ATG includes several personalization features that allow you to display dynamic, personalized content to Web site visitors:

These three types of assets work together. When presenting personalized content, targeters may use user segments to define the audience and content groups to define the content.

In a multisite-enabled environment, the Business Control Center user interface includes extensions to the rule configurations for personalization assets that allow you to make them site-aware. The following table shows the rule extensions for each asset type:

Personalization Asset

Multisite Rule Extensions

User segment

Specify site-specific rules that override the user segment’s default rule and allow the user segment to behave differently on different sites. For example, the default rule may specify that a Young user segment consists of customers aged 20 to 30 years old, while a site override rule can specify that on Site A, the Young user segment consists of customers that are 20 to 40 years old. All sites will use the default rule, except for Site A, which will use the override rule.


Specify site-specific rules that override the targeter’s default rule and allow the targeter to behave differently on different sites. For example, in Commerce Reference Store, the FeaturedProduct1 targeter’s default rule specifies that fashion-related products get promoted to the customer, which is appropriate for ATG Store US and ATG Store Germany but not for ATG Home. For ATG Home, the FeaturedProduct1 targeter uses an override rule that serves home-related products instead.

Content group

Specify site-specific rules that override the content group’s default rule and allow the content group to behave differently on different sites. For example, in Commerce Reference Store, the NavigableProducts content group has a default rule that specifies that any product that resides in the NonNavigableProducts category should be excluded. This rule is appropriate for ATG Store US and ATG Store Germany but not for ATG Home. For ATG Home, the NavigableProducts content group uses an override rule that specifies that products that reside in the homeStoreNonNavigableProducts category are excluded.

You add site-aware personalization assets using the Access Control or Commerce Merchandising options in the Business Control Center. For existing applications that are being converted to multisite, you can use this same utility to modify existing assets to be site-aware. For detailed information, see the ATG Business Control Center User's Guide.


  • The multisite configuration extensions appear only in the rules. The remaining configuration options for personalization assets are the same in a multisite environment or for an environment with no registered sites.

  • For examples of multisite personalization assets from Commerce Reference Store, refer to the ATG Commerce Reference Store Overview.

  • Personalization assets containing site-specific rules cannot be edited in the ATG Control Center (ACC).

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