When you are configuring the URLs for your site, your ATG servers must have a unique URL for each site. Remember that you can have customer-facing production sites as well as staging, preview and agent sites. It is best to create a pattern that allows you to identify internal URLs versus customer-facing production URLs. Developing a URL strategy should be done in tandem with site developers, who must create rules and site properties for the URLs that you identify. Refer to the Configuring URLs section for additional information on working with URLs.

Your strategy can include creating both domain name-based URLs and/or path name based, context root URLs.

Note that URL names must be unique. When adding URL information into Site Administration, the http: // and https:// prefixes will be ignored. Additionally, any special characters that are included in URLs must be replaced by their special hexadecimal equivalent as Site Administration will not automatically encode special characters.

For additional information on URL strategies, refer to the Managing URLs section or the Multisite URL Management section of the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

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