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Oracle® ILOM Feature Updates and Release Notes Firmware Release 3.2.x

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Updated: April 2018

Session Numbers Added to Audit Log Object References

Issue: The Oracle ILOM audit log tracks user actions such as logins, logouts, configuration changes, and password changes. Prior to the 3.2.2 firmware release, audit log entries for user logins and logouts included the following generic object reference:

object = “/SP/session/type”

Administrators were unable to match login and logout events for each user session.

Update: As of firmware release 3.2.2, session numbers have been added to audit log object references to enable you to match login and logout events for each session:

ID     Date/Time                 Class     Type      Severity
-----  ------------------------  --------  --------  --------
476    Mon Nov 18 18:27:17 2013  Audit     UI        minor
root : Close Session : object = "/SP/sessions/16/type" : value = 
"console" : success
475    Mon Nov 18 15:29:46 2013  Audit     UI        minor
root : Open Session : object = "/SP/sessions/16/type" : value =
"console" : success