In this procedure, you will create a site in Site Administration that represents the existing site, and then associate that site with the existing catalog.

Note: These steps assume that you have upgraded your application to the latest release, including migrating your schemas, running a full deployment in CA, and running Catalog Update Service. For detailed information on these steps, see the Oracle ATG Web Commerce migration documentation on the Oracle Technology Network.

To register a site and associate it with a catalog:

  1. In the Business Control Center, expand Site Administration, then click Site Assets.

  2. Enter a name and optional description for the project and click Continue.

  3. Create a new site and assign the existing application’s catalog as the default catalog for the new site. During this step, the site ID for the new site is assigned to the existing catalog. The same ID is also assigned to any of the catalog’s categories and sub-catalogs.

  4. At this point, existing catalog folders will appear in Merchandising as unsited items. If you want to keep them, these folders also need a site ID. Follow the steps below to assign a site ID to your catalog folders:

  5. Deploy the project. During deployment, the site ID you assigned to the catalog is propagated from the catalog down to its constituent products and SKUs by the CatalogMaintenanceService, which runs automatically on deployment.

    Note: For more information on the CatalogMaintenanceService, see the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

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