activeSentenceZones, Fielded Search Operators
activeSolutionZones, Fielded Search Operators
adaptors, context
AEConfig.xml, responseNumberSettings
alphabetic matching, Literal Operator
andFeedback attribute, andFeedback
answer element, answer
ATG server, Document Conventions
ATG10dir, Document Conventions
audience, Audience
autocat attribute, autocat
autoCatPrune attribute, autocatPrune
autospell attribute, autospell


Boolean syntax, mode


caching queries, Caching Search Query Data
Cache Administration page, Using the Cache Administration Page
compressing cache entries, Compressing Cache Entries
configuring, Configuring Search Caching
disabling cache invalidation, Disabling Cache Invalidation
queries with timestamps, Queries that Include Timestamps
restricting matches, Case Restriction
catalog constraints, Catalog Constraints
categories element, categories
categorization feedback, docSetSort
category element, category
category navigation, Specifying the Category for the Query
ChunkedTimeInterval, Queries that Include Timestamps
click-through events
reporting on, Recording Events for Reporting
collection constraints, Collection Constraints
Commerce Search
reporting, Recording Events for Reporting
CommerceFacetTrailDroplet, Using a Facet Trail, CommerceFacetTrailDroplet
configuring, CommerceFacetTrailDroplet
CommerceFacetTrailDroplet, CommerceFacetTrailDroplet
GetClickThroughId, GetClickThroughId
Patch Bay, Patch Bay Configuration
reporting, Recording Events for Reporting
constraints, Setting Constraint Properties
catalog, Catalog Constraints
constructing, Setting Constraint Properties
constraints, on queries, Constraining Queries
content labels, Specifying the Content Labels and Target Type for Queries
context element, context
contextMain parameter, relQuestSettings
contextSize parameter, relQuestSettings
contextWgt parameter, relQuestSettings
conventions, Document Conventions


date element, Index Item Modified Date
debug attribute, debug
debug element, debug
configuring dimension services, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
Search Merchandising, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
displaying results, Handling Results
doc element, Index Item URL Constraints
doc parameter, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings
docFlags attribute, docFlags
docMain parameter, relQuestSettings
docProps attribute, docProps
docSetSort attribute, docSetSort
docSort attribute, docSort
docSortCase, docSortCase
docSortOrder, docSortOrder
docSortPred, docSortPred
docSortProp, docSortProp
docSortPropDefault, docSortPropDefault
docSortPropVal, docSortPropVal
document set constraints, Document Set Constraints
document sets, Document Set Constraints
documentSets element, documentSets
docWgt parameter, relQuestSettings
docWgtExpansion parameter, relQuestSettings
docWgtTermThresh parameter, relQuestSettings
double quotes, Literal Operator
dupTermFactor parameter, relQuestSettings
DynamicTargetGenerator, Determining the Environment to Search
DynamicTargetSpecifier, DynamicTargetSpecifier


envName element, envName
estimateDocMax parameter, relQuestSettings
estimateMax parameter, relQuestSettings
estimateMin parameter, relQuestSettings
exactWgt parameter, relQuestSettings
exactMain parameter, relQuestSettings
exclude in document operator, Excluded in Document Results
exclude in statement operator, Excluded in Statement Results
exclusion operator, Excluded Terms
expandedStemming element, expandedStemming


facet sets (see query refinement)
facet trails, Using a Facet Trail
facet trail string, Constructing the Facet Trail String
FacetTrail object, Working with the FacetTrail Object
FacetTrailString, Supporting Multiple Selection Values
last range indicator, Using a Facet Trail
Faceted Search, Faceted Search
facet trails, Using a Facet Trail
facets, Overview of Faceted Search
formatting facet values, Formatting Facet Values
queries, Issuing Faceted Search Queries
rendering facets, Rendering the Facets
selecting refinement configurations, Selecting the Refinement Configuration
specifying the category, Specifying the Category for the Query
facets, Overview of Faceted Search
CommerceFacetTrailDroplet, Using a Facet Trail
facet trails, Using a Facet Trail
filtering, Filtering Facets
formatting values, Formatting Facet Values
in JSPs, Building Pages that Include Facets, Rendering the Facets
incorporating search results, Incorporating Search Text as a Facet
multiple selection values, Supporting Multiple Selection Values, Rendering Multiple Selection Values
priority, Ordering Facets by Priority
refinement counts, About Refinement Counts
removing selections, Removing Facet Selections
skipping values already in trail, Skipping Facet Values in the Facet Trail
FacetTrailString, Supporting Multiple Selection Values
feedback, spelling
feedback attribute, feedback
fielded search
operators, Fielded Search Operators
fields operator, Fielded Search Operators
filtering facets, Filtering Facets
form handlers (see search form handlers)
format element, Index Item Format Constraints


index item file extension constraint, Index Item File Extension
index item format constraint, Index Item Format Constraints
index item language constraint, Index Item Language
index item modified date constraint, Index Item Modified Date
index item URL constraints, Index Item URL Constraints


of query, language
of result, targetLanguage
language element, Index Item Language, language
LanguageDimensionService, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
link parameter, relQuestSettings
literalMain parameter, relQuestSettings
literalWgt parameter, relQuestSettings
local Routing, Configuring the SearchContext Component
locale attribute, locale


matchDenom parameter, relQuestSettings
maxAnswerLength parameter, relQuestSettings
maxDocuments parameter, relQuestSettings
maxIntervening parameter, relQuestSettings
maxRelatedSets attribute, maxRelatedSets
metadata, Property Constraints, docProps
weighted preference expressions, Weighted Metadata Preference Expressions
metaMain parameter, relQuestSettings
metaWgt parameter, relQuestSettings
metaWgtMax parameter, relQuestSettings
minAnswerLength parameter, relQuestSettings
minScore attribute, minScore
mode attribute, mode
MultisiteConstraint, MultisiteConstraint


natural language processing options (see parserOptions)
number ranges, Number Ranges
numprop element, Property Constraints


operators, User-Entered Operators
and fielded search, Fielded Search Operators
Boolean, mode
case restriction, Case Restriction
combining, Operator Combinations
exclude in document, Excluded in Document Results
exclude in statement, Excluded in Statement Results
exclusion, Excluded Terms
literal, Literal Operator
required in document, Required in Document
required in statement, Required in Statement
optimize attribute, optimize


pageNum attribute, pageNum
pageSize attribute, pageSize
paging of results, Paging Search Results
page requests, Handling Page Requests
page size, Specifying the Page Size
paging types, Types of Paging
resubmitting requests, Modifying and Resubmitting the Request
parser options, Setting the Parser Options
parserOptions element, parserOptions
Patch Bay configuration, Patch Bay Configuration
perDoc parameter, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings
perProp parameter, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings
perSol parameter, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings
prerequisites, Audience
price lists
indexing data in, Specifying a Price List in the Search Request
specifying default, Specifying a Default Price List
PriceListPropertyMapping, Creating the Property Mapping
priorInput element, requestMode
priorinput elment, priorinput
priority of facets, Ordering Facets by Priority
prop element, Property Constraints
prop parameter, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings
property constraints, Property Constraints
property mappings, Creating the Property Mapping
proxMain parameter, relQuestSettings
proxWgt parameter, relQuestSettings


constraints, Setting Constraint Properties
constructing, Setting Request Properties
docProps, Setting the docProps and textProps Properties
Faceted Search, Issuing Faceted Search Queries
parser options, Setting the Parser Options
relQuestSettings attributes, Setting the relQuestSettings Property
responseNumberSettings attributes, Setting the responseNumberSettings Property
textProps, Setting the docProps and textProps Properties
query analysis, ruleMode
query constraints, Constraining Queries
combining, Combining Query Constraints
query language, language
query refinement, refineConfig
query refinements, Query Refinements
query request, query
categorizing, autocat, suggestCat
debugging, debug
feedback, feedback
optimizing, optimize
rank configurations, rankConfig
result groups (see result groups)
results, answer, document
spelling, autospell
queryAction element, queryAction
queryRule element, queryRule
queryTerms element, queryTerms
question element, question
QUID attribute, QUID


numeric, Number Ranges
rankConfig attribute, rankConfig
recurseDocuments attribute, recurseDocuments
redirection rules, Handling Redirects
refineConfig attribute, refineConfig
refineConfig.xml, refineConfig
refineConfigDefault attribute, refineConfigDefault
refineConfigMapKey, refineConfigMapKey
refineConfigMapProp attribute, refineConfigMapProp
refineConstraint element, refineConstraint
refineMax attribute, refineMax
refinement counts, About Refinement Counts
refinements element, refinements
RefinementValueDroplet, RefinementValueDroplet
refineMin attribute, refineMin
refineTop attribute, refineTop
regular expressions, Regular Expressions
relatedSets attribute, maxRelatedSets, relatedSets
relevancy threshold, minScore
relevCutoff parameter, relQuestSettings
relevMinFAQ parameter, relQuestSettings
relevMinSent parameter, relQuestSettings
parameters, relQuestSettings
relQuestSettings attributes, Setting the relQuestSettings Property
remote Routing, Configuring the SearchContext Component
reportData element, reportData
reporting, Recording Events for Reporting
request objects
constraints, Setting Constraint Properties
docProps, Setting the docProps and textProps Properties
parser options, Setting the Parser Options
processing, Processing the Request and Response
properties, Setting Request Properties
relQuestSettings attributes, Setting the relQuestSettings Property
responseNumberSettings attributes, Setting the responseNumberSettings Property
textProps, Setting the docProps and textProps Properties
requestMode attribute, requestMode
required in document operator, Required in Document
required in statement operator, Required in Statement
response element, response
response objects, Handling Results
processing, Processing the Request and Response
responseNumber settings, responseNumberSettings
responseNumberSettings attributes, Setting the responseNumberSettings Property
responseTree element, responseTree
result groups, sorting
by document, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings, sorting
by property, mergeSettings, responseNumberSettings, sorting
result language, targetLanguage
displaying, Handling Results
grouping, Setting Grouping Options
paging, Handling Page Requests
query, answer
results objects
number of results, Indicating the Number of Results
repository items, Handling Repository Items
retLimit parameter, relQuestSettings
retMax parameter, relQuestSettings
Routing, Configuring the SearchContext Component
ruleMode attribute, ruleMode


sample search application, Sample Application
search configurations
determining which to use, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
dimension tree, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
search environments, Determining the Environment to Search
search form handlers, Search Form Handlers
classes, Form Handler Classes and Architecture
configuring, Configuring the Form Handler Component
invoking multiple, Invoking Multiple Form Handlers
JMS events , Search Messaging Components
request properties, Setting Request Properties
sample application, Sample Application
SearchContext component, Configuring the SearchContext Component
using with facets, Incorporating Search Text as a Facet
Search Merchandising
determining language, Determining the Language
redirection rules, Handling Redirects
selecting search configurations, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
search results
incorporating in facets, Incorporating Search Text as a Facet
page requests, Handling Page Requests
page size, Specifying the Page Size
paging, Paging Search Results
paging types, Types of Paging
SearchClickThroughServlet, Configuring the SearchClickThroughServlet
SearchContext component, Configuring the SearchContext Component
SearchSession object, Configuring the SearchContext Component
securityRole element, securityRole
ServiceDimensionService, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
servlet beans, Commerce Search Servlet Beans
CommerceFacetTrailDroplet, CommerceFacetTrailDroplet
GetClickThroughId, Using the GetClickThroughId Servlet Bean, GetClickThroughId
RefinementValueDroplet, RefinementValueDroplet
set element, Document Set Constraints, Weighted Metadata Preference Expressions
site-specific content, Site-Specific Content
SiteDimensionService, Determining the Search Configuration for a Query
by secondary criteria, docSort
sorting attribute, sorting
sortProp attribute, sortProp
spellchecker element, spellchecker
spelling element, spelling
spelling feedback, autospell, spellchecker
startCategory element, startCategory
stemming, expandedStemming
strategy attribute, strategy
strprop element, Property Constraints, Weighted Metadata Preference Expressions
subdirs attribute, Document Set Constraints
suggestcat attribute, suggestCat
suggestCatPrune attribute, suggestCatPrune


target types, Specifying the Content Labels and Target Type for Queries
targetLanguage element, targetLanguage
term element, spelling
term expansion
disabling, Literal Operator
text element, text
text processing options (see parserOptions)
textProps attribute, textProps
thesaurus, relQuestSettings
topicMaximum element, topicMaximum
type element, Index Item File Extension
type-ahead, Implementing Type-Ahead for Searches
autocompleter function, Implementing Type-Ahead for Searches
search page, Creating the Search Page
type-ahead page, Creating the Type-Ahead Page


userquestion element, userquestion


Web spiders
suppressing events for, Detecting Web Spiders
weightedProps tag
in standard query, weightedProps
wildcardMax element, wildcardMax
wildcards, wildcardMax
in queries, Wildcards
Wintertree, spellchecker


zones operator, Fielded Search Operators

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