation Options page.

Although this setting appears by default from the Services Procurement Business Unit page, you can override it here.

UOM (unit of measure)

Select the unit of measure associated with the labor rate entered.

Expense Rate

Enter the expense rate that is associated with the service requisition. The system uses the duration to calculate an expense amount using the expense rate and unit of measure. You must enter a rate if the Allow Expenses check box is selected.

Note. If you enter a value in the Expense Amount field, the expense rate is refreshed based on the amount entered.

This field is not available when the Allow Expenses check box is deselected.

UOM (unit of measure)

Select the unit of measure associated to the expense rate entered.

Labor Amount

Displays the total labor amount calculation, which is based the rate, unit of measure, and service days specified.

Expense Amount

Enter the total expense amount for the requisition. The system calculates the value using the expense rate and unit of measure, but you can override the value.

Note. This field is not available when the Allow Expenses check box is not selected.


Enter the currency that is associated with the rate.

Note. You can change the currency only on the first requisition line and only if multicurrency requisitions are allowed. The value from that line appears by default in all subsequent requisition lines.

All new currency field values and the base and transaction currency values that you create in a PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisition are passed to the requisition records that are created in the PeopleSoft eProcurement tables.

Position Cost

Displays the estimated cost for one individual to perform the specified service for the duration indicated. This cost includes both the service rate and expense rate for the duration.

Note. This field is available when the Override Position Cost check box is selected.

Line Total

Displays the total for labor and expense for all positions for the duration of the requisition.

See Maintaining Rate Sheets.

Time Reporting Information

Reporting Option

Select an available time reporting option. Values include:

Actuals: Select to indicate that the service provider will report actual time against each ChartField distribution line defined on the work order. This option applies to resource-based requisitions and work orders only.

Default from BU: Select to indicate that the default reporting option defined for the business unit is used for the requisition.

Percent: Select to indicate that the service provider or service provider contact will report total time or progress against the work order, and the distribution percentage is used to automatically allocate time or progress across the predefined ChartFields for accounting.

See Managing Time in PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

See Maintaining Settlement Setup.

Accounting Distribution Information

Use this section to charge funds to the appropriate department or project.

Note. If you create a requisition with multiple positions, all positions share the same ChartField distribution fields.


Enter the amount that is to be charged to a particular ChartField combination.

Note. Changes to the labor percentage or total percentage trigger an automatic recalculation of the distribution line amount.

Labor Only Percent

Enter the labor percent allocation for the requisition line that is charged to a ChartField combination.

Note. Changes to the total percentage or amount trigger an automatic recalculation of the labor percentage for the distribution line.

Total Percent

Enter the percent allocation of the total amount for the requisition line that is charged to a ChartField combination.

For example, if you have one distribution and you enter 100 for that distribution line, the system charges 100 percent of the requisition request to the same department or project. However, if you have two distribution lines and you enter 50 percent for the first distribution line and 50 percent for the second distribution line, the system evenly distributes the requisition line amount between both distributions.

Note. Changes to the labor percentage or amount trigger an automatic recalculation of the total percentage for the distribution line.


Enter the account that is to be charged to a particular ChartField combination.

Budget Status

Displays whether the distribution has been budget checked when commitment control is selected. Values for this field include Not Chekd and Valid.

Budget Date

Displays the date used by commitment control to determine the budget period to which this item cost belongs.

Pre-Encumbrance Balance

Displays the pre-encumbrance balance. Pre-encumbrance is created in your budget records by the budget checking process when you generate a requisition.

Pre-Encumbrance Balance will appear only when commitment control is selected and if budget checking has been run at least once for the requisition.

See Defining and Using ChartFields.

Vendor Information

The preferred vendors grid is hidden for users having a role defined for the SP_HIDE_SOURCING_PG role action.

Services Supplier ID

Select the preferred service supplier to whom you want to source the requisition, if known. This is an instruction for the service coordinator, it will not be enforced by the system.

Source Type

Displays the source type. Values are Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.

Source only to Preferred Vendors

Select to indicate that the service coordinator should source this requisition only to the suppliers defined on the requisition.

Note. This check box is only available if the requester is authorized to source to preferred vendors on the service requester defaults.

Suggest Vendor

Click to access the Suggest Vendor page, where you can suggest a vendor who does not yet exist in the system.

Service Coordinator Information

Service Coordinator

Select this button to specify the service coordinator who will source this requisition line to service suppliers.


Enter the name of the person who is responsible for filling the requisition line. Initially, this value appears by default from the service requester defaults, if they exist.

Note. This field is only available when you select the Service Coordinator option.

Note. The service coordinator must have one of the roles defined in the SP_SRVC_COORDINATOR role action.

Service Coordinator Team

Select this button to specify a service team that will source this requisition line to service suppliers.

Note. When creating a requisition, the default service coordinator or team is assigned in this order: first, the system checks for a default team on the service requester; next, it checks for a team by region and service type; last, the system checks in the business unit.

Service Team

Enter the service team that is responsible for filling the requisition request.

Note. This field is only available when you select the Service Coordinator Team option.

HCM Fields

This section displays the PeopleSoft Human Capital Management field names that you use when PeopleSoft Services Procurement is set up to integrate with Human Capital Management.

Regulatory Region

Select a regulatory region. The regulatory region functionality is for use in performing regulatory and regional edits. You use the regulatory region for PeopleCode edits, set processing, and to control what codes and values are available to users. PeopleSoft Human Capital Management is delivered with defined regulatory regions that correspond to regions within countries, such as states or provinces, that impact the way your company does business.


Select a company.

Business Unit HR

Select the human resource business unit.

Job Location

Select a location code that indicates where the job is.

HCM Job Code

Select a job code. In HCM, jobs are identified by job codes. You use job codes to maintain information about jobs independent of the person or group performing that job. For example, salary grades and standard hours are assigned to a job regardless of who holds that job.

Establishment ID

Select an establishment defined in PeopleSoft Human Capital Management. Establishments define distinct physical places of business within a company. This option is only visible when the regulatory region is USA or France.

HCM Administrator (PeopleSoft Human Capital Management administrator)

Select the administrator who oversees the PeopleSoft Human Capital Management applications that integrate with PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Other Page Elements

Add Another Service

Click to add another service requisition line.

Copy Current Service

Click to copy the current service requisition line. For multi-resource service types, the system copies all the associated multiple unique services along with the main top-line service.

Delete Current Service

Click to delete current service requisition line. For multi-resource service types, the system deletes all the associated multiple unique services along with the main top-line service.

Go to Submit Requisition

Click to access the Requisition Checkout page, where you can submit the requisition for approval.

Cancel Changes

Click to cancel the current requisition line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Scoring Criteria

Access the Bid Factors by Requisition Line page (click the Scoring Criteria link on the Create Requisition - Services page).

For a resource-based requisitions, the system automatically selects every bid factor with a resource service type bid factor selected on the Bid Factor Mapping page.

Bid Factor Code

Displays PeopleSoft Services Procurement bid factor codes that appear by default from the Bid Factors page.

Note. You can add improvised bid factors or modify existing bid factors while you create the requisition. Improvised bid factors are not predefined for PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Best and Worst

Enter the best and worst possible responses that a candidate can provide in response to a particular question.

Ideal Yes/No

Select the ideal response that a candidate can provide for a particular question. Values are Yes and No.


Adjust the weightings of each bid factor to determine its level of importance. For example, if the candidate start date is the most important qualification, then you might weigh that bid factor more heavily than the others.

Note. The total of all bid factor weightings must equal 1.

Click the Question button to view the bid factor question that is associated with the bid factor code. For example, if a bid factor code is experience, then the bid factor question associated with the code might be: "How many relevant years of experience does the candidate have?"

See Also

Creating Bid Factors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSuggesting Vendors

Access the Suggest a Vendor page (click the Suggest Vendor link on the Create Requisition - Services page).

Vendor Name

Enter the name of the preferred vendor.


Select to indicate that the supplier has signed the service agreement.

Notify by email

Select to send an email notification to the administrator that includes the suggested vendor details. The administrator can elect to add the vendor to the enterprise network.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Requisition Lines for Deliverables-Based Services

This section provides an overview of deliverables-based expense capture and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Deliverables-Based Expense Capture

To support resource tracking for deliverables-based engagements, the Track Resource option is available in the service type definition. This option initiates the process of identifying the resources for the engagement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Requisition Lines for Deliverables-Based Services

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Requisition


Services Procurement, Create Requisitions

Select Continue to access the Create Requisition page.

Enter basic service requisition information.

Bid Factors by Requisition Line


Click the Scoring Criteria link on the Services page.

Adjust the weightings of each bid factor to determine its level of importance.

Currency Information


Click the Currency Exchange Information link on the Services page.

View the currency information and exchange rate.

Suggest a Vendor


Click the Suggest Vendor link on the Services page.

Enter vendor information for a new vendor that is not yet in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Deliverables-Based Requisition Lines

Access the Create Requisition page (Services Procurement, Create Requisitions).

  1. Verify the job title, scope of work, and other skills, which appear by default based on attributes associated with the service.

  2. Enter a price for the entire deliverable rather than an hourly rate, because this is a deliverables-based requisition.

  3. Verify the service coordinator and progress log approver, which appear by default from the service requester defaults.

  4. Select whether you want to track resources for the deliverables-based requisitions.

    The system provides the settlement options as a default from the service.

See Also

Managing Services Projects

Maintaining Service Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Bid Factors to Deliverables-Based Requisitions

Access the Bid Factors by Requisition Line page (click the Scoring Criteria link on the Services page).

For deliverables-based requisitions, the system provides bid factors by default from the Bid Factors by Service, Bid Factors By Activity, Bid Factors by Item Category, or Deliverable Service type check box on the Bid Factor Mapping page. The system eliminates duplicates.

Bid factors enable suppliers to indicate how much they charge for individual price components of the total project amount. You can include lines for each service that you are sourcing. The suppliers answer all the bid factor lines and questions associated with each bid factor code when bidding on the services requisition.

Bid factor weightings must equal 100. If you do not ensure that the bid factors equal 100, the system weighs each bid factor equally. When the service coordinator sources the requisition, he can update the bid factor weightings on the Manage Sourcing page.

See Also

Managing PeopleSoft Services Procurement Sourcing

Bid Factors and Requisitions

Creating Bid Factors

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Requisition Lines for Multi-Resource Services

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Requisition Lines for Multi-Resource Services

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Requisition


Services Procurement, Create Requisition

Create multi-resource service requisitions.

Default Services


Click the Add Default Service button on the Create Requisition page. The link is located in the Multi Services Information grid, which appears when you create multi-resource requisitions.

Add default multi-resource services.

Cap Amount Information


Click the Add Individual Services link on the Requisition page.

Add services to multi-resource requisition lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Multi-Resource Service Requisitions

Access the Create Requisition page (Services Procurement, Create Requisition)

This page is similar to the both the resource-based and deliverables-based requisition pages described previously in this chapter. When you select to create a multi-resource service, the Multi Services Information grid and additional buttons become available.

Using this page, you can establish overall requisition line information for the multi-resource service. The amount specified here becomes the overall not to exceed total for the combined associated individual services. In addition, many values specified at the top level, such as location and dates, will default down to the associated individual services when they are created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Services to Multi-Resource Requisitions

Access the Individual Service Information page (click the New Services link on the Create Requisition page).

This page displays service information associated to the multi-resource service line. The page is similar to the Create Requisition page, except that it provides parent service information about the related multi-resource service requisition line.

As part of adding services to multi-resource lines, the system:

Add Another Service

Click to open a new service details page, where you can define the details of another service.

Copy Current Service

Click to copy the current service as a new service details page.

Delete Current Service

Click to remove the current service from the multi-resource requisition line. The system prompts you to verify that you want to delete the service.

Previous Service

Click to access the previous service associated to the multi-resource requisition line. Using the link, you can view or edit all the services associated with the multi-resource requisition line without returning to the Create Requisition page. This link is not available until after you click the Next Service link.

Next Service

Click to access the next service associated with the multi-resource requisition line. Using the link, you can view or edit all the services associated with the multi-resource requisition line without returning to the Create Requisition page.


Click to save the service data you entered. The system validates the data using the same criteria it uses for resource-based requisitions. It displays messages for data that is not valid. After validation, the system copies the data to the Multi Resource Information grid on the Create Requisition page.

Cancel Changes

Click to roll back all the changes and to reload the original information from the service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Default Multi-Resource Services for Requisitions

Access the Default Service page (click the Add Default Service button on the Create Requisition page).

Use this page to view basic requisition information that has been defined for default services. The page header provides business unit and requisition information. After selecting the service that you want to include, click the OK button and the system loads the services into the Multi Resource Information grid on the Create Requisition page. Click the Cancel button to cancel adding a default service.


Click to include this service in the requisition line.

Service Type

Displays the ID of a grouping of services. Only service types associated to theResource Service Method are included.


Displays a specific service.

When you select a service for use with multi-resource services and multiple services are defined for the service, the system displays the Use Default Service button so that you can select individual services from the service or select to include all services on the requisition.


Displays the number of positions for this service. The default value is 1, but you can override this value.

Select/Deselect All

Click to select all services that appear on this page. The default value for the check box is deselected.

Individual Services Information

Use this grid to view and maintain individual service information. The grid is available when you select to use a multi-resource service method and then select a service type. The grid initially appears empty. You populate the grid by adding default services with the button or selecting to add individual services one by one. . You can select from the list of services within a service type.

When you add default services, the services provided by the system are based on the setup of services and service type for multi-resource services.

Service Type

Displays the service type after you add or select a service for this requisition.


Displays the service after you add or select a service.

Job Title

Click to access the service details where you can update service information.


Displays the number of positions that you want to include in this requisition. You can change this information by clicking the service link.


Displays the business unit location used for this service.

Start Date and End Date

Displays the start and end dates for the service. These dates must be within the date range of the related multi-resource service.


Displays the length of time for this service. The value is in days. The system calculates the default value for this field by calculation work days within the date range, based on a 5 day work week. You can edit the number of days to indicate a longer or shorter work week as long as the days do not exceed the total number of days within the range.


Displays the rate at which this service is paid.

UOM (unit of measure)

Displays the unit of measure in which the rate appears.

Add New Service

Click to add a service. The system displays resources-based service information, and you can update the page with the new service information.

See Cross Ref to new section

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing, Editing, and Submitting Requisitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Submit Requisitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Review and Submit


Services Procurement, Manage Requisitions,

Review and submit your requisition request.



Click the Save & submit or the Save & preview approvals button on the Edit Requisition page or Create Requisition (Review and Submit) page.

View requisition details before submitting the requisition. You can also select to submit or edit the requisition or check the budget using the confirmation page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Submitting Requisitions

Access the Review and Submit page (click the Go To Submit Requisition button on the Create Requisition page).

For multi-resource requisition lines, this page displays only the top-level service request. Click the service Description link in the Requisition Lines grid to access requisition details and to view and update the associated services.

If the requisition is going through the re-approval process, you can launch the process from this page.


Enter the requester of the service requisition.

Note. You are only allowed to edit the requester if you are authorized to request on behalf of other users on the Requester Procurement User Preferences page.

Requisition Name

Enter the requisition name.


Select the priority of the service requisition. The default is medium priority.

Expiration Date

Displays the expiration date for the credit card. This field is available when you select a credit card number. You cannot change the expiration date.

Use Procurement Card

Select to indicate that you want to use a procurement card for this requisition. This check box is selected when you enter a credit card. If you deselect it, the system removes the credit card information from the requisition. When you select this check box, the system automatically selects the Use Procurement check box at the line level. You can also select to use a procurement card at only the requisition line level.

Requisition Lines

If you access a requisition line, the system only permits one service line per requisition; therefore, you cannot delete the line.


Displays the line number assigned by the system.

Select Source Details

Click to view sourcing details for this requisition line.


Click the link in the Description column to edit the service requisition.


Displays the number of positions for a resource-based or multi-resource requisition line. If the requisition line is a multi-resource service, then the system calculates the field value as the sum of all the number of positions for the services associated with the multi-resource service line.

Inc. Exp (include expenses)

Displays the expenses for the requisition line when you select to include expenses.

Modify Line/Accounting

Click the Modify Line/Accounting button to update the distribution information for multiple lines.

Add/Edit Comments

Add comments for the service requisition line. Comments appear to the supplier if the Send to Vendor check box is selected.

Add to Favorites

Click to add the selected line as a favorite that you can select when creating future service requisitions.

Add to Template(s)

If PeopleSoft eProcurement is installed on your system with PeopleSoft Services Procurement and you have requisition lines for items, then you can use this check box to add the line as a catalog item to the template. However, if you select this check box for a PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisition line, you will receive an error message because you cannot add services to templates.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Service Requisitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Service Requisitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Requisitions


Services Procurement, Manage Requisitions

Manage requisitions that are entered by the service coordinator or requester. You can review existing service requisitions, edit them, view their statuses, cancel them, or access related sourcing and work order information.

Requisition Details


Expand the collapsible grid section for the requisition request and then click the Requisition button on the Manage Requisitions page.

View services requisition details.

Requisition Line Job Summary


Click the Job Title link on the Requisition Details page.

View the requisition line summary.

Requisition Line Position Details


  • Click the Filled Position link on the Requisition Details page.

  • Click the Filled Position link on the Job Summary page.

View individual position information for resource and multi-resource service requisition lines. Access the Filled Service Details page.

Filled Service Details


  • Click the Number of Filled Positions button on the Requisition Details page.

  • Click the Number of Filled Positions link on the Job Summary page.

View filled services for a requisition line.

Requisition History


Click the Status link on the Requisition Details page.

Review the history of your requisition request, including the service coordinator or team that was assigned to the requisition at the time this history was recorded.

Change Request List


Click the Inquire Change Request link on the Manage Requisitions page.

Inquire about change requests.

Requisition to PO Xref

(requisition to purchase order cross-reference)


Click the Requisition Report link on the Manage Requisitions page.

Run the Requisition to PO Cross-Reference report.

Requisition Schedule and Distribution


Click the Requisition Schedule and Distribution link on the Requisition Details page.

View the requisition schedule and description.

VAT Details


Click the VAT Details button on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page.

View value-added tax (VAT) calculations and information for the selected schedule or distribution.

Note. You only have access to VAT information if the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit has enabled VAT on requisitions and VAT is applicable for the requisition.

Requisition Service Details


Click the VAT Details button on the Requisition Schedule and Distribution page.

View requisition service details.

Requisition Life Cycle


Click the Requisition Life Cycle link on the Requisition Details page.

View the location of a requisition in the requisition life cycle.

Close Requisition


Services Procurement, Reconciliations, Close Requisitions

Close all qualified requisitions using the Run Close Requisitions process and generate the Requisition Reconciliation report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Requisitions

Access the Manage Requisitions page (Services Procurement, Manage Requisitions).

The Manage Requisitions page is the central location for maintaining requisitions. Use the Search and Sort features to streamline the search results for a requisition. Use the Expand Section button to view the lifespan and details for the requisition. Select the Select Action option to cancel, budget check, and edit the requisition.

Note. You can create commodity items (with PeopleSoft eProcurement) and services (with PeopleSoft Services Procurement) on the same requisition. Each has a separate line.

Note. You cannot edit sourced requisitions from this page. If a service coordinator edits the sourced requisition from the Review and Sourcing component, then the system tracks the changes according to the change control template assigned to business unit. However; the system does not submit the requisition for reapproval for any changes made to the requisition from the Review and Sourcing component even when the changed field is set up for reapproval on the change template.

Search Requisitions

Use this group box to define search criteria for managing requisitions. For example, you can search for requisitions based on the business unit and requisition name and ID or based on from and to dates. After defining the criteria, click the Search button to retrieve the selected requisitions. To delete all the criteria that you enter, click the Clear button.

Request Status

Select to search for a requisition based on its request status. Statuses include, for example, Service Complete, Denied, and Service Sourced. If you leave the field blank, requisitions in all statuses are included in the search results.


Enter a name to display requisitions that only this person enters. Leave this field blank to display requisitions for all requesters for whom you are authorized to view.

Entered By

Select a user for whom you want to retrieve all requisitions that they created.

PO ID (purchase order ID)

This field is not valid for Services Procurement. If you have PeopleSoft eProcurement installed, this is used to locate the requisition that is associated with the purchase order. Requisition purchase orders apply only to the commodity items (PeopleSoft eProcurement requisition lines). Service items are on the purchase order that is generated by the work order, not the requisition.


Use the Requisitions group box to view details about individual requisitions returned in the search results.

Expand Section

Click to expand this section to view life-cycle information and requisition line information. After expanding the section, you can use the Collapse Section button to close the section.

When you expand a section, the system provides requisition life-cycle stage buttons that are highlighted with active links when they are complete or in progress. You can click an active button to view the details of a stage.

The Request Lifespan field displays buttons based on the top-line requisition status. Both PeopleSoft Services Procurement and eProcurement use this field with each having some shared and some product-specific buttons. Buttons specific to Services Procurement include Work Order, Time Sheet, Expenses, and Progress Log. When you click on a button, the system displays a list of related transactions.

The Sourcing button displays only the sourcing for the requisition. It does not display the work order sourcing for replacements or the individual child services of a multi-resource parent service. The Work Order button displays the top-line multi-resource work order along with the work orders for the services associated with the multi-resource work order.

Requisition ID

Click to access the Requisition Details page, where you can view the details of the requisition.

Requisition Name

Displays the name of the corresponding requisition.

BU (business unit)

Displays the name of the business unit in which this requisition was created.


Displays when the corresponding requisition was created.


Displays the status of this requisition.


Displays the budget checking status for this requisition line. If your organization uses commitment control for any business unit, you can require a budget check. Values for this field are: Not Chk'd (not checked), which means the requisition has not been checked for the budget; Valid, which means that the requisition has been budget checked and is within the budget; and Error, which means the budget check encountered a problem.


Displays the total cost of the requisition in the currency unit of measure.

Select Action

Select an action for the requisition and click the Go button. Values include:

  • Approvals: When you select this value, the system takes you to the Approval Status page, where you can view the approval information for the requisition line.

  • Cancel: Select to access the Requisition Details page, where you can cancel the requisition request. To cancel all eligible requisition lines, click the Cancel Requisition button. To cancel selected lines, select the box to the left of each requisition line to be canceled and click the Cancel Selected Lines button. In both cases, the system displays a Cancel Requisition Confirmation page, where you can enter a reason code and comments before you confirm the cancellation transaction.

    The sourcing status for the requisition is changed to Cancelled when you cancel it. The Cancel option is not available after a requisition has been filled.

    Note. Orphaned records or out-of-sync data can occur if you navigate away from the requisition without saving or canceling after you have already created service lines.

  • Change Tracking: Select to access the View Requisition Change Tracking History, where you can view requisition changes that have been applied against the original requisition. The system must be set up for the Change Tracking feature and a change recorded against the requisition before this option is available.

  • Check Budget: Select to check the requisition budget. The system automatically checks to ensure that the requisition is within a specified budget range.

    Note. When commitment control is enabled, the service coordinator cannot offer the position or release the manual work order until the requisition has been budget checked.

    Copy: Select to create a new requisition by copying the current requisition. When you select this value, the system displays the Create Requisition page with the original requisition. You can enter the new requisition name to create the new requisition.

  • Edit: Select to access the Edit Requisition page. When you select this value, you access the original requisition page.

  • Undo-Cancel Select to reopen the requisition. This option is available when the requisition has been cancelled. The system displays the Requisition Detail page when you select this option. Using that page, you can click the Reopen Requisition button to open the requisition. The system then displays the requisition in an Open status.

  • View Print: Select to view the complete requisition in a report format. This includes all requisition lines and details. When you select to view the requisition, the system displays the message: Do you want to print the requisition with distribution details? Click Yes to include the distribution details for the requisition.


Displays who created the original requisition. The system displays this value when you select the Expand button to view requisition information.

Entered By

Displays who entered the requisition.


Displays the priority of importance for the requisition. Values can be High, Low, or Medium.

Requisition Lifespan

Displays the life cycle buttons for the requisition. You can click a button to view details about the life cycle event, such as approvals or sourcing.

Line Information

Use this grid box to view line information for the selected requisition. You must select the Expand Section button to display line information. Values that appear in the grid depend on the requisition's service method.


Click to view a description of the requisition line item.


Displays the status of this requisition line.


Displays the number of positions associated with this requisition line. If the line is a multi-resource line, the system calculates the sum all the number of positions for the services associated to the multi-resource service line.

Filled Positions

Displays the number of positions that have been filled for this service. If the service is a multi-resource service, the system calculates the sum the number of filled positions for the services associated to the multi-resource service line.


Displays the price for this requisition line. The price appears in the currency unit of measure.

Click to extend the life of the requisition. When you extend a requisition, you must go to the latest extension of the requisition to extend it further. The system creates a new requisition ID and line by transferring the requester to the Create Services requisition page.

The system verifies that the business unit, the service type of the requisition, and the requestor default setting permits extending the requisition. If the business unit or the service type or requestor default setting does not permit you to extend the requisition, then the system displays a message and does not extend the requisition.

If you are extending a multi-resource requisition, the system copies all of the current services associated to the work order of the original multi-resource requisition. The system does not copy services that are cancelled, closed, or terminated within the actual end date of the work order.

Service Provider

Displays the person who provides the actual service.


Displays the vendor defined for the requisition.

Create New Requisition

Click to access the Create Requisition where you can add a new requisition.

Inquire Change Request

Click to view change requests for PeopleSoft eProcurement. This link is not available if PeopleSoft Services Procurement only is installed on your system. A purchase order change request contains changes to a purchase order.

See Understanding Requisition Changes and Change Requests.

Inquire Change Tracking

Click to access the View Requisition Change Tracking History page. You use this page to view changes that have been made to the requisition and that have been set up using the Change Tracking feature.

Requisition Report

Click to create a PeopleSoft Services Procurement report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Service Requisition Details

Access the Requisition Details page (expand the collapsible grid section for the requisition request, and then click the Requisition button on the Manage Requisitions page).

The Requisition Details page provides basic information about the requisition, along with line and distribution information. It also provides contract and purchase order information when the requisition has been processed into a purchase order or contract.

Note. This page displays the pre-encumbrance balance for the requisition. When you use commitment control, the system deducts each type of financial obligation from the budget and tracks it according to obligation type. This functionality enables you to determine the monies that you have committed in pre-encumbrances.

Line Item Description


Click to access the Requisition History page, where you can view the history of the requisition line details.


Displays individual instances of a resource-based service. The number of positions for a service line determines the number of service providers who will fill the requisition line. View the total number of positions available for the service request.

Filled Positions

Displays the number of positions that are already filled for the service request, including multi-resource services. When you click the link, the system accesses the Filled Services Detail page with services associated to the multi-resource requisition line.

Requisition Life Cycle

Click to view the location of a requisition in the requisition life cycle.

Requisition Schedule and Distribution

Click to view the requisition schedule and description.

Click to access the Work Order page, where you can view information about the linked work order.

Note. This button only appears if you have a work order linked to the requisition line.

See Also

Managing Work Orders

Setting Up PeopleSoft Services Procurement Workflow

Managing PeopleSoft Services Procurement Sourcing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Filled Services for Requisition Lines

Access the Filled Service Details page (click the Number of Filled Positions button on the Requisition Details page).

This page displays the filled services associated to the multi-resource requisition line. The top section of the page displays the multi-resource top-line information. If the position is a single position service, then the page displays the name of the service provider. If the position is a multi-resource service position, then the system provides a link to the Requisition Line Position Detail page.

Service Type

Displays the service type of the filled requisition line.


Displays the service of the filled requisition line.

Qty (quantity)

Displays the number of positions filled for the requisition line. Multi-resource services can have multiple services with multiple positions. In this case the quantity will reflect the sum of the position quantities for all of the services.

Service Provider

Displays the name of the service provider when the requisition line has only one position. If the requisition line has multiple positions, then a link appears in the field. Click the link to access the Requisition Line Position Detail page, which displays the service providers assigned to this service.

Manage Requisitions

Click to return to the Manage Requisitions page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling Requisitions or Requisition Lines

Access the Requisition Details for page (select the Cancel option in the Select Action field on the Manage Requisition page, and click Go).

You can cancel requisitions on the Requisition Details page, which you access from the Manage Requisitions page. In addition, you can cancel individual requisition lines from either the Manage Requisitions page or the Requisition Details page.

To access the Requisition Details page and cancel a requisition, select the Cancel option from the Select Option list of values on the Manage Requisitions page and then click the Go button.

After you click the Go button on the Manage Requisition page, the system accesses the Requisition Details page, where you can cancel the entire requisition if you have both PeopleSoft eProcurement and Services Procurement installed or a selection of lines if you have only Services Procurement installed.

You can also cancel individual requisition lines one at a time directly from the Manage Requisitions page by opening the line details for the requisition and selecting the Cancel button on the individual line.

If you cancel a requisition from the Requisition Details page, select the Cancel Requisition button. To cancel selected lines, select the check box to the left of each requisition line to be cancelled and click the Cancel Selected Lines button.

Note. When you cancel the requisition or requisition line, the system displays a Cancel Requisition Confirmation page, where you can enter a reason code and comments before confirming the cancellation transaction. The reason code functionality is available if the business unit is defined with optional or mandatory reason codes for requisition cancellation.

Note. When you cancel a requisition line, all affected parties are notified. The system also removes the cancelled requisition line entry from any affected worklists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing Services Requisitions

Use the Close Requisitions page (Services Procurement, Reconciliations, Close Requisitions).

Use this page to close all qualified services requisitions and to run the Requisitions Reconciliation Report.

See Closing Purchase Orders.

See PeopleSoft Services Procurement Reports.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving and Denying Requisitions

This section discusses how to use the requisition approval process.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Setting Up Requisition Workflow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Approving Requisitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Monitor Approvals


Services Procurement, Manage Approvals

Manage Approval Framework approvals.

Note. You can also use the Worklist to access requisitions awaiting you approval.

Requisition Approval


Home, Worklist

Select the requisition ID that needs approval.

Approve, deny, or hold a requisition during the workflow approval process.

Requisition Approval confirmation


Click the Approve button on the Manage Requisition Approvals page.

Confirm or deny the approval of a requisition or requisition line.

Item Description


Click the linked item.

View the requisition line item description.



Click the Comments button.

View requisition comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Requisition Approvals

Access the Monitor Approval page (Service Procurement, Manage Approvals).

In addition to using the Worklist to locate and approve requisitions, you can use this page to search for requisitions, review additional requisition information, and select requisitions for approval processing. Search criteria includes searching for requisitions based on their status. Status field values include:

After retrieving search results, you can click the requisition link to access the Requisition Approval page where you can process the approval.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving and Denying Requisitions

Access the Requisition Approval page (Service Procurement, Manage Approvals, select a requisition for approval).

Use the Requisition Approval page to approve, deny, or push back a requisition during the workflow approval process. You can also add approvers and reviewers to the workflow routing. If you are a reviewer, this page is display-only. You can also access the page using the eProcurement Manage Approvals component.

Available actions change depending on the authorizations for each user accessing the Requisition Approval page. For example, an approver, might not have the authorization to edit the document, so the Edit Document button does not appear and the approver can only enter comments as part of an approval or denial.

Note. You must have a workflow role that is assigned for requisition approval or else you must be the requester who entered the requisition.

Click the Edit Requisition link to access the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page. You can make updates to the requisition before approving it.

Line Information

This section displays information about requisition lines.

View Line Details

Click to view all lines associated with the requisition. The system creates a scrollable report with the requisition details.


Click to approve the requisition and access the Requisition Approval confirmation page. Using the page you can view any additional approvals. The approval is immediate when you click the Approve button.


Click to deny this requisition. A worklist entry is sent to the original requester with any comments that you enter.

Note. When you click this button, you access the Requisition Approval confirmation page, where you can enter a reason code and comments for the denied requisition or requisition line.

Review/Edit Approvers

Use this section of the Requisition Approval page to review aspects of the approval flow, such as who has approved the requisition or who the requisition goes to after your approval. The grid displays all approval steps for the paths that are defined in the approval stage. Each stage is identified by a heading within the grid. The first stage must be approved before the next stage begins the approval process. When a stage begins the approval process, the system updates the approval status in the heading and sets the next stage or stages to the Awaiting Further Approvals status.

Click to enter another approver or reviewer for this requisition. New approvers are added after the approval. The system adds the requisition to the new approver's worklist, and the approver must approve the requisition before it can continue through the approval process. You can add any combination of approvers and reviewers to the requisition by clicking the Insert Approver button.

Note. Another, identical button in this section is used for another function. Click the Start New Path button to start a new approval path for the requisition approval process.


User ID

Enter the ID for the user that you add as an approver or reviewer of this requisition.

Note. If you click the Start New Path button, this field is used to add a new approver or reviewer to the new requisition approval path.

Note. After a requisition is fully approved, it is removed from the reviewer's to do list whether or not it has actually been reviewed. The requisition then appears in the Worklist belonging to the service coordinator responsible for sourcing the requisition.

Enter Approver Comments

Use this box to enter comments about the requisition. The system keeps the comments for others to review. If comments are required when you deny an approval, the system highlights the box when you click the Deny button without entering comments. You must enter a comment before denying the requisition. After you enter comments, click the Deny button again to deny the approval of the requisition.

See Also

Creating and Managing Services Procurement Requisitions

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Requisition Changes

This section provides an overview of requisition change tracking and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Requisition Change Tracking

You can change requisitions and track the history of those changes using the Change Request feature. The feature enables you to determine the fields for which the system tracks changes. The PeopleSoft system uses a common Change Request component for purchase orders, PeopleSoft Purchasing requisitions, PeopleSoft eProcurement and Services Procurement requisitions, and contracts.

For Services Procurement change templates, the system loads the appropriate records so that you can select to:

PeopleSoft Services Procurement change tracking set up depends on other whether other PeopleSoft applications are installed on the PeopleSoft system. .

For more information about records and fields available for tracking, see the PeopleSoft 9.1 Source-to-Settle Common Information PeopleBook.

See Understanding Change Template.

For more information about setting up change requests with PeopleSoft Services Procurement with eProcurement, see the PeopleSoft eProcurement 9.1 PeopleBook. .

See Understanding Requisition Changes and Change Requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Services Procurement Requisition Changes

Page Name

Definition Name



Change Template


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Change Template

Define requisition change templates.

Reason Codes


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Setup, Services Procurement Defn

Select the Reason Code Setup tab.

Define reason codes.

See Setting Up Reason Codes.

Procurement Change Reason Codes


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, Business Unit Definitions, Services Procurement Business Unit Defn

Define Business Unit specific options for Services Procurement, including reason code usage for change tracking

Edit Requisition


Services Procurement, Manage Requisitions

Click Edit in the Select Action field.

Change requisitions.



Click the Go To Submit Requisition button on the Edit Requisition page.

Enter a reason code and comment for making requisition changes that are being tracked.

View Requisition Change Tracking History


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Change Tracking History

View requisition change tracking history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Change Templates

Access the Change Template page (Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Change Template).

You use the Change Template page to define fields against which you want to track changes. You can define change templates for requisitions, purchase orders, and contracts. You can also define changes for sourced requisition fields that were initiated from the PeopleSoft Services Procurement application. To define a change template:

  1. Select a change template type.

    Change template types are the record collections from which you select fields to include in change tracking. PeopleSoft provides predefined change template types for purchase orders, contracts, and requisitions. As an example of template type contents, when you select a requisition template type, it contains records for which you can track changes, such as requisition header, line, and schedule fields. Template types can have multiple change templates associated with them.

  2. Enter a change template ID.

    You use change templates to create a set of fields that are eligible for change tracking based on the records for the template type that you select. When this change template is selected to record changes for PeopleSoft Services Procurement, the system track changes to the fields. Depending on product installations, the change template is defined at the business unit level for Purchasing when PeopleSoft eProcurement and Service Procurement are installed. The change template is defined on the Service Procurement Definition page when Services Procurement only is installed.

  3. Select a record.

    When you select a value in the Record field, the system displays all the fields within that are available for change tracking.

  4. Use the Record Fields group box to define the fields for which you want to track changes.

  5. After you save the record, you can select another record

Copy Template

Select an existing change template that you want to copy to create a new template. The template type that you are creating must match the template type from which you want to copy information. When you select a value, the system replaces existing record and field values with values from the copied template. You can then make changes to the new template.

You can also copy a template into an existing template. The system removes the existing data and replaces it with the copied template.


Select a record for which you want to define fields for change tracking. If PeopleSoft Service Procurement only is installed, both eProcurement and Services Procurement records are available.

Note. If you select the REQ_COMMENTS record, the only field available for change tracking is Status. The system tracks deleted comments only and saves the comment key to the corresponding change track table and inactivates the comment in REQ_COMMENTS table.

Track Change

Select the check box that corresponds to the field for which you want to track changes. You can go through each record and select change tracking fields. After making your selections, click the Save button to store the update.

Field Valueand Description

Displays the field value and description. The fields that appear in this field belong to the record that you selected in the Record field.


Select to indicate that if the corresponding field is updated, then the change will initiate a reapprove process for the requisition. If any field in the change template is marked for reapproval and changed in the pending or approved requisition, then the requisition is resubmitted to the Approval Workflow Engine.

You cannot re-approve a requisition from the Manage Sourcing page. For Services Procurement fields that are marked for change tracking and re-approval on the change template, if the field is modified by the service coordinator using the Review and Sourcing component, then the system tracks the updated field but does not resubmit the requisition for re-approval.

Update PO (update purchase order)

This setting is not applicable for Services Procurement and is not editable for Services Procurement records. If PeopleSoft Services Procurement only is installed, this check box is not available.

Label Type

Select a label type. The system uses the label type to determine how this field appears on the Change Template page. Values include:

Custom: Indicates a field label that you specify. When you select Custom, the Label Text field appears where you can enter the custom label for the field. To save the custom label, the Track Changes check box must be selected.

Page: Indicates that a field label is taken from another page. When you select Page, the Page Name field becomes available for entry. Enter the page object name from which you want to take the field label.

Rec Long (record long): Indicates that a field label is taken from the long version of record field text defined for the field.

Rec Short (record short): Indicates that a field label is taken from the short version of the record field text that is defined for the field.

Page Name

Select a page name from which to take a field label. This field appears when you select Page in the Label Type field.

Label Text

Enter the text that you want to use for the field custom name label.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Reason Codes

Access the Reason Codes page (Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Setup, Services Procurement Defn, and select the Reason Code Setup tab).

This page contains a listing of reason codes that you can maintain for Services Procurement. You can also use the page to define the reason code for procurement changes so that the code is available for selection as a PeopleSoft Services Procurement change reason. Services Procurement uses the purchasing record BU_OPT_PM_RSN to store the reason code setup for change tracking.

Use these steps to make reason codes available for use with Services Procurement:

  1. Click the Change Reason Code link at the bottom of the Reason Code Setup page.

  2. Select the setID and click the Search button to access the Purchasing Options page.

  3. Click theChange Reason Codeslink.

    The Procurement Change Reason Codes page appears.

  4. Select a reason code in the Default Reason Code field.

    You can also make track change mandatory and require comments for changes using this page.

  5. Click the OK button and then click Save on the Processing Options page.

    After you define the reason code, Service Procurement retrieves the tracking change reason code setup from the Purchasing Processing Option component and displays it as display-only row of data in the Reason Code Setup page. You cannot edit this reason code using this page. You must return to the Purchasing page to make changes to the code

See Defining Reason Codes for Change Requests and Change Orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Requisitions

Access the Edit Requisition page (Services Procurement, Manage Requisitions, and click Edit in the Select Action field).

You create requisition changes in PeopleSoft Services Procurement using the Edit Requisitions page.

Note. You cannot edit sourced requisitions using the Edit Requisition or Manage Requisitions page. If the service coordinator edits the sourced requisition from the Manage Sourcing page, then the system tracks the changes based on the change request template assigned to the business unit. However, the system does not submit the requisition for reapproval for any changes made on the requisition from the Manage Sourcing page even if the modified field is setup for reapproval on the change template.

After you complete the changes, click the Go to submit requisition button. When in use with PeopleSoft eProcurement, Services Procurement passes the tracked change and reason code to eProcurement. When fields are tracked, such as for line, competencies, or bid factors, then the change tracking and reason code setting is set so that eProcurement can trigger the reason code logic when you click the Save and submit button.

Note. If the Service Coordinator field is set for tracking, changes initiated from the Replace Coordinator or Replace VMS Coordinator pages will also be tracked.

Note. When the Replace Service Coordinator utility is used to change the assigned service coordinator for requisitions, the change tracking rules are followed. Thus, the change tracking template is checked to determine whether the Service Coordinator field is being tracked, and if so a change tracking record is created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Requisition Change Tracking History

Access the View Requisition Change Tracking History page (Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Change Tracking History).

The Requisition Change History feature provides an audit trail of changes that were made to a PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisition. The history shows all the changes made to the service requisition information sections including header changes, line changes, distribution changes, competencies, bid factors, and preferred supplier changes. Informational messages on the page indicate when there have been no changes to an information section.

You can search for requisitions to view based on business unit, requisition ID ranges, requesters, and date range. After you enter the criteria and click the Search button, the system populates the page with requisitions that match the criteria. Search results are returned by descending requisition ID. To view changes for each information section, click the Expand section button.

Req ID (requisition ID) and Requisition Name

Displays the requisition and its name. Click the Req ID link to view the requisition.

Requester Name

Displays who created the requisition.

Modified By

Displays the user ID of the person who last updated the requisition

Last Changed

Displays the date and time of the change.

Change Batch

Click to access the ePro Requisition Batch Changes page where you can view the change order number and revision date for the batch job.

Filter Criteria

Click to access the Change Tracking Filter Criteria page where you can search for changes based on, for example, reason codes or requisition line changed fields. These criteria are applied against grid contents.

Click the Expand Section button to view requisition changes. The system displays a message that indicates the records to which no change have been made. To view changes made to each record, click the Expand Section button for each section.

The sections display basic information about the changes, such as the batch and line, change type, and the change value. The reason code used for the change also appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Reason Codes

Access the Confirmation page (click the Go To Submit Requisition button on the Edit Requisition page).

You use this page to select a reason code for making the requisition change. You can define a default value for the reason code using the Procurement Change Reason Codes page. The code can be used for change request in the PeopleSoft Services Procurement business unit. In addition, the Description field for the default reason code (entered on the Reason Codes page) is used as the default comment on the change requests. To access the Procurement Change Reason Codes page, select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Purchasing, Purchasing Options. Then click the Change Reason Code link at the bottom of the page.

Reason Code

Select a code. You can use the default code or override it with another code.


Enter a reason for the requisition change. If a default value for the change has been defined, it appears. You can override the value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Change Tracking Filter Criteria

Access the Change Tracking Filter Criteria page (click the Filter Criteria link on the View Requisition Change Tracking History page).

Use this page to reduce the number of search results in each grid for specific reason codes, batch order changes and individual fields. After you populate the grids on the View Requisition Change Tracking History page with the search results, you can, for example, use the filter criteria on this page to reduce the number of requisition fields returned for the View Requisition Change Tracking History grids. You can select a value in each field to include in the search results.

Reason Code

Select a specific reason code for which you want to view tracking history. If you make other change selections on this page, they will be limited to those that were made using this reason code.

Change Order Number

Select a specific change order number for which you want to view tracking history. If you make other change selections on this page, they will be limited to those that were made using this change order number.

Requisition Header

Select a header field for which you want to view changes for a requisition. The fields that are available for selection are those fields that are eligible for use with tracked changes. Fields must first be selected for change tracking using the change template. Then, when changes have been made to the field for the selected requisition, the field appears in the search results when you click the Search button.

Requisition Line

Select a requisition line field for which you want to view changes for a requisition. The fields that are available for selection are those fields that are eligible for use with tracked changes.

Requisition Schedule

Select a requisition schedule field for which you want to view changes for a requisition. The fields that are available for selection are those fields that are eligible for use with tracked changes.


Click to filter the search results to the criteria that you defined. The system returns to the View Requisition Change Tracking History page with the results of the search.


Click to remove all previous selections on this page.


Click to return to the View Requisition Change Tracking History page.