As described above, each component that generates records has a documentSubmitter property that is set by default to a component of class atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreDocumentSubmitter. The ATG-Endeca integration includes the following components of this class:

The following are key properties of this class.


The type of the record store to submit to. Can be set to data, dimval, or schema. The following table shows the default setting for each component:








A boolean that specifies whether to flush the buffer used by the connection to CAS after each record is processed. This property is set by default to false. Setting it to true during debugging can be helpful for determining which records are being rejected by CAS, because the errors will be isolated to specific records.


A boolean that specifies whether this component is enabled. This property is set by default to true, but it can be set to false to always report success without submitting records to CAS. (This is useful for debugging purposes when a CAS instance is not available.)

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