When you render the initial page of results, you typically want to render links to other pages of results. Each of these links actually issues a new search query that in most respects is identical to the original query, but which specifies a different page of results. So paging involves a sequence of connected requests and responses.

To display a specific page of results, you set the form handler’s goToPage property to a 1-based page number. The goToPage property has an associated handler method, handleGoToPage. When a user clicks a link that sets the value of goToPage, the handleGoToPage method issues the search for the specified page.

To ensure that all of the requests and responses in a sequence of page requests are associated with each other, the initial query generates a unique String identifier called a request chain token. This identifier is included in each query in the sequence of requests, and is returned in each response.

There are various paging options available, and the ones you use depend on the needs or your site. The following options are explained below:

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