Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search stores features on each sentence term vector which represent different regions, also called zones or fields, of the text content. The search can be restricted to certain fields, therefore this functionality is called fielded search. Normally, the user interface would expose the controls for fielded search, which are passed as parameters. However, Search also provides special query operators for specifying the fields within the query input. The operator syntax is:


The zones operator controls which fields are searched for normal unstructured content, and corresponds to the /activeSentenceZones setting (see the Search Fields section). By default, Search searches only the body of the unstructured content, which has a field name of doc. However, unstructured content also has two other fields: a title field (named role:title) and a URL field (named role:url). The title field typically represents the metadata title element, such as the <title> element of HTML. The URL field is a special field that contains the words of the URL of the index item. The following shows how to search all three fields, plus each of the special fields individually:

zones:doc,role:title,role:url rest_of_query
zones:role:title rest_of_query
zones:role:url rest_of_query

The fields operator controls which fields are searched for structured content, and corresponds to the /activeSolutionZones setting (see the Search Fields section). By default, Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search searches only the goal, symptom, and id fields of the structured solution content, which have field names of role:goal,role:symptom,role:id.

However, structured content can have an unlimited number of fields, depending on the extracted structured content. Structured content does not necessarily have a title or URL field like unstructured content, but it can if its structured representation contains them. The following shows how to search on six fields for typical solution content, plus a search on just the goal and just the ID:

fields:role:goal rest_of_query
fields:role:id rest_of_query

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