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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide
Oracle Technology Network
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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Chapter 1 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Overview

Chapter 2 Status

Chapter 3 Initial Configuration

Chapter 4 Network Configuration

Chapter 5 Storage Configuration

Chapter 6 Storage Area Network Configuration

Chapter 7 User Configuration

Chapter 8 Setting ZFSSA Preferences

Chapter 9 Alert Configuration

Chapter 10 Cluster Configuration

Chapter 11 ZFSSA Services

Chapter 12 Shares, Projects, and Schema

Chapter 13 Replication

Chapter 14 Shadow Migration

Chapter 15 CLI Scripting

Automating Access

Batching Commands

Scripting Commands

The Script Environment

Interacting with the System

The Run Function

The Get Function

The List Function

The Children Function

The Choices Function

Generating Output

Dealing with Errors

Chapter 16 Maintenance Workflows

Chapter 17 Integration


Interacting with the System

Of course, scripts are of little utility unless they can interact with the system at large. There are several built-in functions that allow your scripts to interact with the system:

Table 15-1  Built-in Functions to Support System Interactions
Gets the value of the specified property. Note that this function returns the value in native form, e.g. dates are returned as Date objects.
Returns an array of tokens corresponding to the dynamic children of the current context.
Runs the specified command in the shell, returning any output as a string. Note that if the output contains multiple lines, the returned string will contain embedded newlines.
Returns an array of the property names for the current node.
Takes two string arguments, setting the specified property to the specified value.
Returns an array of the valid property values for any property for which the set of values is known and enumerable.

The Run Function

The simplest way for scripts to interact with the larger system is to use the "run" function: it takes a command to run, and returns the output of that command as a string. For example:

dory:> configuration version script dump(run('get boot_time'))
'                     boot_time = 2009-10-12 07:02:17\n'

The built-in dump function dumps the argument out, without expanding any embedded newlines. ECMAScript's string handling facilities can be used to take apart output. For example, splitting the above based on whitespace:

dory:> configuration version script dump(run('get boot_time').split(/\s+/))
['', 'boot_time', '=', '2009-10-12', '07:02:17', '']

The Get Function

The run function is sufficiently powerful that it may be tempting to rely exclusively on parsing output to get information about the system -- but this has the decided disadvantage that it leaves scripts parsing human-readable output that may or may not change in the future. To more robustly gather information about the system, use the built-in "get" function. In the case of the boot_time property, this will return not the string but rather the ECMAScript Date object, allowing the property value to be manipulated programmatically. For example, you might want to use the boot_time property in conjunction with the current time to determine the time since boot:

       run('configuration version');
       now = new Date();
       uptime = (now.valueOf() - get('boot_time').valueOf()) / 1000; 
       printf('up %d day%s, %d hour%s, %d minute%s, %d second%s\n',
           d = uptime / 86400, d < 1 || d >= 2 ? 's' : '',
           h = (uptime / 3600) % 24, h < 1 || h >= 2 ? 's': '',
           m = (uptime / 60) % 60, m < 1 || m >= 2 ? 's': '',
           s = uptime % 60, s < 1 || s >= 2 ? 's': '');

Assuming the above is saved as a "uptime.aksh", you could run it this way:

% ssh root@dory < uptime.aksh
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
up 2 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 48 seconds

The message about pseudo-terminal allocation is due to the ssh client; the issue that this message refers to can be dealt with by specifying the "-T" option to ssh.

The List Function

In a context with dynamic children, it can be very useful to iterate over those children programmatically. This can be done by using the list function, which returns an array of dynamic children. For example, following is a script that iterates over every share in every project, printing out the amount of space consumed and space available:

       projects = list();

       for (i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
               run('select ' + projects[i]);
               shares = list();

               for (j = 0; j < shares.length; j++) {
                       run('select ' + shares[j]);
                       printf("%s/%s %1.64g %1.64g\n", projects[i], shares[j],
                           get('space_data'), get('space_available'));
                       run('cd ..');

               run('cd ..');

Here's the output of running the script, assuming it were saved to a file named "space.aksh":

% ssh root@koi < space.aksh
admin/accounts 18432 266617007104
admin/exports 18432 266617007104
admin/primary 18432 266617007104
admin/traffic 18432 266617007104
admin/workflow 18432 266617007104
aleventhal/hw_eng 18432 266617007104
bcantrill/analytx 1073964032 266617007104
bgregg/dashbd 18432 266617007104
bgregg/filesys01 26112 107374156288
bpijewski/access_ctrl 18432 266617007104

If one would rather a "pretty printed" (though more difficult to handle programmatically) variant of this, one could directly parse the output of the get command:

       projects = list();

       printf('%-40s %-10s %-10s\n', 'SHARE', 'USED', 'AVAILABLE');

       for (i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
               run('select ' + projects[i]);
               shares = list();

               for (j = 0; j < shares.length; j++) {
                       run('select ' + shares[j]);

                       share = projects[i] + '/' + shares[j];
                       used = run('get space_data').split(/\s+/)[3];
                       avail = run('get space_available').split(/\s+/)[3];

                       printf('%-40s %-10s %-10s\n', share, used, avail);
                       run('cd ..');

               run('cd ..');

And here's some of the output of running this new script, assuming it were named "prettyspace.aksh":

% ssh root@koi < prettyspace.aksh
SHARE                                    USED       AVAILABLE 
admin/accounts                           18K        248G      
admin/exports                            18K        248G      
admin/primary                            18K        248G      
admin/traffic                            18K        248G      
admin/workflow                           18K        248G      
aleventhal/hw_eng                        18K        248G      
bcantrill/analytx                        1.00G      248G      
bgregg/dashbd                            18K        248G       
bgregg/filesys01                         25.5K      100G      
bpijewski/access_ctrl                    18K        248G      

The Children Function

Even in a context with static children, it can be useful to iterate over those children programmatically. This can be done by using the children function, which returns an array of static children. For example, here's a script that iterates over every service, printing out the status of the service:

configuration services
       var svcs = children();
       for (var i = 0; i < svcs.length; ++i) {
                try {
                        printf("%-10s %s\n", svcs[i], get('<status>'));
                } catch (err) { }

Here's the output of running the script, assuming it were saved to a file named "svcinfo.aksh":

% ssh root@koi < space.aksh
cifs       disabled
dns        online
ftp        disabled
http       disabled
identity   online
idmap      online
ipmp       online
iscsi      online
ldap       disabled
ndmp       online
nfs        online
nis        online
ntp        online
scrk       online
sftp       disabled
smtp       online
snmp       disabled
ssh        online
tags       online
vscan      disabled

The Choices Function

The choices function returns an array of the valid property values for any property for which the set of values is known and enumerable. For example, the following script retrieves the list of all pools on the shares node using the choices function and then iterates all pools to list projects and shares along with the available space.

fmt = '%-40s %-15s %-15s\n';
printf(fmt, 'SHARE', 'USED', 'AVAILABLE');
run('cd /');
pools = choices('pool');
for (p = 0; p < pools.length; p++) {
        set('pool', pools[p]);
        projects = list();
        for (i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
                run('select ' + projects[i]);
                shares = list();
                for (j = 0; j < shares.length; j++) {
                        run('select ' + shares[j]);
                        share = pools[p] + ':' + projects[i] + '/' + shares[j];
                        printf(fmt, share, get('space_data'),
                        run('cd ..');
                run('cd ..');

Here is the output of running the script:

SHARE                                    USED            AVAILABLE     
pond:projectA/fs1                        31744           566196178944  
pond:projectA/fs2                        31744           566196178944  
pond:projectB/lun1                       21474836480     587670999040  
puddle:deptA/share1                      238475          467539219283
puddle:deptB/share1                      129564          467539219283
puddle:deptB/share2                      19283747        467539219283