You can use custom filter servlet beans to filter repository items so that you only display items that are appropriate for a customer’s current site context. For example, Commerce implements a custom filter, /atg/registry/CollectionFilters/GiftlistSiteFilter, that filters gift lists so that only lists that are associated with a specified site or sharing group are displayed. GiftlistSiteFilter is of class, which is an extension of the generic collection filtering class atg.service.collections.filter.CachedCollectionFilter. You can use GiftlistSiteFilter as a model to create similar filters for other repository item types. See the ATG Commerce Programming Guide for detailed information on this filter.

Note: The catalog repository has an internal mechanism that allows the repository to return only those items that are appropriate for the current site context, obviating the need for custom filtering of catalog repository items. This includes catalog, category, product, and SKU item types. For more information on this mechanism, see Site-Specific Repository Data (Site Membership).

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