Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search handles natural language and Boolean queries. Simple Boolean syntax is handled automatically as part of the natural language processing, but complex Boolean expressions require a special mode of processing. Furthermore, Search can support simple keyword search behavior in several additional modes. These modes are controlled by this attribute:

<query mode="mode"

The mode value can be any one of the following:

As described in the User-Entered Operators chapter, the required term and excluded term operators represent simple approximations of true Boolean operators, and can be entered as part of the query, with no special user interface. In addition to these simple operators, Search supports a special query syntax for Boolean expressions which are parsed in a special mode of query handling. The Boolean syntax is shown here in Backus Naur Form:

expr := <expr> AND <expr>
expr := <expr> OR <expr>
expr := NOT <expr>
expr := ( <expr> )
expr := [']["]term["][']
expr := [']wildcard[']
expr := i..j

The first three statements show the syntax for the three Boolean operator expressions, whose operands can themselves be other expressions. The precedence for these operators is: NOT, AND, OR. The fourth statement shows that parentheses can be used to delimit an expression in order to override operator precedence. For example, x AND y OR z is interpreted by default as (x AND y) OR z, but using explicit parentheses, it could be interpreted as x AND (y OR z).

The last three statements show the three types of simple term expressions: normal term, with optional quote operators; wildcard pattern, with optional single quote operator; and a number range pattern. Thus, full Boolean expressions can utilize all the simple query operators described in this section except for the simple Boolean operators (+, !, ++, !!, +|).

Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search handles full Boolean expressions specially, but it shares much of the natural language query handling. Search parses the Boolean expression, building up an operator-operand tree. During this parsing, it processes the terms in the same way as a natural language query, including tokenization, morphology and term expansion. In addition, it also has to process the special query operators that may modify the terms. At the end of this process, Search has a vector of query items that can execute normally, plus a Boolean expression tree that can filter the retrieved sentence results.

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