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Oracle® ILOM Feature Updates and Release Notes Firmware Release 3.2.x

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Updated: April 2018

Misleading Error Message When Backing Up WS-MAN Properties in Oracle ILOM 3.2.x

Issue: As of firmware release 3.1.2, the WS-MAN API has been deprecated in Oracle ILOM and it will no longer be supported in future Oracle ILOM firmware releases. Therefore, if you upgrade the Oracle ILOM firmware to 3.2.1 or later and attempt to back up the SP configuration containing WS-MAN properties, Oracle ILOM displays the following error message:

Config restore: Unable to restore property                                           '/SP/services/wsman/https_port', permission denied.

Update: The above restore error message is misleading since it implies that the back up operation for the WS-MAN properties failed due to user permission levels. In this case, Oracle ILOM failed to back up the WS-MAN properties because the WS-MAN properties are no longer supported by Oracle ILOM as of firmware release 3.2.1 and later.