Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Thread Analyzer User's Guide

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Updated: December 2014

The Dining Philosophers Scenario

The dining philosophers scenario is a classic which is structured as follows. Five philosophers, numbered zero to four, are sitting at a round table, thinking. As time passes, different individuals become hungry and decide to eat. There is a platter of noodles on the table but each philosopher only has one chopstick to use. In order to eat, they must share chopsticks. The chopstick to the right of each philosopher (as they sit facing the table) has the same number as that philosopher.

Figure 3-1  Dining Philosophers

image:A figure that shows the philosophers and their chopsticks in a circle.

Each philosopher first reaches for his own chopstick which is the one with his number. When he has his assigned chopstick, he reaches for the chopstick assigned to his neighbor. After he has both chopsticks, he can eat. After eating, he returns the chopsticks to their original positions on the table, one on either side. The process is repeated until there are no more noodles.