Site categories define the editing environment for the Site Administration utility. A site category is associated with a set of view mappings, which can specify non-default editors for certain properties or suppress their display altogether. For example, the standard editor for a text property is a text box where a user can enter an arbitrary string. Using view mapping, you could replace the editor for a specific text property with a drop-down menu that has a set of preconfigured options.

Unless specified otherwise in the site category’s view mappings, each site property appears in Site Administration with the default editor for the property’s data type. For example, a text property appears with a text box, a Boolean appears with radio buttons, etc.

By default, the Site Repository includes a single site category called the Default Category. The Site Administration utility provides a basic user interface (available only to administrators) for creating additional site categories. This interface is accessed through the Manage Site Categories workflow.

To create a site category, you fill in the name and description fields, and then select the item mapping ID for the view mappings to use. Note that this requires that you have already created the view mappings and imported them into the View Mapping Repository.

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