Planning for Network Deployment in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

IPv4 Autonomous System Topology

Sites with multiple routers and networks typically administer their network topology as a single routing domain or an autonomous system (AS). Figure 1–3 shows an AS that is divided into three local networks:,, and

    The network is comprised of the following types of systems:

  • Routers

    Router use routing protocols to manage how network packets are directed or routed from their source to their destinations within the local network or to external networks. For information about the routing protocols that are supported in Oracle Solaris and instructions on configuring a system as a router, see Routing Protocols in Configuring an Oracle Solaris 11.2 System as a Router or a Load Balancer .

      Types of routers include the following:

    • Border routers – Connect the local network, such as, externally to a service provider.

    • Default routers – Manage packet routing in the local network, which itself can include several local networks. For example, in Figure 1–3, Router 1 serves as the default router for 192.168.5. Contemporaneously, Router 1 is also connected to the internal network. Router 2's interfaces connect to the and internal networks.

    • Packet-forwarding routers – Forward packets between internal networks but do not run routing protocols. In Figure 1–3, Router 3 is a packet-forwarding router with connections to the 172.20.1 and 192.168.5 networks.

  • Client systems

    • Multihomed systems or systems that have multiple NICs. In Oracle Solaris, these systems by default can forward packets to other systems in the same network segment.

    • Single-interfaced systems rely on the local routers for both packet forwarding and receiving configuration information.

For task-related information, see Chapter 3, Configuring and Administering IP Interfaces and Addresses in Oracle Solaris, in Configuring and Administering Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

Use the following figure as a reference when configuring additional network components.

Figure 1-3  Autonomous System With Multiple IPv4 Routers

image:Figure that describes the topology of an autonomous system, which the surrounding context further explains.