Introduction to Oracle® Solaris Zones

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Updated: December 2014

zonecfg template Property

Use the zonecfg template property to define whether, and how, properties are changed in the following cases:

  • When new resource instances are added to a configuration.

  • During configuration cloning, when some properties must have unique values. use tokens in the template property to provide these unique values.

Table 2-1  zonecfgtemplate Tokens
The name of the zone.
Can be used in the brand's metadata, and in zonecfg as input from user or from a template value.
A unique instance number for network resources net and anet. This number is unique for net and anet resource within the global zone.
Can be used in the brand's metadata,as the default attribute for the id property net and anet resources.
A unique instance number within a given resource global scope, within the global zone, for all resource except net and anet.
Can be used in the brand's metadata as the default attribute for the id property.
A unique instance number that is the resource's id property value.
Can be used in zonecfg as input from user,or from template value. Should be used within a resource scope that supports the id property.
Evaluates to %.
Can be used in the brand's metadata, and in zonecfg as input from user .

Zones remote administration daemon (RAD) module configuration provides a systemic way to express, enforce, or implement changes by using the property templates. See the zonemgr(3RAD) man page. If the rad-zonemgr package was not initially installed on your system and you installed it later using pkg install, you must restart rad:local. Also restart rad:remote, if that was running. To restart, use svcadm (1M) . Make sure the RAD daemon loaded the module.