The /atg/commerce/endeca/index/EndecaScriptService component (of class atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable) is responsible for invoking Endeca Application Controller (EAC) scripts that trigger indexing.

The following are key properties of this component.


The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for an EAC script to complete execution before throwing an exception. Set by default to 1800000 (1 hour). For large indexing jobs, you may need to increase this value to ensure EndecaScriptService does not time out before indexing completes.


A boolean that specifies whether this component is enabled. This property is set by default to true, but it can be set to false to always report success without invoking a script. (This is useful for debugging purposes when an EAC instance is not available.)


The component of class atg.endeca.index.configuration.ApplicationConfiguration used to configure indexing settings for the integration. The default setting:


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