5 Configuring Global Defaults

Out-of-the-box, the Spaces application is pre-configured with various default settings The Spaces administrator can modify these settings to suit the needs of the organization.

This chapter includes the following sections:

See also Chapter 6, "Configuring Services, Portlet Producers, and External Applications."


This chapter is intended for Spaces administrators with the Manage Configuration permissions.

5.1 Customizing the Name and Logo

Out-of-the-box, the Oracle logo and application name WebCenter Portal: Spaces appears in the banner of all spaces (Figure 5-1). You can change the both the logo and name to better suit your target audience. For example, you might want to display your company name here or the name of a department within your company.

The logo you specify will resize according to the application's page template. If you want to adjust the logo size, you can modify the page template. See Section 13.3, "Editing a Page Template."

If you want, you can reference your application name and logo in EL expressions. For details, see Section B.4.2, "EL Expressions Relevant to the Spaces Application."

Figure 5-1 Space Logo and Name

Space Logo and Name

To change the name or logo for the Spaces application:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. In the Application Name field, enter the new name.

    Alphanumeric characters are allowed and also spaces, underscores (_) and dashes (-). For example, Finance Department - My Corporation.

  4. To change the logo, click Browse next to the Application Logo field.

  5. In the File Upload dialog, navigate to the logo you want to use.

    The logo image file can be up to 1 MB. Supported file formats are .gif or .GIF, .png or .PNG, and .jpg or .JPG.

    The logo is uploaded to the application's image directory (/webcenter/images) and the new logo immediately appears in the top left corner of the application banner.

  6. Click Apply.

5.2 Choosing a Default Display Language

Out-of-the-box, the Spaces application supports 27 languages and 100 different locales. It is the administrator's job to choose a default application display language for the Spaces application. When picking the default language, consider which language suits the majority of people using the application. Alternatively, enter an EL expression that determines the default language dynamically based on certain criteria. For example, you may prefer the default display language to change according to the location or organization of the user that is logged in.

The first time a user logs in to Spaces the default language displays but individuals can personalize their display language through user preferences. See Section 38.2, "Choosing Your Preferred Display Language."

The default display language only applies when users log in to Spaces. Public pages, such as the welcome page and the login page, display in the browser language. If no default language is provided, the browser language is used. See also Section 27.1.1, "Display Language Precedence."


Moderators can nominate a display language for a particular Space. When defined, the Space language overrides both the default language and any user language preference. See also Section 53.4.15, "Setting a Space Display Language."

To select the default display language for the Spaces application:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select a Default Language from the list available.

      If the language you want is not available in the dropdown list, click Customize, select the check box for the language you require, and click Save.

      To add a completely new language, your localization team must translate WebCenter Spaces resource bundles into the new language, and then these translations must be deployed to the managed server on which the Spaces application is deployed. For details, see "Adding Support for a New Language" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

    • Click the Advanced Edit Options icon, then select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that determines the default language dynamically based on certain criteria.

  4. Click Apply.

The display languages that are available for selection here are also offered to users and space moderators through user preferences. As the administrator, you can reduce the range of languages available to users. For details, see Section 5.3, "Customizing the Language List."

5.3 Customizing the Language List

Out-of-the-box, the Spaces application offers 27 languages and 100 different locales and all these languages are available to users by default. As an administrator, you can tailor the languages that are on offer to suit your audience. For example, you may prefer to remove all the territory language variants in favor of a more simplified language list or only offer European languages if your portal is specifically aimed at a European audience.

To customize the languages available to users:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. Click Customize (below Default Language).

  4. Select which languages to offer by selecting (or deselecting) each language check box.

    Figure 5-2 Choosing Which Languages Are Available

    Choosing Which Languages are Available
  5. Click Save.

5.4 Choosing a Default Skin

As administrator, you may customize the default appearance of the Spaces application for all users by changing the default skin. A skin changes the way the user interface appears, but does not change the application's behavior. See Section 14.5.1, "Applying a Skin to the Spaces Application."

If you want, you can reference the default skin in EL expressions. For details, see Section B.4.2, "EL Expressions Relevant to the Spaces Application."

Individual users can change the skin applied to their Home space view through user preferences if they do not like the default skin that you specify. See Section 14.5.3, "Applying a Skin to the Home Space."

5.5 Customizing Copyright and Privacy Statements

Administrators can customize or hide copyright and privacy statements for the Spaces application:

  • Copyright - Displays a copyright statement for the entire application.

  • Privacy URL - Links to a document that contains a privacy policy for the entire application.

In the default page template, the copyright and privacy URL appear in the application's page footer (Figure 5-3).

If you want, you can reference your copyright message and privacy document in EL expressions. For details, see Section B.4.2, "EL Expressions Relevant to the Spaces Application."

Figure 5-3 Copyright and Privacy Statements in Page Footer

Copyright and Privacy Statements in Page Footer

Individual spaces may provide their own copyright and privacy statements. For details, see Section 53.4.14, "Customizing the Copyright Statement and Privacy URL."

To customize or hide copyright and privacy statements:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. Modify the legal notices as required (Figure 5-4):

    Figure 5-4 Customizing the Copyright and Privacy URL

    Customizing the Copyright and Privacy URL
    • Copyright - Enter a suitable copyright statement for the Spaces application. If no copyright information is required, leave this field blank.

    • Privacy URL - Specify the location of the application's privacy policy. Enter a fully qualified URL. If no privacy information is required, leave this field blank.

  4. Select or deselect Display Page Footer to display or hide copyright and privacy information in the page footer.

  5. Click Apply to save.

5.6 Customizing the Online Help Link

Online help for Spaces displays when you click the Help link for the application. Out-of-the-box, this Help link opens Oracle's built-in help. You can also write online help specifically aimed at your end-users and redirect the Help link to a different help location.

Optionally, you can reference the Help location in EL expressions. For details, see Section B.4.2, "EL Expressions Relevant to the Spaces Application."

When you customize the Help link, built-in help for Spaces is still available through help buttons, help icons, and so on.

To customize the main Help link:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. In the Global Help URL field, enter the location of your help.

    Ensure that you enter a fully qualified URL in the format:


    For example:


    The default Global Help URL is /webcenterhelp/spaces?topic=welcome_main. This URL opens Oracle Help for the Web (OHW) and displays Oracle's built-in help for Spaces. Enter this URL if you want to return to the default setting.


    If you leave the Global Help URL field blank, the Help link is not displayed.

  4. Click Apply.

Click Help in your application to check whether your custom help opens correctly.

5.7 Choosing a Default Start (or Landing) Page

By default, users see the Home space when they log in but you can configure the initial landing page to be a specific space or page.

To select the landing page for Spaces:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. In the Login section, select what users should see first when they log in: the Home space, or a specific space or page (Figure 5-5).

    Figure 5-5 Choosing a Default Start Page

    Choosing a Default Start Page
    • Open a Specific Space. Select to specify that a particular space displays, and enter the space name or click Browse to select from a list of spaces.

    • Open a Specific Page URL. Select to specify that a particular page displays, and enter the page location.

      Typically this is an internal page. You can enter a full or relative page URL as shown in these examples:




      If you specify an external page, ensure that you specify the full URL.

  4. Click Apply.

5.8 Specifying Session Timeout Settings

When there is no activity for an extended period of time in a Spaces application session, it times out. Out-of-the box, the Spaces session timeout is 45 minutes. You can modify the default number of minutes that can elapse before a session times out, and select what is displayed on session timeout.

To modify the session timeout settings for a Spaces application:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. In the Login section, select the desired result when the Spaces application times out (Figure 5-6):

    Figure 5-6 Setting a Session Timeout

    Setting a Session Timeout
    • Display Timeout Page. Select to display the Spaces timeout page in the browser (Figure 5-7), where the user can click the provided link to log in again and restart at the default start page (see Section 5.7, "Choosing a Default Start (or Landing) Page").

      Figure 5-7 Timeout Page

      TImeout Page
    • Display Timeout Popup. Select to display an Expiration Warning notification popup (Figure 5-8) when the Session Timeout value is reached, where the user can click OK within 2 minutes to prevent the timeout. If the user does not respond to the Expiration Warning within 2 minutes, then the session times. In the Timeout notification popup (Figure 5-9), the user can click OK to log in again and restart at the page that was active when the session expired.

      Figure 5-8 Expiration Warning Notification (displays at Session Timeout)

      Expiration Warning Notification

      Figure 5-9 Timeout Notification (displays 2 minutes after Session Timeout)

      Timeout Notification
  4. (Optional) In the Session Timeout (minutes) field, enter a new value. The default value is 45, the minimum value is 5, and the maximum value is 1440 (24 hours). If this field is left blank, the default value (45) applies.


    If the Spaces application is configured for single sign-on (SSO), Oracle recommends that the Session Timeout value set here is no higher than the SSO timeout value. The session timeout is a factor of the physical memory available and the number of concurrent users that have to be supported. If the Session Timeout value is less than the SSO session timeout, then the Spaces HTTP session times out after the duration specified here, but a new Spaces session will be automatically created as long as the SSO timeout is not reached.

  5. Click Apply.

5.9 Choosing a Default Page Template

In the Spaces application, page templates define how individual pages and groups of pages display on a user's screen. Every page displays within a page template. Administrators can define the default page template used to display pages in:

  • The Home space

  • New spaces, when the space's template does not specify that a particular page template must be used

Space moderators can override the default selection within their space but users cannot override the page template applied to the Home space.

See also Chapter 13, "Working with Page Templates."

To select the default page template for the whole Spaces application:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select a Default Page Template from the list available.

      To learn how to add page templates to this list, read Section 13.5.1, "Showing and Hiding a Page Template."

    • Click the Advanced Edit Options icon, then select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that determines the default page template dynamically based on certain criteria.

      For example, you may like the default page template to change depending on which department or organization the logged in user belongs to.

  4. Click Apply.

5.10 Choosing Default Resource Catalogs

In the Spaces application, a series of Resource Catalogs display when you edit a page or a page template in Composer and click Add Content. Each catalog presents available resources in a series of folders and subfolders and the content on offer changes dynamically depending on which services are currently available and the permissions of the person who is editing the page or page template. Available resources include task flows, portlets, and page components, such as images, content boxes, hyperlinks, and the like.Spaces provides several default catalogs out-of-the-box but you can add new task flows, remove task flows, or reorganize the folder hierarchy to better suit your audience or create brand new ones of your own. For details, see Chapter 16, "Working with Resource Catalogs."

Administrators can specify default page catalogs for:

  • New spaces

  • Home space

  • Business role pages

As well as, default page template catalogs for:

  • New spaces

  • Home space

It is entirely up to you whether you specify a different catalog for each scenario or use the same catalog throughout.

To select default Resource Catalogs for the application:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. Select default Resource Catalogs for the following:

    • Resource Catalog for Spaces

    • Resource Catalog for Home space

    • Resource Catalog for Business Role Pages

    • Resource Catalog for Page Templates in Space

    • Resource Catalog for Page Templates in Home space

    To learn how to add Resource Catalogs to this list, read Section 16.4, "Showing and Hiding a Resource Catalog."

    Click the Advanced Edit Options icon, then select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that determines the default Resource Catalog dynamically based on certain criteria. For example, you may like the default Resource Catalog to change depending on the which role the logged in user belongs to.

  4. Click Apply.

5.11 Choosing a Default Navigation

In the Spaces application, navigation models enable users to see and navigate to information quickly and easily. Administrators can specify which navigation is used to present Home space information.

Alternatively, you can enter an EL expression that determines the navigation dynamically based on certain criteria. For example, you may like to display different navigations depending on which department or organization the logged in user belongs to.

See also Chapter 12, "Working with Navigation."

To select a navigation model for the Home space:

  1. Open Spaces Administration.

    For details, see Chapter 4, "Accessing Spaces Administration Pages."

  2. Click the Configuration tab, then the General subtab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select a Navigation for Home Space from the list available.

      To learn how to add navigations to this list, read Section 11.4.3, "Showing and Hiding Resources."

    • Click the Advanced Edit Options icon, then select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that determines the navigation dynamically based on certain criteria.

  4. Click Apply.