The /atg/endeca/assembler/AssemblerTools component provides commonly used functionality to other ATG-Endeca query integration components. This component’s functionality includes:

The AssemblerTools component is of class atg.endeca.assember.AssemblerTools and it has the following core method:

public ContentItem invokeAssembler(ContentItem pContentItem)
Creating the Assembler Instance and Starting Content Assembly

The AssemblerTools component has a configurable property, assemblerFactory, that out of the box is set to /atg/endeca/assembler/NucleusAssemblerFactory. The NucleusAssemblerFactory component is responsible for creating the Assembler instance that collects and organizes content. The AssemblerTools.invokeAssembler() method calls createAssembler() on the NucleusAssemblerFactory component to create an Assembler instance and then it calls assemble() on that instance to begin the content collection process. More details on the NucleusAssemblerFactory component can be found in the Querying the Assembler section.

Transforming a Page Request URL for the AssemblerPipelineServlet

Note: This section describes transforming the URL for a page request into a request ContentItem when using the AssemblerPipelineServlet component only. Other mechanisms exist for creating the ContentItem when requesting a content collection or when using the InvokeAssembler servlet bean. See the Content Collection Request Identification and Handling and InvokeAssembler sections, respectively, for more information on how those mechanisms work.

For page requests, the AssemblerTools.getContentPath() method transforms the request URL into a ContentItem URI. This URI tells the Assembler the path it should use to determine what content to assemble. getContentPath() takes into account several configurable properties when it calculates the URI. For example, if a request is made to http://localhost:8080/crs/storeus/browse/, getContentPath() does the following:

The resulting content path URI is used to construct a content item.

Identifying the Renderer Mapping Component to Use for the Request

The AssemblerTools.defaultContentItemToRendererPath property specifies the default component that should be used to map a response ContentItem to its correct renderer. Having this default ensures that the same mapping component is used across all web sites:

# Our default service for mapping from a ContentItem to the path of
# its corresponding JSP rendering page

You can override this setting on a web application-specific basis by specifying a context-param in your application’s web.xml file. The name of the parameter must be contentItemToRendererPath and the value must specify the Nucleus path of the mapping component you want to use:


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