The siteManager maintains an array of valid site types. Each application that needs a site type registers with the siteManager during startup. For example, a site type of Commerce would be:


The SiteManager then exposes three additional methods:

 * Returns all sites whose siteTypes property is null or whose
 * siteTypes property includes an element whose values is the
 * supplied site type name.
 * @param pSiteTypeName The name of the site type.
 * @return The sites whose siteTypes property is null or whose
 * siteTypes property includes an element whose value is the
 * supplied site type name.
public RepositoryItem[] getSitesByType(String pSiteTypeName);
public RepositoryItem[] getActiveSitesByType(string pSiteTypeName);

 * Returns all of the site types registered with the site Manager.
 * @return The array of valid site type names.
public String[] getSiteTypes();

 * Sets the valid site type values.
 * @param pSiteTypeNames The array of valid site type names.
public void setSiteTypes(String[] pSiteTypeNames);

The SiteTypesProvider is used by the siteTypes enumerated string collection to identify the site types that are valid for that property:


The SiteTypesProvider component is used by Site Administration to restrict the values that can be stored in the SiteConfiguration siteTypes property.

Default Site Types

When you create an included or excluded site type property, you can define the site type. If the site type property is included, you can assign a default site type value. For example, you could design a site category for retail sites and the site type value could be set, at a site category level, to default to Commerce.

Note: This property can be overridden by the Site Administrator when creating or amending a site.

The default site types are:

If you are using different types of sites, you must specify the valid default site type value in the site category for the SiteConfiguration siteTypes property.

Note: If you are running an environment where Commerce modules are not installed, do not include the site type property in any site category, as it cannot be assigned a value. Should other modules be installed later and the site type property added to existing site category, the site type value for existing sites in the system can be changed using Site Administration.

ATG Applications and Site Types

The following ATG products are identified by specific site types. For additional information, refer to the relevant ATG product documentation:


Site Type Used




Adds Commerce-specific properties.



Uses the commerce site type when requesting a list of sites.

Commerce Service Center


Uses the commerce site type when requesting a list of sites.

Service Administration


Uses the commerce site type when requesting a list of sites.

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