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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide
Oracle Technology Network
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Chapter 1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Overview

ZFSSA Key Features

Supported Protocols

ZFSSA Data Services

Data Availability

ZFSSA Configuration

Browser User Interface (BUI)

Main Window




Session Annotation

Title Bar

Side Panels and Menu Titles

Main Window Side Panels and Menu Titles

Add Projects

Move Shares

Object Name

Non-Standard BUI Control Primer


Editing Share Properties

Viewing List Item Controls

Modal Dialogs

General Usage


Basic Usage


Dashboard Thresholds


Identity Mapping

Miscellaneous Icons

Supported Browsers

Tier 1

Tier 2

Unsupported Browsers

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Logging Into the CLI

CLI Contexts

Root Context

Child Contexts

Dynamic Child Contexts

Last Context

Returning to a Previous Context

Navigating to a Parent Context

Contexts and Tab-Completion

Executing Context-Specific Commands

Uncommitted Contexts


CLI Properties

Getting Properties

Getting a Single Property Value

Tab Completion

Setting Properties

Committing a Set Property Value

Setting a Property Value with an Implied Commit

Setting a Property to a List of Values

Setting a Property to a Value Containing Special Characters

Immutable Properties

Chapter 2 Status

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Chapter 4 Network Configuration

Chapter 5 Storage Configuration

Chapter 6 Storage Area Network Configuration

Chapter 7 User Configuration

Chapter 8 Setting ZFSSA Preferences

Chapter 9 Alert Configuration

Chapter 10 Cluster Configuration

Chapter 11 ZFSSA Services

Chapter 12 Shares, Projects, and Schema

Chapter 13 Replication

Chapter 14 Shadow Migration

Chapter 15 CLI Scripting

Chapter 16 Maintenance Workflows

Chapter 17 Integration


Uncommitted Contexts

When creating a new entity in the system, the context associated with the new entity will often be created in an uncommitted state. For example, create a Chapter 9, Alert Configuration by executing the create command from the configuration alerts threshold context:

dory:> configuration alerts thresholds create 
dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> 

The (uncommitted) in the prompt denotes that this an uncommitted context. An uncommitted entity is committed via the commit command; any attempt to navigate away from the uncommitted context will prompt for confirmation:

dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> cd /
Leaving will abort creation of "threshold". Are you sure? (Y/N) 

When committing an uncommitted entity, the properties associated with the new entity will be validated, and an error will be generated if the entity cannot be created. For example, the creation of a new threshold alert requires the specification of a statistic name; failure to set this results in an error:

dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> commit
error: missing value for property "statname"

To resolve the problem, address the error and reattempt the commit:

dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> set statname=cpu.utilization  
                     statname = cpu.utilization (uncommitted)
dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> commit
error: missing value for property "limit"
dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> set limit=90
                        limit = 90 (uncommitted)
dory:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> commit
dory:configuration alerts thresholds> list
threshold-000         90     normal cpu.utilization