Oracle ATG Web Commerce has several components for creating a connection to the Workbench server. The Workbench connection components can vary depending on whether your environment has a single Endeca application or multiple applications (for example, to support multiple languages). Here is a brief overview of the process:

The remaining sections provide more details on the individual Workbench-related components.


The /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/WorkbenchContentSource component represents the current Endeca application’s connection to the Workbench server. The NucleusAssembler class uses this component to connect to the correct Endeca application configuration running on the Workbench server.

Out of the box, the WorkbenchContentSource component uses a $basedOn property set to the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSourceResolver, which is a request-scoped component that determines which Endeca application-specific WorkbenchContentSource to use, based on the current request. This default configuration is primarily intended to support environments that have multiple Endeca applications, although it works for single-application environments as well.

The WorkbenchContentSource properties file also includes some configuration, which has been commented out, that is more efficient for environments that always have a single Endeca application:

# $class=atg.nucleus.GenericReference
# $scope=global
# componentPath=DefaultWorkbenchContentSource

This configuration creates a globally-scoped WorkbenchContentSource component that gets its connection details from the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultWorkbenchContentSource component. This approach is more efficient for a single-application environment because it avoids having to resolve the WorkbenchContentSource for every request. If you have a single-application environment, you can use this configuration instead.

The following sections provide some additional details on the DefaultWorkbenchContentSource and PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSource components that provide the connection details stored in a WorkbenchContentSource component.


The /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultWorkbenchContentSource component, of class atg.endeca.assembler.content.ExtendedWorkbenchContentSource, is a globally-scoped component that includes default Endeca application, host, and port properties for connecting to the Workbench server. Out of the box, this property is included in the initialServices property of the /initial component, to ensure that it is created on start up.


In a single Endeca application environment, the DefaultWorkbenchContentSource component provides connection details to the single Endeca application running on the Workbench server that should be used for all requests. In a multi-application environment, this component provides connection details to a default Endeca application when the PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSourceResolver cannot resolve an Endeca application-specific WorkbenchContentSource.

The DefaultWorkbenchContentSource component has a set of properties that represent the constructor arguments that are used to create the WorkbenchContentSource. The DefaultWorkbenchContentSource component gets the values for these properties from the ApplicationConfiguration and AssemblerApplicationConfiguration components. It is the responsibility of these other two components to calculate the correct Endeca application and Workbench connection to use. The DefaultWorkbenchContentSource properties include:


In an environment that has multiple Endeca applications, it is the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSourceResolver component’s responsibility to determine the correct globally-scoped, Endeca application-specific WorkbenchContentSource component to use for the current request. This component also defines a default WorkbenchContentSource component to use if an Endeca application-specific version cannot be found. PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSourceResolver is of class atg.endeca.assembler.configuration.PerEndecaApplicationGenericReference, which extends the atg.nucleus.GenericReference class to calculate the correct component to reference based on the Endeca application key of the current request.

Note that PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSourceResolver is request-scoped. This means that the globally-scoped WorkbenchContentSource component that it resolves and references gets inserted into the request scope as an alias. This effectively allows the application to resolve the WorkbenchContentSource component on a per-request basis.

To perform its tasks, the PerApplicationWorkbenchContentSourceResolver component has the following properties:

Manually Adding Application-specific WorkbenchContentSource Components

It is an Endeca requirement that the WorkbenchContentSource component used to communicate with any given Workbench application be globally scoped and started up front, before any requests are made. To accommodate this requirement, the ApplicationAssemblerConfiguration component automatically creates corresponding WorkbenchContentSource components for each Endeca application on start up.

If the automatically-created WorkbenchContentSource components are not sufficient for your needs, you can manually create .properties files for other Endeca application-specific WorkbenchContentSource components, for example:


# Arg1 - Workbench app name

# Arg3 - Workbench host

# Arg 4 - Workbench port

After creating the Endeca application-specific WorkbenchContentSource components, you must add them to the intialServices property of the /initial component so that they are started on application start-up, for example:


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